Bed Ruff

Is the travel frog cold? Statistically speaking, travel frogs are definitely getting cold.

From the peak state of the search index of more than 800,000 in January to today’s search index can almost ignore the search index (data source: Baidu index), what has happened to your quack?

Let’s see how it goes first, okay? Its popularity is in the right place at the right time.

First, born at the right time. Launched in December 2017, 2018 in late January to occupy the major social networks, although it is online at the end of the period we don’t intentionally, but in the end of each position is the most busy but to forward to the Spring Festival I hope time can get in the past, to play a king glory impatient again afraid lose affect the mood of work, At the same time, the hot love and producer is not so suitable for boys, so a harmless little frog has become a recreational home travel lazy fishing essential small game.

Secondly, due to the appropriate place. In recent years, from anime to Japanese dramas, from sushi to ramen, Chinese young people have become more and more accepting of Japanese culture, and many young people can blurt out common Japanese words such as “Kawayini” and “Private Masen”. During the Qin and Han dynasties, Japanese culture was also influenced by Chinese, and a large number of Chinese characters not only looked like Chinese characters, but also had similar meanings, so it was even easier for Chinese players to play a Japanese game than an All-English game.

Finally, man and woman. As promised, baidu’s search index for “Buddha-like youth” peaked in December. Buddha-like youth, an Internet buzzword, refers to those young people who pursue a peaceful and indifferent lifestyle in a fast-paced urban life. Although “eating alone”, “traveling” and “going around”, I still hope that there are bees and butterflies on the postcards I send back. The relationship between players and virtual pets is the projection of young people’s feelings in real life, and the strong resonance between players and virtual pets tightly ties players to the game.

So how did such a beloved game get so cold? The novelty is over. For the early, bold and lucky Europeans, they have collected rare postcards worth sharing on social networking sites, while for the rest of Africa, the formula is pretty much the same, leaving the “despair” of not being able to draw rare postcards. From busy harvesting the clover as soon as it overgrows to running away from home with the heart to ignore the little frog, to finally put the APP into the trash can, for most players, just one or two months, but the life of the little frog…

Buddhists alone cannot retain people. Life is still a struggle. Mobile games are inevitable during Chinese New Year. Imagine that “hold steady, we can win” in the canyon is more “New Year” than opening up the baby frog to find it’s not home? That’s when the first wave of heat dissipates. After the New Year, everyone back to work to accept the Spring Festival has passed, and then touch fish to touch a year to wait for the Spring Festival, or for bread and love struggle! By this time, the Buddhist attitude towards life had been completely abandoned.

The birth of Ali

The Chinese version of the traveling frog looks like this:

Why does Alibaba need travel Frog?

The first question has been answered. Is the frog cold? Cold. Ali bought it because he was stupid and rich? Not necessarily. 1. Attempts to compete for users’ time. As Luo Zhenyu said, into the second half of the Internet, all products ultimately compete for, are bound to be users of time. On average, four out of five wechat mini program users play mini games, according to QuestMobile. As a kind of small program that has been popular once, taking the game as the starting point can retain users’ time in Taobao in a more easy way, and the familiar operation makes the threshold of entry very low.

2, benchmarking applet. The rise of applets makes sense when the last wave of traffic dividends have been carved up. According to QuestMobile data, with the gradual formation of the application and scene of micro programs on wechat, the monthly active users of micro programs on wechat showed an explosive growth of more than 400 million. In March 2018, the penetration rate of micro programs in wechat was 43.9%, indicating a huge space for future growth.

3. Develop a user habit.

After developing user habits, you need to think about how to monetize.

The conjecture of the realization form of travel frog based on SWOT analysis


  • The gameplay is simple and the target audience is huge
  • high-profile

Weaknesses :(Weakness)

  • Lack of innovation
  • Single game mode

Chance (Opportunity)

  • Taobao platform is large, there are sufficient publicity resources
  • Money is enough
  • Exclusive copyright
  • Ant forest and other similar products before the operation of rich experience


  • Many similar games
  • User fatigue
  • Ali is inexperienced in making games

ST strategy: For large-scale copycat piracy of similar games, Ali should first use legal weapons to crack down on piracy. Then consider creating new ways of playing besides replacing Japanese cultural food souvenirs with Chinese ones. While there are plenty of similar games on the market, the popularity and simplicity of Travel Frog’s previous games have the advantage of attracting new players.

WO strategy: Combine this little game and social with strong business. Combined with the successful experience of ant Forest before, we can carry out light social activities such as frogs visiting friends’ homes on Taobao and helping friends pull clover or giving gifts. Ali also knew that travel Frog, as a lightweight built-in game, could not bring the same profit as king of Glory and Onmyoji. What Ali really expected was never the profit brought by the game itself, but to feed Ali’s social dream through this small game.

WT strategy: Although Ali is not experienced in making games, and travel Frog based on the original framework can not be more innovative, Ali’s business covers a wide range of industries. In March 2017, Ali Games held a press conference, Ali Games president Shi Cangjian announced that Ali Games officially into the game publishing field, in 2017 will carry 1 billion funds to help the game IP ecological development, and ali Literature, Ali Pictures, Youku jointly launched the “IP fission plan”. Can adopt the way of film and game linkage, let the frog figure travel in a larger commercial world.