The team needs to make some Gantt charts based on Jira Issue to facilitate work scheduling, work statistics, etc.
Those who are interested can check out the ~ link
Combined with ANTD, find a wave of components, feel the antD tree is the closest, but the style is not quite consistent, you can only transform yourself, letβs have a look at the effect:
The tree component supports the following functions:
- Scroll up and down to show the hierarchical relationship of data
- Click drop to load on demand
- Supports drag and drop to change the location of specified data
Ask you a sweet is not sweet, I feel very sweet
If you want to implement a table with a header like a table, but also rows and columns, the first thing you can think of is grid layout Col Row
Construct columns from table
interface Columns {
value: string // dataIndexTitle: string/ / header labelspan? : number// How many Spaces? There are 24 Spaces in a rowoffset? : number// How many Spaces are offset
const cols = [
value: 'type'.title: 'Type'.span: 1.5}, {value: 'key'.title: 'key'.span: 4}, {value: 'summary'.title: 'Summary'.span: 7}, {value: 'startDate'.title: 'Start Date'.span: 4}, {value: 'endDate'.title: 'End Date'.span: 4}, {value: 'status'.title: 'Status'.span: 3,},];Copy the code
To generate the header
<Row className="tableHeader" align="middle" gutter={12}>
{{ value, title, ... rest }) = > (
<Col key={value} {. rest} className={value}>
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To generate the tree
const getTreeData = (event) = > {
const result = [];
const fn = (list, parentId, target, count) = > {
list.forEach((item) = > {
// Calculate the current level
const sCount = count < 0 ? 0 : count - 1;
const children = [];
const task = {
title: (
align="middle"// The deeper the hierarchypaddingAbout bigstyle={{ paddingLeft:` ${sCount * 24}px`}}gutter={{ xs: 12 }}
>{{ value, title, ... rest }) => (<Col
{. rest}
overflow: "hidden",
whiteSpace: "nowrap",
textOverflow: "ellipsis}} ">
isLeaf: false.key: `${}_${parentId}_${}`,
if (item.children) fn(item.children,, children, sCount);
fn(event, 0, result, 3);
return result;
treeData={data}// Load functions on demandloadData={onLoadData}// The listener startsonExpand={handleExpand}// Listen for selectiononSelect={handleSelect}
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