Programmers are a hot industry these days, geeks who use technology to create services for us, and while we often think of them as gods, they also encounter all kinds of problems in their work.

Programmers often be the fourth problem to gas, after understanding the environment one by one investigation, and finally found that the two nodes simply ping, this “anomaly” in the scene should be how easy to find ah!

So as a technician, how to ask a good question that satisfies both parties and get the maximum response? This is as important to the questioner as it is to the person being asked. No one wants to waste time on a bad question in their life.

To summarize, if you follow these steps, you will ask more solid questions. Asking good questions is the first step to improving yourself, and the process begins before you ask them:

When you encounter problems, don’t rush to ask others. If time permits, see if you can solve them yourself. On the one hand, exercise your ability to analyze and solve problems; on the other hand, once problems are solved, problems are not problems, but your experience and knowledge base. Besides, there are so many technical materials and q&A sites on the Internet now that it is very difficult to encounter a question that no one else has encountered, unless it is an internal product.

If you can’t solve it after your best efforts, or if circumstances don’t allow you to solve it yourself, choose the person to ask first, whether in the community or at your company, and make sure they are the best person you know how to solve it. You need a good title that describes the problem in short, clear sentences.

Vital body (1) describe your problem in clear language (2) to provide software environment, including the operating system, database, software and its version number (3) the problem related to whether can reproduce, recreate what way (4) what measures adopted to solve the problem, the final result (5) as much as possible to provide problem related to analysis file, Include logs, screenshots, Coredump, etc. (6) Don’t be long, be brief and describe the main problem

Sometimes when something is troublesome, I may feel different after drinking some coffee, and my thinking about the problem is not quite the same. Don’t panic when you encounter a problem, don’t be impatient, take your time, there is no problem can not be solved.