Interview tips by sharing series, continue to update

Writing in the front

First, let’s talk about the background: bachelor’s degree, master’s degree 211, no thesis, a half-year NLP internship in dachang, three TOP5 NLP competitions, and one double-digit data mining competition.

Bytes to beat

Side 1:60 minutes

  • Practice, difficulty, harvest, how to solve
  • First order optimizer, second order optimizer
  • How do you do Attention? How do you do self-attention
  • Transformer details, Bert details (multiple and zoom)
  • How to solve overfitting
  • How does label smoothing work
  • Cross entropy, relative entropy
  • Bagging, Boosting, Bias, variance relation
  • CRF theory and code implementation details
  • CRF and HMM are different
  • Viterbi, beam-search time complexity, difference

“Programming questions” : Edit distance, number of nodes in a complete binary tree

2 sides: 60 minutes

  • Internships, competitions, 30 minutes of questioning
  • Open source code reading situation
  • XGBOOST, LGB growth strategy, classification strategy
  • BERT details
  • How to alleviate the small sample situation

“Programming problem” : 15 minutes to write a K-means, not enough time to finish

Three sides: 20 minutes

  • Talk about life, say the first two feedback is good, no questions asked.

HR: 20 minutes

  • Tell me about a difficult situation and how you solved it.
  • Let’s talk about English.

That leaves time for questions.

From the beginning of the interview to get the offer took 3 days, byte efficiency is very high. One of the 1,2 interviews in a row, and then too late, otherwise estimated 3 will also be in a row.

Tencent: School recruitment daily internship

Side 1:25 minutes

  • Internship, competition
  • Optimizer, so let’s talk about it systematically
  • There may be some problems in making Softmax in actual scenes, how to solve them? (I did not understand what the meaning was during the interview, and asked after the interview, he meant that making Softmax in actual scenes is prone to underflow problem, which can be subtracted a fixed value from each dimension.)
  • Overfitting solution, why can regular term slow down overfitting
  • Weight attenuation is equivalent to which regular term
  • What traditional machine learning methods know

Programming problem: Robbery II

Part 2:60 minutes +8 hours to do the questions…

  • How to communicate with the test and requirements? How many people are in the team? What are the responsibilities

“Programming problem” : Leetcode-887,super Egg drop. I didn’t know this problem was A Leetcode problem in advance, so I worked on it all the time. Later, I shared it with my intern colleagues. The next day, I thought for 3 hours, I thought of dichotomous solution, I was beaten back, and I thought for 3 hours, I thought of mathematical solution… For it. (All three solutions are correct, but the interviewer requires specific strategies and steps. The mathematical method can be directly given, while the other two methods need to output the optimal path). It’s too…

3 sides,GM side: 30 minutes

Water comparison, no technical questions, full internship competition.

HR side

I just asked when I could go, how long I could go

Tencent’s process is very long. It takes more than 20 days from the official website to get the offer. The mentor and HR were very enthusiastic and began to communicate after the interview.

Madame casually

In terms of difficulty, the general feeling of the two positions, except for the programming questions in the second Interview of Tencent, is not very difficult (maybe just for the reason of the internship interview), there are no strange questions in the two positions, the interview experience is very good, the knowledge range can be found in the first page of Baidu. However, I felt lucky. The questions given by the byte interviewers were all very conventional. My classmate faced the first question and encountered some brain-burning problems such as taking numbers to play chess and matching screws and nuts.



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