The purpose of RecyclerView series of articles is to help Android developers improve the awareness of RecyclerView, this article is the third of the whole...
SparseArray literally translates as "SparseArray," and while it sounds "loose," it's actually very "tight." This article will show the inconsistencies of this class by analyzing...
AQS: AbstractQueuedSynchronizer abstract queue synchronizer 1, what is AQS: AQS is used to construct the lock or other synchronous component framework, the basis of its...
Integrating Flutter into the original project, jumping to FlutterActivity succeeded, but got stuck on the splash screen. Change the module name of my Android project...
LiveData defines an observable data store class, literally translated as LiveData (is a data holder that wraps a layer around the source data, which can...
Recently, ACCORDING to the needs of the project, CRAZY OpenCL, FFmpeg related articles fell behind a lot, behind also prepare to introduce the application of...
In the recent componentized project migration, ARouter was used for service discovery and Activity jump between modules. Found that the official IDEA plugin from 19...
Because Kotlin's higher-order functions rely on the power of the compiler to translate the higher-order function syntax into Java code. The interior is actually implemented...
One of the most important classes for Bitmap image processing. It can be used to obtain image file information and can be programmed. Bitmap.config. ALPHA_8:...
1. Introduction This article will introduce Flutter animation from the code level, so it will not cover the specific use of Flutter animation. Flutter's Animation...
In the past 24 months, we have spent 17.193,00 hours completing 10 commercial applications with Flutter. This article will share our insights. After reading this...
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, last time we talked about the Java encapsulation example, this time let's continue with that example. Stop gossiping and return to...
Leetcode -(14) the longest common prefix, only one solution, take the first record, split the first record into multiple strings and compare them with the...
In this article, I will discuss the basic use of ContentProvider. In the next article, I will introduce the principle of ContentProvider. Source code analysis....
This is what Android 5 comes out with. Single element shared Multiple elements shared single element shared using: MainActivity: XML Layout: kotlin code: Main2A
RecyclerView is a list sliding control which is often used in Android development. Because of its good cache reuse mechanism, it makes the list scrolling...
Ijkplayer library introduction now iJkPlayer application is very wide, many players are basically based on iJkPlayer second iteration development, how we use the iJkPlayer on...