In 2017, machine learning, big data, artificial intelligence and other terms have become the mainstream of the software research and development industry, while big front end, DevOps, blockchain and other technologies have become hot trends. 2017 saw a new focus on smart hardware, known as the year of the smart speaker explosion; In 2017, the Internet is developing more rapidly, requiring everything to become faster, engineering efficiency, delivery speed, innovation speed. There are software reconstruction, cloud platform construction, multi-activity transformation, data realization, big data transformation…

November 9-12, The 6th TOP100 Global Software Case Study Summit, Beijing National Convention Center. Four days, insight into the thinking of 100 technology leaders in the case of practice.

In 2017, TOP100summit will continue to hold 5 special events in parallel and 15 topics to comprehensively display the practices and solutions from all dimensions of the software development life cycle.

Track 1: Experience design/product innovation/operation drive

● Balancing Creativity and Technology to Make Innovation Product Ruth He — Facbook Product Designer The Value of the Facebook case: The design process is a journey of constant exploration and balance between product goals, technical realization, creativity, and user experience. Maneuverability between tight resources is an art form. For example, you need to remind yourself what your product goals are, but the technical resources to achieve them are likely to be insufficient. Or maybe a designer’s inspiration leads to a unique idea that may not be universally accepted. This case will tell you how to find the “perfect balance” of product design based on the lecturer’s product design experience in Silicon Valley.

Chen Xiaochang — Director of design Center of Tencent User Research and Experience Design Department Case Source: Tencent Public Welfare Case Value: On August 29, wechat moments were flooded with beautiful paintings by “children”. In just half a day, 5.8 million people participated and more than 15 million yuan was raised. The Internet is already transforming our public service. Connection of science and technology trust, do design for public welfare, so how to do will have a better effect, this case meeting analyse the communication event, take you to the “one yuan to buy painting” behind the design thinking, at the same time, combining with the design team for tencent public 10 years experience in the design of the support, discusses how to use the service design for the public to create more value.

● “Opening the era of ARTIFICIAL Intelligence Terminal — Thinking and Definition of Tmall genie” Recall — Alibaba ARTIFICIAL Intelligence Laboratory (A.I.LABS) intelligent terminal person in charge of case source: Alibaba Case Value: The emergence of Tmall Genie represents Alibaba’s thinking and exploration of intelligent terminals in the era of artificial intelligence. Intelligent terminals not only improve user experience and reduce the threshold of use, but also strengthen the closure of terminal ecology. The relatively closed ecology in the era of artificial intelligence means that it is difficult for manufacturers to provide high-quality service experience without terminal. In the future, cloud integration will become a new trend. This case considers how to define and implement terminal products with its own advantages under such a trend.

● “User first — stand out from the war of intelligent home terminal” Chen Ya — Senior engineer of Amazon Case source: Amazon Case value: The terminal of intelligent home as the entrance of intelligent home, is the main position of the major giants to seize the market. So what made Amazon, a retail start-up, emerge from the fray with a commanding 70% share of the terminal market? This case will take Echo product as an example to analyze from two aspects of product design and development management mode how Amazon makes Customer Obession go deep into each stage of the product and suppress Google, which is good at technology. At the same time, this case also makes an exploratory analysis of the current domestic intelligent home terminal.

● The Growth Behind Didi’s New Business by Li Sen — Head of Didi’s Growth This case will tell distributors to join drops after since 2015, successively responsible for lift the owner of the new user growth, minibus, bus products cold start, express and counties of chongqing business from 0 to 1 of the growth of business thinking and practice, from the logic of growth, by checking the growth of the business introduced some tried and gripper, This paper introduces how the zero-to-one cold start project of Didi Express and Minibus solves the growth problem and the traffic problem of the last kilometer in the scene.

Track 2: Engineering culture/team growth/performance appraisal

The Science Behind Art – Five Years Journey of Data Team at Riot Games The value of Riot Games Case: This case is based on the five years’ journey of The Data team of Riot Games. It introduces how to build a world-class big data team from scratch, how the team’s work and vision grow and evolve each year, as well as the gains and detours that the team has taken. With a case study selected every year as a side line, this paper introduces how the world’s most popular game league of Legends uses data to improve player experience, support and help business decisions and operation plans of every department of the company, and how machine learning and artificial intelligence are used to overturn traditional products.

● How Google can Use OKR to Help Teams Challenge The Impossible by Zhouzhou He, Google Product Manager. From Traditional Projects to Agile, You only need Two Days As one of the world’s top technology companies, Google has challenged many advanced and sophisticated tasks that seemed impossible before, such as AlphaGo, Google Translate, self-driving cars, Tensorflow, TPU and so on. How does Google organize and motivate teams? And how do you make sure your team is working together and pulling in the same direction? This case comes from the first-hand experience of a product manager at Google’s current U.S. headquarters. He will share the success of Google’s management in terms of its mechanics, people, processes, decision-making methods, product policies, and organization.

Low “huawei one hundred people lean team kanban road to evolutionary change, Chen – agile lean expert sources: huawei huawei case value: in front of the surge and rapid changes in market demand, research and development teams need to deal with fast response, flexible and enhance r&d efficiency under the limited manpower, decided to introduce lean kanban can effectively help improve development efficiency. This case tells the evolution and transformation process of Lean Kanban in Huawei hundred-member team, from the establishment of kanban (four practices) to the operation of kanban (four practices), achieving a small victory, and then to the team encountered difficulties, stagnation or even regression. In the face of difficulties, we reviewed and improved together with the team and embarked on the right road again.

Value of Ping An Technology Case: Agile transformation is not only the application of a new process, but to change people’s way of thinking and working, and even change the organizational structure of enterprises. Is there a shortcut to transition? How did ping An’s two-day Quick Start workshop become a powerful wrench to switch from traditional track to agile track? This case will reveal one by one for you.

● Atypical Agile: a version in 10 days zuo Yang Mei — zte Agile Coach Case source: ZTE Case Value: “fast” is relative. Traditional telecommunications still adhere to strict addition rules and security requirements, following the basic “requirements – implementation – release – upgrade” process. This case starts from reorganizing user value, introduces the concept of process deliverables, and realizes customer’s deep participation and quick feedback. Reexamine the core practices of typical Agile processes and eliminate automated testing and continuous integration practices in favor of hand-drawn, low-fidelity delivery and data simulation and aspect capabilities with the goal of “quickly verifying customer product assumptions.” In a way, this case is an extended delivery project of Design Sprint in the telecom space.

Track 3: Architecture evolution/engineering practice/big front end

● “618 Promote the Gateway to carry billion level of volume behind the architecture practice” Wang Dong jingdong Jingdong Mall Open platform chief architect case source: JINGdong Case Value: Every year on June 18, the open platform of JINGdong Shopping Mall not only ensures massive calls of nearly a thousand different types of service interfaces, but also ensures non-interference between service interfaces and can quickly respond to any complex situation. Stability, fast is always the goal of pursuit. This case will share common isolation techniques, caching techniques, SQL optimization, degradation and traffic limiting methods in practice. Learning how jingdong team applied these technologies to every preparation, ensuring that 618 was passed smoothly every year.

● The Road to Transformation of The New Generation Trading System Architecture of Shenzhen Stock Exchange — Chief Engineer of Shenzhen Stock Exchange The business system in the core position of the industry has strict requirements for the continuous and smooth operation. How to upgrade these core business systems to meet the needs of business development and technological progress is a difficult problem faced by many CIOs and their R&D teams. This case shares the successful experience of Shenzhen Stock Exchange in the core system, especially the high availability and high performance real-time processing system, the implementation of the architecture transformation and smooth upgrade of IOE, open platform and open source technology, distributed processing, high availability and low delay design. Share how to ensure security and smooth upgrade while leading the smooth upgrade of the market in this completely restructured architecture transformation.

● Li Shuangtao, Chief architect of Ele. me Middleware team and chief Architect of Ele. me Remote Living Project This case describes the remote multi-activity transformation of Ele. me, from the design to the official launch of the process, make all kinds of trade-offs, and how to coordinate the work of the business team and the middleware team, safe and stable transformation of the entire business, so that the business from a single room service to multi-room multi-activity service. When an equipment room level fault occurs, the service provider can route users to a healthy equipment room to ensure that services can run normally when a fault occurs, reducing huge losses caused by an equipment room level fault.

● Uber for Business, Micro-service Innovation Practice in the Digital Transformation of Healthcare from 0 to 1 This case will share how to implement a highly available system from zero to one to solve practical Uber for Business Business problems. Analyze how to finish these systems end to end through specific project requirements and system architecture, including payment system, billing system and Policy system. How to complete the process from 0 to 1 has become a very important performance growth point for Uber in just two years. At the same time, a team of six engineers grew to nearly 40.

● “Exploration on the Future Form of Xiaomi Direct Service Platform and Mobile Terminal Service” dong Hongguang — Head of MIUI System Framework team leader The current bearer form of mobile terminal services, no matter application or web page, has some shortcomings, which makes it inconvenient for users to use, and also has certain impact on developers themselves. How to distribute and use services more efficiently is a topic of great concern in the industry. Xiaomi has also made some exploration in this area, launching a technology platform such as Direct Service, which aims to solve some problems existing in the case of traditional application and web hosting services, and improve the efficiency of both users and developers. This case mainly focuses on xiaomi direct service platform, talking about xiaomi’s thinking in this area and some practical achievements at present.

Track 4 — Data Science/Artificial Intelligence/Data Driven

● “NFCU Bank how to use big data AI to open the road of transformation” by Xiaodong Jiang — NFCU Financial Data Architect NFCU bank is a Fortune 200 company. By the end of 2016, it had 280 branches worldwide, assets of more than 740 billion US dollars, more than 60,000 members (customers) in the United States, and 14,000 employees worldwide. How to manage the volume so big global offline each branch, ATM machine daily cash flow and integration of the headquarters and branch, branch counter with the customer, the customer with an ATM cash storage, transfer, extraction such as volume, determines the bank and cash, the central bank and bank settlement and cash flow within the regulatory management achievement and efficiency. This case opens up a very meaningful case for large traditional financial enterprises to implement big data and AI projects, and will share NFCU bank’s methods and approaches to solve corporate cash flow management by using big data and ARTIFICIAL intelligence algorithms.

● “In the era of artificial intelligence, how to evolve the intelligent recommendation System of second-hand trading platform” sun Xuan Zhuan Architecture Algorithm Department head Case source: 58 Zhuan Case value: Zhuan recommendation system is built from 0, according to different stages of business, step by step development and evolution. In the process of development, it has experienced the global non-personalized recommendation stage, personalized offline recommendation stage, personalized real-time recommendation stage, machine learning sorting recommendation stage, etc. The regular meeting of this case explains in detail the reasons of different development stages and the evolution of the architecture, so that the audience can have a profound understanding of the intelligent recommendation system of the second-hand trading platform.

● “The Prophet: Artificial Intelligence helps Fintech anti-fraud and Makes Black Industry no place to hide — How big data and ARTIFICIAL Intelligence help risk Control and Defense System” Wevin is an anti-fraud cloud platform based on Renrendai and an anti-fraud solution for the whole Fintech industry. With strong financial data capabilities, anti-fraud intelligence and online customer acquisition capabilities, Wevin helps Fintech enterprises solve a series of problems faced by credit application fraud, financial intermediary identification, gang monitoring/warning. To provide stronger credit assessment, risk control and targeted customer acquisition for fintech companies. This case will share how to use artificial intelligence to realize the above functions in the construction process of anti-fraud cloud platform.

Low “online to offline scenario some applications of machine learning and statistical modeling, data – 3 m zhang jian, head of the science and technology case source: 3 m case value: online to offline is the important trend of the future, data mining and machine learning has been widely applied to the online software development mature, recommend matching, user analysis, etc. However, offline and online data fusion, optimization has only just begun. This share will from online to offline retail through the construction of online to offline data from the specific case of feedback and optimization system, A/B testing, depth to recommendation, strengthen learning statistics and machine learning methods, such as using them, to improve the efficiency of data analysis, understand the user behavior, increasing the income of line and A series of specific goals.

Low “lenovo big data power business transformation and upgrading” Yu Chen tao – lenovo group big data division senior director, chief researcher case source: lenovo case value: driven by digital transformation for the fourth time the industrial revolution has begun, it opened up a big data and cloud services and intelligent technology of parallel new route. At the same time, enterprises also face many problems: the data of various systems within the enterprise cannot be shared, and the phenomenon of data block is serious, which directly leads to the efficiency reduction of procurement, production, logistics, sales and other links of the enterprise. This case shares how Lenovo can solve the above problems with the help of big data, industrial Internet 4.0 and Made in China 2025 under the premise of controllable cost, and get a rapid development by taking advantage of the wind.

Track 5 — Quality Management/Intelligent Operation and Maintenance /DevOps

● “How to help JINGdong improve the efficiency and quality of Product Testing by unmanned Testing” Yang Jin — jingdong B2B product quality team leader With the development of the business, the system usually goes through the process of monomer, servitization and platformization. In the long distance of the continuous evolution of the system, no matter it is a small demand or a big change, every time it goes online, it is accompanied by a lot of regression work. Even experienced test drivers do not have 100% confidence that there will be no problems. In the Internet industry with short iteration cycle and high release frequency, how to ensure product quality and improve user experience in frequent online launch is what we have been trying to explore and practice. This case describes an efficient regression testing method and its practice in improving product testing efficiency and quality.

When ali mobile enterprise practice Lu Yi yuan Alibaba platform product owner case source: alibaba case value: mobile development pattern has entered the polarized: partial project in the research and development of very large scale APP model, research and development coordination of personnel, module is more, need complete build, test, release, operations and so on enterprise system; However, some innovative and experimental apps are more suitable for testing and verifying business ideas in a faster way when the business model and business form are not completely determined. Therefore, it is urgent to create an APP quickly at the lowest cost. This case will share how Ali Mobile technology has precipitated and solved these problems in the past few years.

The dynamic load balancing and self-management of distributed systems is always a difficult problem to solve. Most of the solutions are to migrate the entire application process to achieve load balancing of hardware resources, which is good for stateless applications but not very effective for stateful clusters such as Kafka. Because migrating an application means migrating a lot of state, it can be a long and expensive process. To solve this problem, LinkedIn developed Cruise Control, which allows partial state migration based on the characteristics of the application. This case will share an approach to large-scale stateful cluster optimization through an interpretation of the Cruise Control practice.

Value of DJI case: In most companies and projects, there are requirements for automated testing, performance testing, continuous integration and online monitoring of system interfaces. However, the existing methods have the problem of low input-output ratio, many and miscellaneous tools and technology stack, high maintenance cost and learning cost. Dji has developed a low-cost best practice to address this common pain point and has deposited it as an open source interface testing framework, ApiTestEngine. This case will disassemble the technical essentials and implementation principles of this framework.

● Intelligent operation and maintenance @Pinterest MENG Xiaoqiao — Manager of Pinterest Monitoring Department Case Source: Pinterest Case Value: Intelligent operation and maintenance is the future trend of all cloud-based companies. As a large picture sharing platform, PINTEREST has a huge and complex backstage computing platform and software architecture, so it is a huge challenge to ensure high-quality operation and maintenance with the minimum cost of manpower and resources. To this end, our monitoring department built a set of integrated monitoring platform, which has three characteristics of high scalability, integration and intelligence. This case will share the monitoring platform to provide practical exploration in the intelligent operation and maintenance.

The above are some selected cases. For more information and schedule of TOP100 cases, please visit [official website]. 100 r&d cases worth learning in 2017 will be shared in 4 days. A total of 10 free single-day tickets for the opening ceremony will be provided on a first-come-first-served basis. Free ticket application: