This is a foreign language, translated for you. The author analyzed the use of PHP functions in more than 1,900 projects and found the following results. While it is possible that the most common ones are not in this list, we recommend that PHP beginners study these functions carefully.
The original link:
Here we present the 100 most frequently used PHP native functions, labeled from 1 to 100, based on our code analysis of 1,900 open source PHP projects using the PHP static Analysis tool.
1 | count | 81.41% | 147.67 |
2 | is_array | 77.32% | 117.86 |
3 | substr | 74.62% | 142.92 |
4 | in_array | 74.16% | 79.55 |
5 | explode | 73.19% | 71.51 |
6 | str_replace | 72.32% | 101.05 |
7 | implode | 72.27% | 66.59 |
8 | strlen | 70.07% | 98.32 |
9 | array_merge | 69.46% | 64.01 |
10 | strpos | 67.98% | 78.18 |
11 | preg_match | 67.31% | 76.60 |
12 | sprintf | 67.16% | 119.46 |
13 | trim | 66.75% | 81.28 |
14 | strtolower | 65.99% | 59.62 |
15 | file_exists | 65.12% | 45.13 |
16 | is_string | 61.39% | 45.10 |
17 | preg_replace | 60.27% | 54.28 |
18 | file_get_contents | 59.96% | 20.71 |
19 | array_key_exists | 59.70% | 57.50 |
20 | array_keys | 59.35% | 39.59 |
21 | dirname | 56.44% | 54.84 |
22 | function_exists | 53.58% | 42.62 |
23 | array_map | 53.22% | 19.45 |
24 | get_class | 53.12% | 33.07 |
25 | class_exists | 52.50% | 23.13 |
26 | is_object | 51.94% | 35.35 |
27 | time | 51.79% | 41.42 |
28 | json_encode | 51.48% | 24.81 |
29 | date | 50.72% | 52.18 |
30 | is_null | 49.69% | 60.52 |
31 | is_numeric | 49.49% | 40.69 |
32 | array_shift | 49.49% | 23.28 |
33 | defined | 48.72% | 86.82 |
34 | is_dir | 48.57% | 22.86 |
35 | json_decode | 48.42% | 17.39 |
36 | header | 48.16% | 59.71 |
37 | strtoupper | 47.80% | 30.95 |
38 | array_values | 47.24% | 17.27 |
39 | md5 | 46.88% | 23.74 |
40 | method_exists | 46.73% | 19.05 |
41 | file_put_contents | 46.68% | 12.49 |
42 | rtrim | 45.91% | 18.08 |
43 | array_pop | 45.51% | 20.60 |
44 | unlink | 44.59% | 23.55 |
45 | basename | 44.59% | 27.23 |
46 | realpath | 44.08% | 15.90 |
47 | call_user_func | 43.97% | 16.41 |
48 | call_user_func_array | 43.92% | 18.40 |
49 | fopen | 43.77% | 25.61 |
50 | microtime | 43.46% | 14.41 |
51 | fclose | 42.85% | 28.36 |
52 | is_int | 42.75% | 15.78 |
53 | is_file | 42.08% | 20.52 |
54 | array_slice | 41.83% | 13.20 |
55 | preg_match_all | 40.55% | 14.66 |
56 | ucfirst | 40.25% | 17.02 |
57 | intval | 40.19% | 88.13 |
58 | str_repeat | 40.14% | 19.51 |
59 | serialize | 40.14% | 22.05 |
60 | array_filter | 39.99% | 13.87 |
61 | mkdir | 39.79% | 11.17 |
62 | is_callable | 39.43% | 11.94 |
63 | ltrim | 39.17% | 10.90 |
64 | ob_start | 39.12% | 13.26 |
65 | round | 39.07% | 28.56 |
66 | fwrite | 38.97% | 23.39 |
67 | array_unique | 38.87% | 15.96 |
68 | array_search | 38.82% | 14.19 |
69 | reset | 38.71% | 20.79 |
70 | array_unshift | 38.10% | 10.32 |
71 | parse_url | 37.90% | 9.61 |
72 | func_get_args | 37.79% | 28.33 |
73 | end | 37.49% | 12.70 |
74 | base64_encode | 37.39% | 14.15 |
75 | unserialize | 37.18% | 18.35 |
76 | max | 36.98% | 22.88 |
77 | preg_split | 36.98% | 13.27 |
78 | gettype | 36.93% | 16.16 |
79 | strrpos | 36.67% | 11.95 |
80 | version_compare | 36.67% | 14.87 |
81 | array_push | 36.67% | 26.18 |
82 | floor | 36.11% | 18.78 |
83 | strtotime | 36.01% | 27.94 |
84 | htmlspecialchars | 35.96% | 51.08 |
85 | ini_get | 35.85% | 19.25 |
86 | ini_set | 35.60% | 14.49 |
87 | chr | 35.34% | 186.97 |
88 | extension_loaded | 35.29% | 14.17 |
89 | is_bool | 35.24% | 11.44 |
90 | ksort | 34.98% | 10.82 |
91 | array_reverse | 34.93% | 8.27 |
92 | ord | 34.73% | 53.17 |
93 | uniqid | 34.68% | 9.83 |
94 | strtr | 34.47% | 12.90 |
95 | array_diff | 34.32% | 11.13 |
96 | error_reporting | 34.17% | 8.99 |
97 | ceil | 33.35% | 11.99 |
98 | urlencode | 33.30% | 29.63 |
99 | min | 32.69% | 18.31 |
100 | print_r | 32.64% | 14.12 |
Analysis of the
- The most common PHP functions are string functions, then arrays, then files.
- Click on the link for each function to take a closer look at its documentation, such as the second argument to the count function, to get a better understanding of these functions.
- The above 100 functions have no immediate plans to be discarded.
- Among non-built-in libraries, MBString ranks first, curl second, followed by GD, Filter, and Iconv.
- Md5 still ranks first among encryption functions, followed by Sha1.
- Array, Echo, print, Empty, and isset are not included in this ranking, and they are definitely highly used.
- Database operations are not included in this ranking.
- PHP, in files, reads files much more than it writes them.
- Use key sort more often than value sort.
Generally speaking, I do not like ranking class articles, the main reason for the summary of the translation of this article is that the above functions are every PHP beginners must be able to, as a list of commonly used functions, each function can be clicked directly to the document, if you are not familiar with, please seriously study.