In this article, I’ve put together a list of 26 top tools for front-end Web developers, from code editors and playfields to CSS generators and JS libraries to help you secure your career and work. The length is longer, can collect at any time take out to see.


CSS code generator

CSS3 Generator

The ultimate CSS Generator

CSS Grid layout generator

Static site generator



SVG optimizer


SVG Optimizers

The animation library


GreenSock (GSAP)


Cross-browser testing


Am I Responsive?

Responsive Web Design Checker


Code collaboration and playgrounds





1. CSS code generator

Have you ever tried to remember how to declare gradients, text shadows, CSS properties for Flexbox or Grid, to name just a few examples? Unless you use certain CSS features and their properties over and over again, it’s hard to remember them all. However, even CSS savvy people sometimes need to brush up on certain properties, especially if they haven’t used them in a while.

If you need quick help with some of the latest and greatest CSS, here’s the CSS Generator to the rescue. Enter the values, preview the results, grab the generated code and run it.

2, the range of the Generator

CSS3 Generator is a free online application that allows you to quickly code some modern CSS features such as Flexbox, gradients, transitions and transformations.

Enter the desired CSS values, preview the results in real time, and copy and paste the generated code. In addition, the application displays a list of browsers that support CSS code and their versions.

3. Ultimate CSS Generator

CSS Generator is a free online application that allows you to generate code for CSS animations, backgrounds, gradients, borders, filters, and more.

The interface is friendly, the browser supports the CSS functions you are interested in and the information is clear and easy to find, and the generated code is clean and accurate.

CSS Grid layout generator

CSS Grid is great because creating a Grid in code gives you complete control over the final result. However, it is helpful to have a visual grid representation as you code. While some major browsers already implement great tools to let you visualize your grid, some developers can do some extra help. This is where the CSS Grid generator might come in handy.

The CSS Grid Layout Generator by Dmitrii Bykov is free, accessible online, and very flexible. I tried it out and found that it gave me a lot of control at the grid container level and grid project level, while giving me nice preview functionality and clean code.

5. Static site generator

Static web site generator represents

Compromise between a static site with manual coding and a full CMS, while retaining the benefits of both. Essentially, a static, pure HTML site is generated, using CMS like concepts (such as templates). Content can be extracted from the database, but more typically, Markdown files are used.

These are the first two static site generators listed on StaticGen.

6, Next. Js

Next. Js is a free open source framework for statically exported React applications. Its features include:

Prerender (Next supports server-side rendering)

Zero configuration



And so on.

7, Gatsby

Gatsby is a free open source framework based on React that helps developers build fast websites and applications.

Gatsby offers a lot of functions, such as:

React, Webpack, modern JavaScript and CSS power;

A rich data plug-in ecosystem;

Progressive Web application generation;

Super simple deployment, etc.

SVG optimizer

Performance on the Web is critical: visitors get impatient waiting for content to load, and search engines tend to penalize sites that are slow.

Optimizing graphics is a necessary step in building fast websites and applications, and SVG graphics are no exception. Using the SVG optimizer has become an essential part of the front-end developer’s workflow to ensure that SVG code is clean and tidy.

Here are two excellent SVG optimizers that are widely used by professional developers.


SVGOMG is a free online application that allows you to apply many optimization options to YOUR SVG code and preview the final results. Easy to use and can also be used offline.

10, SVG Optimizers

This is another great free online SVG optimization tool for trimming SVG code that is intuitive and easy to use.

11. Animation library

Animation is everywhere on the Internet, whether it is the subtle micro effects, or the story movement of chunks of content gradually unfolding on the screen, animation is the existence of.

While modern CSS and JavaScript contain the features you need to create some cool web animations, the libraries listed below are sure to get your work done faster and get some amazing effects.

12, the Animate. CSS

13, the Animate. CSS

Is a ready-to-use cross-browser animation library you can use in your Web projects. Great for emphasis, home pages, sliders and tips to direct attention.

As the name suggests, this library is pure CSS. Among the prepackaged effects, you’ll find eye-catching effects like bounce and flicker effects, rear entrances and exits, fade in and out, and plenty more.

Features include:

Quick installation using NPM, Yarn, or CDN

Easy to use

Use CSS custom properties (CSS variables) to customize the animation duration, delay and interaction options

Utility classes for delay, speed variation, and repetition.

14, GreenSock (GSAP)

GSAP (GreenSock Animation platform) provides “ultra-high performance, professional-grade animation for modern networks”.

Its highly intuitive JavaScript driven syntax allows you to build great animations instantly. From DOM elements and JavaScript objects to the immersive experiences of SVG, Canvas and WebGL, there is no limit to the objects that can be animated using GSAP. In addition, GSAP is cross-browser and backward compatible, and provides an excellent documentation and support community.

15, Anime. Js

Animo.js is a lightweight JavaScript animation library with a simple and powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM properties, and JavaScript objects.

Fully open source, with its intuitive syntax and excellent documentation, you can use animo.js immediately and get it up and running.

16. Cross-browser testing

Developers have no control over which devices they access their websites or applications from. In 2019, more than half of all web traffic came from mobile devices. Overall, screen sizes vary from desktops and tablets to smartphones and wearable technology.

As front-end developers, making sure web pages are usable at any screen size is a core part of what we do. While there’s nothing like testing websites and applications directly across different browsers and platforms, covering all bases in this way is not an option for most of us. The services and applications listed below can help.

17, Caniuse

I don’t know about you, but when I need the latest information on the browser’s support for any HTML, CSS, SVG, and JavaScript features — no matter how novel or obscure they may be — Caniuse is my go-to site.

You’ll get the latest statistics at the global and country-specific levels, as well as information on specific issues, resources, and more.

18, Am I Responsive?

This is a free online application that allows you to quickly check how websites look in different screen sizes.

Here is a list of features:

You can use the application from the application’s website by entering the URL of the site you want to test in the text box, or by using the “Am I RWD” bookmark on your browser from anywhere.


Click and scroll on each device that displays your site to test it.

19. Responsive Web Design Checker

Responsive Web Design Checker is another free online app that tests how your website looks not only on different screen sizes, but also on a variety of devices. That includes a variety of desktop and laptop computers, tablets like Apple’s iPad Retina and Amazon’s Kindle Fire, and smartphones like Apple’s iPhone 6/7 Plus and Samsung Galaxy.

20, BrowserStack

BrowserStack is a popular paid service that lets you test your website or application on more than 2,000 real devices and browsers. It’s completely safe out of the box.

Code collaboration and playgrounds

Here are some great tools that let you quickly share code, prototypes, and test project ideas.

22, making

Needless to say

23, CodePen

CodePen has been around for years and is well liked and widely used by the front-end developer community, making it ideal for experimenting with concepts, prototyping, learning to code, and code sharing. Defined by its team as follows:

CodePen is a social development environment. Essentially, it allows you to write code in a browser and see the results at build time. It is a useful and free online code editor for developers of any skill, but especially for people learning code, it is empowering. We mainly focus on front-end languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and the pre-processing syntax that translates to these.

24, JSFiddle

JSFiddle is an online IDE service and online community for testing and displaying snippets of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that users create and collaborate with, known as “fiddles.” It allows you to simulate AJAX calls. In 2019, JSFiddle ranked second globally and in the US in terms of searches for programming language (PYPL) popularity index, directly behind Cloud9 IDE as the most popular IDE online.

25, SoloLearn

SoloLearn is a great online playground for testing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code. It also offers free basic coding lessons, as well as forums for developers and learners.


This is a domestic version of CodePen, highly recommended! Codepen, JSFiddle are good, but because the server is abroad, the speed is very slow, while speed is very fast.

Combining with my own work needs and the use of tools, I can not only improve my work efficiency, but also learn a lot from it and make myself more professional.