Hi, I’m your cat brother, the super cat who doesn’t like to eat fish and doesn’t like cats

The elder brother of the cat will be on Monday of the week to recommend a trend of the front end of the week last week 10 projects, a list of every month to recommend a list of last month’s trend of the front end of the month 20 large projects, convenient you know recently what good front open source project, and use the mainstream of the front-end technology stack is what, so as not to miss the good open source project.

Front-end GitHub is a great way for many people to proactively acquire open source projects and active developers.

How to find good open Source projects? Check out GitHub’s Tips for Finding Good Open Source Projects

This article introduces 20 important front-end projects from 2006 to 2020, each of which is a top open source milestone.

1. jQuery

In August 2006

JQuery, created by John Resig and released in 2006, won the battle between Ajax frameworks and prototype.js, Dojo or YUI libraries.

Become the de facto standard library for almost all web pages, even today.

A beautiful piece of software from a vast ecosystem of “plug-ins”.

Providing a uniform API to handle browser inconsistencies is a great job.

Trend of the month: + 114 ☆ on GitHub


2. Node.js

In May 2009

Node.js, created by Ryan Dahl on top of the JavaScript V8 engine, brings JavaScript to the server side.

Powerful apis, command line tools, IoT devices and all modern Web development tools.

Trend of the month: + 743 ☆ on GitHub


3. Express

In June 2009

Express is almost as old as Node.js, but is still considered the standard Web framework for Node.js.

It has a deep middleware ecosystem because of its minimalist approach.

More modern alternatives include Nest, Fastify, or next.js.

Trend of the month: + 402 ☆ on GitHub


4. D3

In September 2010

The classic data visualization library created by Mike Bostok is still useful nearly 10 years later.

Many chart libraries are built on their powerful primitives.

Trend of the month: + 351 ☆ on GitHub


5. Angular

In January 2010

In 2010, Angular from Google began to revolutionize the way developers build applications by providing a complete framework that runs in a browser.

Instead of enhancing the server-generated DOM, it moves control of the page to the client, ushering in the era of “single-page applications.”

Angular 2 was released as a separate project in 2014.

Trend of the month: + 2 ☆ on GitHub


6. ember.js

In May 2011

A UI framework that favors strong conventions to make Web developers more productive.

Has played an important role in the modernization of JavaScript.

Trend of the month: + 35 ☆ on GitHub


7. Bootstrap

In July 2011

Bootstrap, which was open-source by Twitter in 2011, is a set of JavaScript and CSS elements used to add common widgets to web pages.

It shines thanks to clean documentation, a consistent developer experience, and smartly designed responsive design features.

It has helped developers make the web suitable for mobile devices when browsing the web on a smartphone.

Trend of the month: + 530 ☆ on GitHub


8. Webpack

In March 2012

Webpack is a key part of the front end tool that can generate JavaScript bundles from any kind of asset.

The fifth major release will still be in use in projects like the Create React App or next.js in 2020 and is coming soon.

Packages and aggregates are two of the most popular.

Trend of the month: + 247 ☆ on GitHub


9. TypeScript

In October 2012

A superset of JavaScript that provides static type safety for JavaScript.

Won the translator’s battle with rival Flow and became almost the standard for both front-end and back-end development.

The DefinitelyTyped project provides additional types for over 7000 software packages!

Trending this month: + 740 ☆ on GitHub


10. electron

In April 2013

A solution for building desktop applications using Web technologies.

Used by popular desktop applications such as VS Code, Slack…

Trend of the month: + 440 ☆ on GitHub


11. React

In May 2013

React was opened source by Facebook to create a dynamic, fast UI.

Not a complete framework like Angular, which deals only with the view layer.

Its component approach and JSX syntax became very popular and inspired many projects.

Trend of the month: + 1646 ☆ on GitHub


12. Vue.js

In July 2013

Vue.js, released just two months after React, takes another approach to reactivity.

Generally considered more beginner friendly.

It wasn’t backed by big companies like React and Facebook or Angular and Google. It was created by Evan You.

Strong communities, especially in China.

Version 3 offers huge improvements, including better TypeScript support and the Composition API.

Trend of the month: + 1415 ☆ on GitHub


13. babel

In September 2014

The compiler Babel, originally called 6 to 5, helped make the ES6 version of JavaScript popular and was a key part of React’s success.

Let developers write code using the latest features of JavaScript without worrying about browser support.

Included as a dependency for many projects.

Trend of the month: + 184 ☆ On GitHub


14. VsCode

In September 2015

The most popular IDE based on Electron for encoding JavaScript and TypeScript applications.

Atom on GitHub, launched in 2012, is a precursor to this concept: a code editor built using Web technology that can be extended by installing plug-ins.

Shine with its TypeScript support… Both projects come from Microsoft.

Trend of the month: + 1562 ☆ on GitHub


15. react-native

In January 2015

With React Native, developers can leverage their knowledge of the React framework to build mobile applications for iOS or Android.

Trend of the month: + 577 ☆ on GitHub


16. next.js

In October 2016

Has become the most popular framework for building full-stack JavaScript applications (applications that run on both the front and back ends).

Use React on the front end and provide server-side rendering for the best user experience.

Trend of the month: + 1345 ☆ on GitHub


17. puppeteer

In May 2017

A Node.js library that controls the headless Chrome browser to perform actions such as browser testing or Web scraping.

Trend of the month: + 746 ☆ on GitHub


18. deno

In May 2018

Nine years after the release of Node.js, Ryan Dahl adopted a new server-side JavaScript runtime.

Designed to address several issues related to Node.js.

There is no centralized package manager, and you can load any JavaScript dependency from any URL.

One of the most popular projects of 2020.

Trend of the month: + 1304 ☆ on GitHub


19. snowpack

In February 2019

A build tool that takes advantage of the latest changes to JavaScript modules to provide a great developer experience.

Trend of the month: + 431 ☆ on GitHub


20. Rome

In February 2020

Rome was created by Seb McKenzie to provide a dependency to handle all front-end tools (lint, test, build…) .

This venture is not very well known, will this be the success project of 2020? Time will tell!

Trend of the month: + 114 ☆ on GitHub


21. Vite ?

In 2020,

Vite next generation front-end tools

Vite is a Web development and construction tool developed by the author of Vue, especially Yuji. It is a development server based on the browser native ES module import. Under the development environment, the browser is used to parse import, and the server is compiled and returned as required. At the same time, Vue files are not only supported, but also support hot update, and the speed of hot update does not slow down with the increase of modules. Use Rollup packaging in a production environment.

  • 💡 Instant server startup
  • ⚡️ lightning fast HMR
  • 🛠️ Rich features
  • 📦 Optimized build
  • 🔩 Common plug-in interface
  • 🔑 Full type API

Will it be a success in 2021? Time will tell!

Trend of the month: + 1403 ☆ on GitHub


The last

How to find good open Source projects? Check out GitHub’s Tips for Finding Good Open Source Projects

GitHub focuses on mining outstanding front-end open source projects on GitHub, and recommends them in the form of special topics, about 10 good projects per topic, and one to three highlights will be pushed every week.

The link to the original article is below the treasure warehouse, please be careful to enter!


Past pure text

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  • 10 top GitHub Interviews to Build your own Salary Bonanza

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