By Paul Namug
Paul Namuag has been able to serve in a variety of roles and has benefited from the opportunity to use a variety of technologies over the past 18 years. He has worked as a graphic artist and Microsoft.NET developer since 2005, transitioning to open source technology, and is a Web developer using the LAMP Stack. Later, he worked as a software engineer/game engineer, working with various companies to develop mobile or desktop and Web applications. In the second half of 2013, he moved to MySQL support engineer and then became a remote DBA for Percona, giving him the opportunity to understand how big data, high scalability, high availability applications work.
Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) has been widely used by enterprises and is by far the most advanced database technology on the market. In general, it is the product of an RDBMS that is most often compared to other databases, serving as the standard “fact” that the product should provide. rates it as the number one RDBMS on the market today. PostgreSQL is ranked fourth on the RDBMS list, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t any advantages to moving to PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL has been in existence since 1989 and became open source in 1996. PostgreSQL won the DBMS of the Year award in 2017 and 2018. This shows that it has never stopped attracting a lot of users and businesses.
One of the reasons PostgreSQL is getting a lot of attention is because people are looking for an alternative to Oracle so they can cut their organizations’ high costs and avoid vendor lock-in. Migrating from a working Oracle database can be a daunting task. Concerns such as the company’s TCO (total cost of ownership) are one reason why the company has delayed deciding whether to abandon Oracle.
In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the main reasons why companies are leaving Oracle and moving to PostgreSQL.
Reason one: This is a true open source project
PostgreSQL is open source and is distributed under the PostgreSQL license, which is a free open source license similar to the BSD or MIT license. It costs nothing to get the product and support.
If you use database software, that means you get all the features available to your PostgreSQL database for free. PostgreSQL has a long history in the database world for over 30 years, and has been based on open source since 1996. Developers have been building extensions for decades. This in itself should motivate developers, organizations, and organizations to choose PostgreSQL for enterprise applications, supporting leading business and mobile applications.
Once again, businesses are realizing that open source database solutions like Postgres offer greater capacity, flexibility and support without being completely dependent on any one company or developer. Like Linux before it, Postgres is (and will remain) designed by users who work on everyday business problems and choose to return the solutions to the community. Unlike large developers like Oracle, which may have different motivations to develop profitable products or support narrow but profitable markets, the Postgres community is dedicated to developing the best tools for users to use relational databases on a daily basis.
PostgreSQL typically performs these tasks without adding too much complexity. Its design is strictly focused on processing the database without wasting resources, for example by adding capabilities to manage other IT environments. This is one of the things that happens when users of the open source software migrate from Oracle to PostgreSQL. Spending a lot of time researching complex technology about how Oracle databases operate or how to optimize and tune can end up being expensive to support. This attracts institutions or organizations to look for alternatives that can reduce costs while bringing profits and productivity. Check out our previous blog about PostgreSQL’s ability to match SQL syntax to Oracle syntax.
Reason two: There are no licensing restrictions and the community is large
For users of the Oracle RDBMS platform, it is hard to find any type of community support that is free or not at a high cost. Organizations, organizations, and developers can often find alternative information online that provides free answers or solutions to problems.
When using Oracle, it can be difficult to decide whether to choose product technical support because of the high cost involved. With PostgreSQL, the community is free and full of experienced experts who are happy to help you solve your current problems.
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If you’re willing to pay for better professional services in PostgreSQL, there are plenty to choose from. Even in the website…
Cause three: SQL consistency is widely supported
PostgreSQL has always been keen to adapt and conform to SQL language standards. The official name of the SQL standard is ISO/IEC 9075 “Database Language SQL”. Any subsequent revisions to the standard release will replace the previous release, so there is little value in claiming consistency with the earlier release.
Unlike Oracle, there are still some keywords or operators that do not conform to the ANSI standard SQL (Structured Query Language). For example, the OUTER JOIN (+) (Oracle operator syntax) is confusing for beginners. PostgreSQL follows the ANSI-SQL standard for JOIN syntax and has the advantage of easily jumping to and from other open source RDBMS databases such as MySQL/Percona/MariaDB.
Another syntax that is very common in Oracle is the use of hierarchical queries. Oracle uses the non-standard START WITH.. CONNECT BY syntax, whereas in SQL:1999, hierarchical queries are implemented through recursive generic table expressions (CTE). For example, compare the different expressions of the following hierarchical query:
Copy the code
restaurants rs
Copy the code
START WITHrs.city_name = ‘TOKYO’
CONNECT BY PRIOR rs.restaurant_name = rs.city_name;
WITH RECURSIVE tmp AS (SELECT restaurant_name, city_name
FROM restaurants
WHERE city_name = 'TOKYO'
SELECT m.restaurant_name, m.city_name
FROM restaurants m
JOIN tmp ON tmp.restaurant_name = m.city_name)
SELECT restaurant_name, city_name FROM tmp;
Copy the code
PostgreSQL has a very similar approach to other top open source RDBMSS such as MySQL/MariaDB.
According to the PostgreSQL manual, PostgreSQL is developed to be consistent with the latest official version of the standard, and in this case, this consistency is not inconsistent with traditional functionality or common sense. Supports many of the features required by the SQL standard, although sometimes the syntax or functionality is slightly different. In fact, this is great for PostgreSQL because PostgreSQL is supported and coordinated by different organizations, no matter what. The key is that its SQL language meets the requirements of the standard.
PostgreSQL is developed to be consistent with the latest official version of the standard, and in this case, this consistency does not contradict traditional functionality or common sense. Supports many of the features required by the SQL standard, although sometimes the syntax or functionality is slightly different. Further consistency is expected over time.
Cause four: The query is parallel
To be fair, PostgreSQL’s query parallelism is not as rich as Oracle’s SQL statement parallelism. Oracle parallelism features include statement queuing with prompts, the ability to set the degree of parallelism (DOP), set the degree of parallelism policy, or adaptive parallelism.
PostgreSQL has a simple degree of parallelism according to the supported plan, but this does not define Oracle’s advantage in open source PostgreSQL. PostgreSQL parallelism is constantly improving and being enhanced by the community. When PostgreSQL 10 was released, it increased its appeal to the public, especially with improved parallelism support for merge join, bitmap heap scan, index scan and index only scan, and aggregate merge. Statistics are also added to pg_stat_activity. In PostgreSQL V10, parallelism is disabled by default and you need to set variables
postgres=# \timing
Timing is on.
postgres=# explain analyze select * from imdb.movies wherebirthyear >= 1980 and birthyear <=2005;
Copy the code
Seq Scan on movies (cost=0.00.. 215677.28 rows = 41630 width = 68) (actual time = 0.013. 522.520 rows = 84473 loops = 1)
Filter: ((birthyear >= 1980) AND (birthyear <=2005))
Rows Removed by Filter: 8241546
Planning time: 0.039 ms
Execution time: 525.195 ms
(5 rows)
Time: 525.582 ms
postgres=# \o /dev/null
postgres=# select * from imdb.movies where birthyear>= 1980 and birthyear <=2005;
Time: 596.947 ms
The query plan shows that its actual time can be approximately 522.5 ms, and then the actual query execution time is approximately 596.95 ms.
Let’s see what happens when parallelism is enabled:
postgres=# set max_parallel_workers_per_gather=2;
Time: 0.247 ms
postgres=# explain analyze select * from imdb.movies wherebirthyear >= 1980 and birthyear <=2005;
Copy the code
Gather (cost = 1000.00.. 147987.62 rows = 41630 width = 68) (actual time = 0.172. 339.258 rows = 84473 loops = 1)
Workers Planned: 2
Workers Launched: 2
-> Parallel Seq Scan on movies (cost=0.00.. Rows =17346 width=68) (actual time=0.029.. 264.980 rows = 28158 loops = 3)
Filter: ((birthyear >= 1980) AND (birthyear <=2005))
Rows Removed by Filter: 2747182
Copy the code
Planning time: 0.096 ms
Execution time: 342.735 ms
(8 rows)
Time: 343.142 ms
postgres=# \o /dev/null
postgres=# select * from imdb.movies where birthyear>= 1980 and birthyear <=2005;
Time: 346.020 ms
The query plan determines that the query needs to use parallelism and then uses the Gather node. Its actual time is estimated at 339 ms (including 2 parallel worker processes) and 264 ms (before the query plan is summarized). The actual execution time of the query is now 346ms, which is very close to the actual time estimated in the query plan.
This just shows the performance and benefits of PostgreSQL. Although PostgreSQL has its limitations when using parallelism or when a query plan determines that it is faster than using parallelism, its functionality is not dramatically different from That of Oracle. PostgreSQL parallelism is flexible and can be properly enabled or exploited as long as your queries match the order required for query parallelism.
Reason 5: Advanced JSON support is getting better
JSON support in PostgreSQL is consistently at the same level as other open source RDBMS. Check out the LiveJournal blog
(blog address…
The JSON data type was introduced in PostgresQL-9.2. Since then, it has had a number of major improvements, including a major one in PostgresQL-9.4 that added JSONB data types. PostgreSQL provides two data types for storing JSON data: JSON and JSONB. For JSONB, it is an advanced version of the JSON data type and stores JSON data in binary format. This is a major enhancement and is quite different from the way you search for and process JSON data in PostgreSQL.
Oracle also has extensive support for JSON. PostgreSQL, by contrast, offers extensive support for data retrieval, data formatting, or conditional operations that affect the output of the data and even the data stored in the database. Data stored using the JSONB data type has the great advantage of being able to use GIN (common inverted index), which can be used to efficiently search for keys or key/value pairs occurring in a large number of JSONB documents.
PostgreSQL has additional extensions that help convert jSONB’s types to the procedural languages it supports. These extensions are jSONb_plperl and jSONb_plperlu for PL/Perl. For PL/Python, these are jSONB_PLPYTHONU, jSONB_PLPYTHON2U, and jSONB_PLPYTHON3U. For example, to use jSONb values to map Perl arrays, you can use the jSONb_plperl or jSONb_plperlu extension.
ArangoDB has published a benchmark that compares PostgreSQL’s JSON performance with that of other JSON-enabled databases. Although this is an older blog, it still shows the performance of PostgreSQL JSON compared to other databases. In other databases, JSON is a core feature of their kernel. This shows that JSON, even as an add-on to PostgreSQL, has some advantages.
Reason six: Major cloud vendors support DBaaS
PostgreSQL is widely supported as a DBaaS. These services come from Amazon, Microsoft Azure databases and Google Cloud SQL.
In contrast, Oracle is only available on Amazon RDS for Oracle. The services offered by the main participants start at an affordable price and can be flexibly set to suit your needs. This helps organizations and organizations set up and mitigate the huge cost of bunding on the Oracle platform.
Reason 7: Better processing of large amounts of data
PostgreSQL RDBMS is not designed to handle workloads of analysis and data warehouse classes. PostgreSQL is a line-oriented database, but it has the ability to store large amounts of data. PostgreSQL has the following restrictions when handling data storage:
Limit value
Maximum database size is unlimited
Maximum table size 32TB
Maximum row size 1.6TB
Maximum field size is 1GB
The maximum number of rows per table is unlimited
The maximum number of columns per table is 250-1600, depending on the column type
The maximum index for each table is unlimited
The main advantage of PostgreSQL is that there are already plug-ins that can be merged to handle large amounts of data. TimeScaleDB and CitusData’s Cstore_FDW can be incorporated into time series databases to store large amounts of data in mobile, Internet of Things applications as one of the plug-ins for data analysis or data warehousing. In fact, ClusterControl (a product) provides support for TimeScaleDB that is both simple and easy to deploy.
If you want to use PostgreSQL’s core features, you can use JSONB to store large amounts of data. For example, a large number of documents (PDF, Word, spreadsheet) can be stored using the JSONB data type. For geolocation applications or systems, PostGIS can be used.
Reason eight: Cheap scalability, high availability, redundancy/geographic redundancy and fault tolerant solutions
Oracle provides similar solutions, such as OracleGrid, Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC), Oracle Clusterware, and Oracle Data Guard. These technologies can add to your costs, are surprisingly expensive to deploy and stabilize, and are difficult to abandon once used. Technical personnel must be trained to enhance their skills and those involved in the deployment and implementation process.
PostgreSQL has a lot of support and a lot of choices. PostgreSQL contains flows and logical replication from the built-in core package. You can also set up synchronous replication for PostgreSQL to have more high availability clusters while having standby nodes handle read queries. For high availability, we recommend that you read our blog PostgreSQL Top PG Cluster High Availability (HA) Solutions, which covers many nice tools and techniques for you to choose from.
There are also enterprise features that provide high availability, monitoring, and backup solutions. ClusterControl is one of these technologies and is reasonably priced compared to Oracle solutions.
Cause nine: Multiple procedural languages are supported: PL/pgSQL, PL/Tcl, PL/Perl, and PL/Python
Starting with version 9.4, PostgreSQL has a great feature that allows you to define new procedural languages of your choice. Although not all programming languages are supported, it has many supported languages. Currently, it includes PL/ pgSQL, PL/ Tcl, PL/ Perl, and PL/ Python through basic distributions. The external language is:
Name language website
PL/Java Java
PL/Lua Lua
PL/ sh Unix shell
PL/ v8 JavaScript
The advantage of this is that, unlike Oracle, developers new to PostgreSQL can quickly provide business logic to their application systems without having to spend more time learning PL/SQL. PostgreSQL makes the developer’s environment easier and more efficient. This nature of PostgreSQL helps developers love PostgreSQL and start moving enterprise platform solutions to open source environments.
Reason 10: Large data sets, flexible indexing of text data (GIN, GiST, SP-gist and BRIN)
PostgreSQL has a huge advantage in supporting indexes, which are good for handling big data. Oracle has many index types, which are also useful for handling large data sets, especially full-text indexes. But with PostgreSQL, these types of indexes can be set flexibly for your purposes. For example, these types of indexes are suitable for big data:
GIN- (Generalized Inverted Index)
This kind of index works with the JSONb, HStore, Range, and Arrays columns. This feature is useful when your data type contains multiple values in a single column. According to the PostgreSQL document, “GIN is used to handle cases where the indexed item is a compound value, and the indexed query is used to search for the value of the element present in the compound item. For example, these items could be documents, and queries could be searches for documents that contain specific words.”
GiST- (Universal Search Tree)
A highly balanced search tree consisting of node pages. A node consists of index rows. Typically, each row of a leaf node (leaf row) contains predicates (Boolean expressions) and references to table rows (tiDs). GiST indexes are best used for geometric data types, such as seeing if two polygons contain a point. In one case, a particular point may be contained in a box, while another point exists only in a polygon. The most common data types to take advantage of GiST indexes when dealing with full-text searches are geometric types and text
Consider the following performance differences when choosing which index type to use (GiST or GIN) :
GIN index lookups are three times faster than GiST
GIN index takes three times longer to build than GiST
GIN indexes update slightly slower than GiST indexes, but about 10 times slower if fast update support is disabled
GIN index is two to three times larger than GiST index
As a rule of thumb, GIN indexes are best for static data because lookups are faster. For dynamic data, GiST indexes update faster.
Sp-gist – (Spatial partition GiST)
For large data sets with natural but uneven clustering. This type of index utilizes a spatial partition tree. Sp-gist indexes are most useful when your data has a natural cluster element and is not a balanced tree. A good example is phone numbers, for example in the United States, where they use the following format:
Three area code
The prefix is a 3-digit number (associated with the phone carrier’s switch)
Four digits of the line number
This means that you have some natural clustering around the first set of 3-digits, the second set of 3-digits, and then the numbers might spread out in a more even distribution. However, some area codes are much more saturated than others due to the presence of phone numbers. The result can be a very unbalanced tree. Data like phone numbers can serve as a good example of spgist because of the natural clustering up front and uneven distribution of data.
BRIN- (Block range index)
For large sequential data sets. A block scope is a set of adjacent pages in which summary information for all of these pages is stored in an index. Block-scoped indexes can focus on some use cases similar to SP-GIST, which are best used when the data tends to be very large when you naturally sort it. For example, there are billions of records, especially time series data, that BRIN might be able to help with. If you want to query large amounts of data that are naturally grouped together, such as data from several zip codes (which are then aggregated to a city), BRIN helps ensure that similar zip codes are close to each other on disk.
When you have very large data sets, such as dates or zip codes, the BRIN index lets you quickly skip or exclude a lot of unnecessary data. In addition, BRIN is maintained as small indexes relative to the overall data size, which gives them an advantage when working with large data sets.
PostgreSQL has some major advantages when competing with Oracle’s enterprise platform and business solutions. PostgreSQL is a solid choice for an open source RDBMS, as it is almost as powerful as Oracle.
Oracle is hard to beat (a hard truth to accept), and ditching the tech giant’s enterprise platform won’t be easy either. This can be a challenge when the system provides you with capabilities and productivity.
But there are times when choices have to be made, as ongoing overinvestment in the platform can outweigh the cost of other business tier priorities, affecting schedules.
Choose PostgreSQL and its underlying platform solutions to help you reduce costs and budget issues. And none of the changes are big.
For more exciting content, please pay attention to the following platforms and websites:
PostgreSQL Branch official official number (technical articles, technical activities) : open source software Alliance PostgreSQL branch
China Postgre SQL Branch technical q&A community:
Official website of China Postgre SQL Branch:
Extra!! The PostgreSQL chapter of the Open Source Software Alliance (OASU) is welcoming a new round of submissions for PostgreSQL. The PostgreSQL chapter is inviting submissions for PostgreSQL. The PostgreSQL chapter is inviting submissions for PostgreSQL.
Submission format: Word PDF
We are going to hold PGcon recently, and we are lucky to have invited many big names. Please pay attention to our official account for further information and notification arrangement.