The first one will wipe out a lot of people

There are a lot of “automatic” students to consult technical problems, he always asked me some element positioning questions. Element positioning is not an automated interview problem.

I usually ask: Can’t you locate it? It usually turns out to be impossible to locate.

When you automate, you have to make sure that there are no elements that you can’t locate before you automate your UI. If some elements can not be located, what do you say you take to order? It’s like your hand and your mouse can’t click on the element you want, and you can’t do it.

First, automation is divided into UI automation and interface automation

UI automation also includes APP automation, H5, small programs and so on

Interface automation also covers a lot. What kind of tools do you use for automation? HTTP interface automation DUBBO interface automation

So it’s just automation.

! [automated test ten necessary (back) of the interview questions you] (

Automation how do you do the automation operating environment, automation how distributed, batch operation how to continuous integration there are too many questions, I give you a simple look at a few typical interview questions

! [automated test ten necessary (back) of the interview questions you] (

Take a look at how many of these 10 questions can you answer?

1. What are the differences and scenarios of the three waiting times?

Forced wait, implicit wait, display wait.

! [automated test ten necessary (back) of the interview questions you] (

The first forced wait: that is, when I go to click

! [automated test ten necessary (back) of the interview questions you] (

This is a single line of code that enters the user’s name

When I put these two lines of code

! [automated test ten necessary (back) of the interview questions you] (

In here,

! [automated test ten necessary (back) of the interview questions you] (

Regardless of whether your element appears on the page or not, I will wait 3 seconds before I operate it. It’s mandatory. It’s imperative. But these tend to be used only for script debugging, not really in automated test cases. If you think about it, you add ten lines to a use case, and one waits for three seconds and ten waits for thirty seconds and one use case for thirty seconds is not desirable.

The second

Implicit waiting: What is it used for?

! [automated test ten necessary (back) of the interview questions you] (

This is implicit waiting.

What kind of distinction is implicit waiting? That means you don’t care where you click on it and it only has to be written once. Like time.sleep(3) you have to write every time, like driver. Implicitly_wait (3) # Once. It waits for three seconds every time it clicks, so what is it waiting for in the middle three seconds?

The point is, a page can have a lot of images, JSS, CSS, IMG. Reload JSS images. So for example I want to click on the search button

! [automated test ten necessary (back) of the interview questions you] (

The implicit three-second wait is for all the JS and images on the page to load. Even if your search button comes out, I still have to wait for js and IMG to finish loading. Does that make sense? Software testing full stack content welcome to the public number of programmers who exchange learning. So if the JSS and CSS are not loaded in three seconds or so, I still won’t click on you. This is an implicit wait. It’s convenient but flawed.

The third:

So what does it mean to show wait?

This literally means the opposite of implicit waiting. One is hidden and one is very visible, and I can do whatever I want to do without waiting.

! [automated test ten necessary (back) of the interview questions you] (

I clicked the search button as soon as it came up.

I don’t care if other logos and images are loaded or not, as long as the search button I want comes up, I click it immediately.

This topic is very important and very basic for automated testing, so I put it first.

This question will not be difficult for you when asked later.

Understand the friends, like a wave of support ~

2. Have you done automated tests in previous projects? How did it proceed?

If you want to earn more than 15K, this question is a must!

Don’t look at the question is simple, right? This question is actually a little difficult. When asked if you’ve ever taken an automated test, you can’t simply say, “Well, I have!”

You need to tell the interviewer how you automate your development to advance. How you push is very important, how you start to automate in and push, let’s not one-sided answer yes or no.

I used selenium, an open source framework, plus the Python infrastructure to automate the interface and front-end UI aspects of our project.

How it works: Use some unit testing framework unitTest to organize our test cases, (or Pytest)

Data-driven: for example, we use execl table to make a data-driven, and then we use some keyword drivers, and you are doing automation you encounter some problems, we must prepare several automation encountered problems! This even if you don’t say, is also must ask! And then how do you solve those problems.

Here’s a formula:

How to solve these problems

What value does it add to your company’s projects? Like when I go in for an interview, I say become a fixed asset to our company.

Whether development, product, operation, will use our automation script. It can help us with online monitoring, automatic regression, data generation and data running, which improves the efficiency of iteration and releases a lot of manpower.

The biggest misconception about automation is what automated testing is for.

A lot of software testing peers, he did not really feel. When I started automation, I was in an ARTIFICIAL intelligence company. Before the launch of the product, CTO only asked me one thing: can I join? Because a lot of automation projects on my side have been in constant regression, and then functional testing has been tested. So the combination of function + automation can be very confident online. It checks out a lot of hidden bugs, many due to code submission, new feature development product bugs.

3. Have you used RF frame before? Keyword driven principle? How to develop system keywords?

4. What are the underlying core principles of Selenium? Have you done any secondary packaging?

What is the function of session management?

6. What’s the difference between UnitTest/Pytest?

7. Tell me about your understanding of the idea of automated layering.

In fact, this sentence is often written in some large recruitment online. You will automate and you will automate layering.

Doing automation is the same as doing functional testing, so what does it fall into?

The first: Automate the use case it has a business layer/business logic

For example, what is the business logic for logging in?

Enter the username – enter the password – click the login button


The business logic

Keyword driven:

Business layer keywords

For example, if you log in, do you need to use the login keyword for other use cases? This business is also encapsulated as a keyword. Can you use it in one of your other use cases? So the interface, there’s not a lot of correlation between the interfaces, right, if you put the order interfaces together, the return and delivery interfaces together, that’s a business level key.

Keyword drivers not only have a business layer, but also a logical layer. Let’s say you need a lot of

Public methods

, such as random numbers, random numbers, databases and so on. If anyone can use it, encapsulate it into a keyword.

Secondary packaging


Sometimes we need to repackage as needed.

Keyword drivers are not just three layers. There are many things to layer, many drivers, third party libraries, logs, pages, images, reports, etc…

Data driven

The configuration file

8. Under what environment are automated use cases run and how do they run in batches?

The automation that will really benefit the company is going to be at thousands of levels of use cases. If you do not reach this level, the benefits must be small. Since machines are running it, why not cover it all?

Here we recommend a docker container technology + Jenkins timing build +git

You put your code on Top of Git and then use Jenkins to associate timed builds. Docker ensures that your automated clean environment (advanced version of virtual machine) runs as well as distributed.

No matter what technology we learn, we combine actual combat and automatic application. Many friends want to learn test development, test platform, you automation, interface, framework you do not know, you talk about how to learn test development? That’s not realistic.

People often ask, what are the shortcuts to learning software testing?

Learn step by step, planned, do not take detours! Is the biggest shortcut.

9. Have you independently built an automated testing framework?

10. What exactly does test development do in an enterprise?