
The most can reflect the ability of job seekers is the interview, can not get the Offer, depends on your performance in the interview, only have preparation in the interview process. Here are 10 of the most popular questions that interviewers ask, and you’ll be able to answer them if you know how to answer them.

1. Please tell me something about yourself

If you repeat your resume for one minute, your impression will be lost!

As a developer, it is particularly important to have a learning atmosphere and a communication circle, no matter you are small white or big bull welcome to enter, share BAT, Ali interview questions, interview experience, discuss technology, we exchange learning and growth together!

You may wish to present yourself openly and confidently, focusing on the strengths that match the position you are applying for. Your relevant skills and qualities are the most interesting information for companies. Because, in many cases, while listening to your introduction, the interviewer will also follow up on points of interest to the interviewer.

Therefore, in the presentation, we should strive to be based on the truth, take into account the logicality and orderliness of expression, and avoid lengthy and unfocused narration. Be sure to endear yourself to the interviewer in as little time as possible. In addition, enterprises attach great importance to a person’s politeness. Job seekers should respect the examiner and say “thank you” after answering every question. Enterprises like polite job seekers.

My name is XX. I am X years old. I graduated from XX University in XXXX. 3 years of development experience, I have a deep interest in technology, a wide range of professional knowledge, a strong sense of responsibility, clear thinking, good communication skills, proficient. Net technical system, familiar with MVC. I usually have time to read blogs, and I also like to write technical articles on Jian Shu or CSDN, and discuss with my fellow bloggers. Thank you very much!

Why do you come to Beijing for a job?

Interviewers will ask 90% of the questions to candidates from other places, mainly to check whether you are stable or not. Besides personal experience and ability, the first is stability, if not stable, then the rest is empty talk.

I come from Henan, henan is a big agricultural province, the IT industry is not very developed, I study computer major, also like this industry, Beijing in the domestic IT industry is the fastest development, so I want to come here to seek development, learn more new technology, can bring self-improvement.

Note: Don’t talk about how bad the company was. Do not say which elder brothers mix very good, envy just come to Beijing. Because companies are looking for people who can work for a long time, maybe one of your friends will be better off somewhere else one day, do you want to change jobs? So, just say learn more new technology and management experience is enough.

3. Why did you leave your previous company?

When answering this question, you must be careful. Even if you were wronged in your previous job, you should never show your complaints to the company. In particular, you should avoid criticizing the company’s own supervisor and avoiding the negative emotions and impressions of the interviewer. It is suggested that the best answer is to blame the problem on yourself, for example, feel that there is no room for learning and development in the job, I want to learn more in the related industry of the job interview, or the previous job and their career planning is not reasonable, and so on, the answer should be positive.

4. What is your greatest weakness?

This question is the most difficult to answer. Usually, the interviewer does not want to hear the weakness of a direct answer. If the applicant says he is narrow-minded, bad-tempered and inefficient, the enterprise will not hire you. Don’t smartly say, “My greatest weakness is that I’m too much of a perfectionist.” Some people think this will make them look good, but in fact, they’re already on the brink. Interviewers like candidates to start with their good points, add a few little weaknesses in between, and then move on to the good points, the good points. Interviewers like smart candidates.

A: That’s a hard question to answer! I think… (Affinity performance, but also ease their tension)

My weakness is that I am persistent. For example, I love to study technology, and sometimes I will work late into the night for a technical problem. What’s more, MY work is quite orderly and I always complete tasks according to the requirements of project management. Another disadvantage is that he has an innovative mind in his work scope and does not extend it to other colleagues. I think I can solve these problems in the shortest time after entering the company. With my strong learning ability, I believe I can quickly integrate into the corporate culture of the company and get into the working state. I think that’s all.

5. Where do you see yourself in your career in the next 3-5 years?

Most interviews will ask you if you have a career plan. The idea behind this question is to understand your motivation and to think about your career development in the medium to long term. Before answering this question, you should have a clear understanding of yourself, know what direction you want to go and what your future plans are. You should give the interviewer a positive, studious, ambitious and planned feeling. Interviewers like candidates with plans.

I would like to settle down in the position I am applying for in 1-2 years from now, and I would like to be promoted through continuous efforts. I would like to move from developer to architect in 3-5 years. At the same time, I also hope to further enhance my professional ability on the platform of the enterprise.

6. Your salary requirements?

If your salary requirements are too low, you are undermining your abilities. If you ask for too much salary, you will appear to be too important for the company. Some employers usually have a budget for the position in advance, and their first offer is usually the best they can offer, just to make sure it’s enough to interest you in the job.

I have no rigid requirement for salary. I believe that your company will be friendly and reasonable in dealing with my problem. I’m focused on getting the right job, so as long as the terms are fair, I don’t care too much.

If you have to name a number yourself, don’t say a wide range, don’t say 7000-8000, you’ll just get the lowest number, which is 7000. It’s best to give a specific number.

7. When can you start?

Most companies will care in time, it is best to answer “if you are hired, starting day according to the rules of the company to work”, if not quit a job, but work time is too close, it seems that some is coming, because the time of delivery at least a month, should further explain the reason, company should be accommodating.

8. Introduce a project with which you are most familiar (Project Manager)

This question is often asked in technical interviews to gauge your growth path and programming habits, because the projects you are most familiar with are the ones that you grew the fastest, and the ones that grew the fastest will leave a lot of traces on your programming habits. So, from your descriptions of familiar projects, an experienced person will quickly pinpoint the flaws and glitches in your technical growth and determine if they can “work for me.”

You’d better come up with a project that you are most skilled at. After listening to your introduction, he will follow up with questions, so that you have all the questions he asks in mind.

Don’t mention that you’ve been involved in few projects. If he asks you further, you’ll probably answer the wrong question, which will make the situation worse. This will strike a chord with him. If possible, Offer a few tips of your own. He will be very happy and the interview will be very easy.

9. How will you carry out your work if the company hires you? (Project Manager)

Many enterprise value when hiring developers can get started as soon as possible, so the answer to “real” answer this question, the best can emphasize “as soon as possible” in response to put into development work, such leadership so relieved, will feel that you are not a man will only work blindly, but a step-by-step, slowly steady.

I have only a general understanding of our company and the nature of the work in this position. As for this position, I think I should first have an understanding of the company’s main business, business components, business development direction, the nature of our customers and so on. Secondly, I need to know the position of the department in the company and the work objectives of the department, so as to determine the direction of my own work. Thirdly, I need to understand the way I participate in the development of the project and the structure of the project. I need to closely cooperate with the leadership and put myself into the specific development work as soon as possible. This is my plan to carry out my work.

10. Do you have any questions for me?

Interviewers don’t like “no questions.” No questions are suicide. No questions convey a lack of interest in the company and are just looking for a paycheck. In fact, during the interview process, ask the interviewer politely what the name is, information about the work of the department, such as the project status, development technology or your company’s promotion mechanism.

Being proactive is very flattering. You can also learn more about your working environment. Enterprises welcome such candidates, because it shows your passion for learning and loyalty to the company as well as your self-motivated.

Master the above ten interview questions, mom no longer need to worry about my job!