Writing in the front

If you are interested in this area, you can also take a look at VScode tips for improving your development efficiency, which is a continuation of the previous article. This article is not many things, but are their own common and feel very practical

VSCode utility shortcut keys

If you want to modify a shortcut, click the above method to find the shortcut, then double-click the field and enter your own key combination. CTRL + Shift + F Format document CTRL + F2 Select the same content throughout the document CTRL + D select the next same content CTRL Add cursor CTRL + U on the up/next line Retrace previous cursor Operation CTRL + K + L Toggle Collapse CTRL + K + J Expand all CTRL + G jump to specified line CTRL + P Search file CTRL + Shift + P Open main command box CTRL + Shift + N Open a new VSCode editor CTRL + [/] Code line left/right indent CTRL + Home/End Jump to the beginning /end of the file CTRL + Shift + New Terminal

VSCode extension

There are already articles about this online nugget, so I won’t bother to share with you 33 vscode plugins to improve your productivity.

A practical software

  • Snipaste

A convenient and quick screen capture small tools, F1 screen capture, F3 stuck on the top of the screen, quick color, code…….

  • ScreenToGif

A convenient and quick production of GIF small tools, no watermark !!!!

  • Typora

Markdown is a simple, free text editor that supports real-time preview. Here is a tutorial for those interested in using it

  • Language finches

An online document editing and collaboration tool that supports brain maps, subtotals, and various styles of code, but doesn’t work very well without the Internet

  • Youdao Cloud Note

A simple notes software, support multi – end synchronization, the function is less than the language sparrow. You can choose which editor to use according to your own situation.

Google Chrome Extension

  • Ghelper
  • FeHelper

JSON automatic formatting, supporting sorting, decoding, and downloading

  • kanbie

A checklist of what you haven’t done, what you’re working on, and what you’ve done

  • Salad search word – aggregation dictionary delimit word translation

A professional word translation extension for cross reading. A large number of authoritative dictionaries covering Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, French, German and Spanish support complex word segmentation, web translation, new words and PDF browsing.

  • Vue.js devtools

Used to debug vue.js applications

  • React Developer Tools

Used to debug react.js applications