Spring Cloud Alibaba is actually the micro-service solution of Alibaba. It is an open source micro-service bucket incubated by Alibaba in the Spring Cloud project and becomes a sub-project of Spring Cloud based on its own micro-service practices. Many components in the first generation of the Spring Cloud standard have been discontinued, such as Eureak, Zuul, etc. Therefore, Spring Cloud Alibaba is likely to become the standard implementation of the second generation of Spring Cloud, so many components are gradually being used in the industry and there have been many successful cases. It is worth mentioning that Spring Cloud Alibaba is well compatible with Dubbo and also provides some powerful functions, such as Sentinel flow control, Seata distributed transaction, Nacos service discovery and registration, etc.

However, now the online learning materials of SpringCloudAlibab are either incomplete or few, let alone complete. Therefore, today I will share this learning document about SpringCloud Alibaba for free, which is well illustrated and tailored. Very suitable for learning Spring Cloud Alibaba friends to watch! Let’s take a look at this Spring Cloud Alibaba learning document!

Due to the length problem, in order not to affect the reading, this complete Spring Cloud Alibaba learning document has been sorted out. If you need it, there is a free way to get the information at the end of the article!

First, the concept of microservices

With the development of the Internet, the scale of website application is also constantly expanding, leading to the system architecture is also constantly changing. Since the early days of the Internet, the system architecture has generally gone through the following processes: single application architecture > vertical application architecture > distributed architecture >SOA architecture > micro-service architecture, and of course, Service Mesh(Service Mesh) has quietly emerged. Let’s take a look at what each system architecture looks like and what the pros and cons are.

Ii. Establishment of micro-service environment

Nacos Discovery– Service Governance

What is service governance

Service governance is the core and basic module of microservice architecture. It is used to realize automatic registration and discovery of each microservice.

Sentinel– Service fault tolerance

In micro service architecture, we will split into small business service, service and service can call each other between, but due to network or its own reasons, 100% of the service does not guarantee available, if a single service problems, invoking the service network delay will occur and then if there is a lot of network, will form the task, Eventually, the service crashed.

Chapter 5 Gateway– Service Gateway

In microservices architecture, a system is broken up into many microservices. So how do you call so many microservices as a client? If there is no gateway, we can only record the address of each microservice on the client side and call it separately.

Sleuth- Link tracing

In the microservitization of large systems, a system is broken down into many modules. These modules are responsible for different functions, combined into a system that can ultimately provide rich functionality. In this architecture, a single request often involves multiple services. Internet applications are built on different sets of software modules, which may be developed by different teams, implemented in different programming languages, and spread across thousands of servers across different data centers, meaning there are problems with this architecture

Rocketmq– Message driver

8. SMS– SHORT message service and Nacos Config– service configuration

Seata– Distributed transactions

A transaction is a unit of operations in which all operations are ultimately consistent in their behavior, either all operations succeed or all operations are undone. Simply put, transactions provide an “all or nothing” mechanism.