Have a refresh_token

Use Store optimization to encapsulate local storage tokens & TOKEN expiration handling

No refresh_token

Active intervention of Token invalidation

If the back-end interface is not doing the processing, active intervention is an easy way to do it

In the request interceptor, the timestamp is used to determine whether a timeout has occurred for logout and other operations

1. Byjs-cookieAccess token and timestamp


import Cookies from 'js-cookie'

const TokenKey = 'hr-jean-token' // Create a unique key--token
const TimeKey = 'hr-jean-time' // Set a unique key-- timestamp

export function getToken() {
  return Cookies.get(TokenKey)

export function setToken(token) {
  return Cookies.set(TokenKey, token)

export function removeToken() {
  return Cookies.remove(TokenKey)

// Access timestamp
export function getTimeStamp() {
  return Cookies.get(TimeKey)

export function setTimeStamp() {
  // Save to the present time
  return Cookies.set(TimeKey, Date.now())
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2. Click login and save the token and timestamp


  // Defining the login action also requires parameters that are passed when the action is called
  // Async is an asynchronous function -> is essentially a promise
  async login(context, data) {
    // The result is the token after the response interceptor
    const result = await login(data) // This is actually a promise result
    // Axios adds a layer of data by default
    // Indicates that the login interface was successfully called, which means that your username and password are correct
    // Now there is a user token
    // Actions Change state must be done via mutations
    context.commit('setToken', result)
    // Write the timestamp
    setTimeStamp() // Write the current latest time to the cache
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3. Perform timeout interception in axios request interceptor

import axios from 'axios'
import store from '@/store'
import router from '@/router'
import { Message } from 'element-ui'
import { getTimeStamp } from '@/utils/auth'
const TimeOut = 3600 // Define the timeout

const service = axios.create({
// When NPM run dev =>.evn.development => / API => cross-domain proxy
  baseURL: process.env.VUE_APP_BASE_API, // npm run dev => /api npm run build => /prod-api
  timeout: 5000 // Set the timeout period

// Request interceptor
service.interceptors.request.use(config= > {
  // config is the requested configuration information
  / / into the token
  if (store.getters.token) {
    // It is only necessary to check if the timestamp times out if there is a token
    if (IsCheckTimeOut()) {
      // If it is true, it is expired
      // The token is not used because it timed out
      store.dispatch('user/logout') // Log out
      // Jump to the login page
      return Promise.reject(new Error('Token timed out'))
    config.headers['Authorization'] = `Bearer ${store.getters.token}`
  return config // It must be returned
}, error= > {
  return Promise.reject(error) }) ... Omit other code// Whether timeout occurs
// Whether the timeout logic (current time - time in cache) is greater than the time difference
function IsCheckTimeOut() {
  var currentTime = Date.now() // The current timestamp
  var timeStamp = getTimeStamp() // Cache timestamp
  return (currentTime - timeStamp) / 1000 > TimeOut
export default service
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Passive handling of Token invalidation

There’s active processing and there’s passive processing, where the back end tells us we’ve timed out, and we’re forced to react, and if the back end interface doesn’t process, active intervention is an easy way to do that

The token timeout error code is 10002

1. In axiosThe responseIn interceptorerrorDo timeout intercept processing


error => {
  // Error message response object
  // Check whether the token expires
  / / way
  // if (error.response && error.response.status === 401) {}
    2 / / way
  if (error.response && error.response.data && error.response.data.code === 10002) {
    // When the value equals 10002, the backend tells me that the token has timed out
    store.dispatch('user/logout') // Logout action deletes the token
    router.push('/login')}else {
    Message.error(error.message) // An error message is displayed
  return Promise.reject(error)
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