Front-end early chat conference, a new starting point for front-end growth, jointly held with the Nuggets. Add WeChat codingdreamer into assembly technology group, the twentieth | front special management, 2021-1-23, online live broadcast.

Live in the afternoon there was a round table, the ant group researcher, pay treasure to experience the department head – jade “to talk to you the front end of the” how to build good team, “registration stamp:

GMTC shenzhen 2019 General Assembly (2019-12-21) on the share has been a year, this Saturday to hold the 20th session of the front early chat conference, the previous year to share the content slightly adjusted, synchronous release to nuggets, to attract.

Hi, my name is Scott. It’s a great honor to be here at GMTC. I have been writing code for 9 years and have worked for 3 companies:

I worked in Ali for four years from 2010 to 2014. When I left Ali, it was already a very large company with 80,000 employees. In those years, I was not involved in management at the front end, but only influenced by management.

In 2014 (three years from 2014 to 2017), I co-founded Moveha&CR and served as CTO. At the beginning, there were only two people in Moveha&CR, which was a micro enterprise. When we were about to close down after three years of founding, there were more than 20 people in the company, and the company was transformed from a micro enterprise to a small one.

So far, I have been leading the front end team in Hangzhou Song Xiaocai. When I first entered the company, the size of the company was more than 200 people, and there were only 20 people in r&d. It was a medium-sized enterprise initially.

Whether it is the giant super large enterprises like Alibaba, or the micro enterprises, and then to small enterprises, medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises, each type of company’s research and development mode and management mode are very different.

Me toward management job starts from the business, but at that time because of the belt is products, operations and technology team is also small, business complexity is low, so are the weak management, really deep management is also in recent three years, I took the team also experienced many profound changes, the front by the team responsible for the application of number from single digits to more than 60, The team has grown from a minimum of 6 to 20, which is a typical small and medium-sized team. The training of experts in the team has also grown from 0 to 7 (including 2 recruited). There are also 4 directors who can lead the team independently, which can be regarded as a complete process from weak to mature.

These three periods of my career have gradually transformed me from a technical player to a technical manager. When I look back on this period, I find that I have stepped on many pits and taken many detours. In fact, many front-end engineers share the same anxiety. For example, do administration or code and architecture? Does the engineer have an age ceiling? When can you consider a management transition? Do technology on the road, meet the watershed, how to choose? Today I’m going to share my experience with you in the hope that it can give you some inspiration.

Today’s content to share with you will be divided into four parts: first, from the perspective of the industry, through sampling, let you have a general perception of the current survival status of small and medium-sized front-end teams in the industry (the small and medium-sized teams here, especially within 20 people); Secondly, I would like to share with you the self-mutation of the new managers. Then simply review my experience in song Xiaocai front-end management in these two years; Finally, some of my views and suggestions on management.

First, the bottom – small and medium-sized front-end team survival status

In 2017, the National Bureau of Statistics issued a standard to distinguish the size of enterprises:

  • The total number of employees is less than 10 and the annual revenue is less than 1 million.
  • Companies with less than 100 employees and less than 10 million revenue belong to small enterprises.
  • The total number of employees of the company is less than 300, and the revenue is less than 100 million, which is a medium-sized enterprise.

Here is one of my own front end management groups (nearly 500 front End TL as of the end of 2019) filled with front end executives. Each front end supervisor should have at least 3 to 4 people and more than 70 to 80 people. I conducted a survey on this group. There were a total of 340 front-end supervisors in the group at that time, among which 170 front-end supervisors were taken as samples. The survey data are shown in the figure below.

The survey focused on their work experience, pain points in the team, and hiring plans for the next two quarters — their hiring needs.

  1. Research: Executive group & Analysis

As can be seen from this table, the total number of people brought by 340 front supervisors is over 2000, that is to say, each supervisor brings about 6 people on average. Of the more than 170 front-end executives in the sample, they will hire more than 700 in the next six months, and the actual demand for specialists accounts for almost 30%.

This is almost impossible for recruitment, and one expert in 10 candidates would be good. From this table, we can draw some conclusions:

  • This industry is in demand for front end executives, especially good front end executives.
  • As Internet companies move from the early stage to the middle stage, their demands for senior experts and executives become stronger and stronger, and their requirements will become higher and higher.
  • Recruiting skills are becoming a necessary skill for a team leader or front end leader, and if you don’t have the ability to recruit, future expansion, including the formation of new teams, will be very difficult, and you may become a bottleneck for your team.
  • Management skills (people management, project management) will gradually become a plus for a senior front end, and a senior front end will become an expert down the road, and you will most likely be involved in management in the future. When it comes to this day, your previous knowledge, methods and experience of management will also be very important.
  • The last one is the overall environment. Even if the economic downturn is bad, the quality talent market at the front end is still in short supply, and a large number of front-end executives cannot recruit the desired people.

The chart above is a sample of 170 front-end supervisors. It can be found that most managers lead teams with less than 10 people, accounting for more than 65% of the total. These are small and medium-sized teams, or relatively small teams. However, three to eight years of work experience accounted for the largest proportion of these executives. They have the most management experience at 13 years. From 2016 to 2019, the demand for front-end supervisors in the whole industry is increasing.

2. New Manager & Pain point

A new supervisor, whether he’s parachuted in, promoted, or promoted by his boss, usually has a lot of problems. The 170 supervisors in my previous survey reported so many questions that I simply categorized them and separated out the commonalities. The pain points highlighted in yellow were the most common:

  • Managing up: Can’t actually handle the boss, and often doesn’t get enough authorization.
  • Energy distribution: I have meetings and reviews, I have performance evaluations, AND I have time to hire. I don’t have time to write code, and my skills go to waste.
  • Team atmosphere: team building is generally run out to play or eat a meal, do the effect is often not good, or with their expectations is a Gap.
  • Talent cultivation: How to cultivate? For this part of the cognition is relatively weak, there is no specific methodology.
  • Performance assessment: The company’s performance assessment system may not be very perfect, so it will be difficult for me to conduct assessment in the team, whether it is the formulation, implementation of rules or even the final assessment.
  • Technical Exploration: In the team would like to try some better technology selection and scheme, the first is yourself and those around students want to take this step, the second is the boss let don’t let me do, all want to make a question mark, again, is the company’s various aspects condition is allowed or suits to do, when these cannot meet the technical exploration always stay in my spare time, And technological growth is bound to be affected.
  • Management service: may be this supervisor is just airborne come over, promote up or fill the position come over, in the face of very personality also emotional front schoolmate, soft refuse to accept you, hard people forced to go, on the face of you are not satisfied, in the face of you do not recognize, sandwsandwis in the middle of two difficult.

To sum up, the front-end team is small, but it can be harder to bring up than the server. In addition, from the front end of a code writing identity, slowly to the process of management, it seems very simple, write pages and do projects, but in fact, it is much more complicated.

Finally, under the background of mass entrepreneurship, so many small and medium-sized enterprises were born. Under the situation of life and death bankruptcy every day, their institutional systems and promotion space were uneven, not to mention the soil for technological growth. It was difficult to manage in such an environment.

3. Younger front end teams — challenges

It can be found from the above table of “Distribution of management personnel” that many front-end managers have 3-8 years of work experience, but their management experience is only 12 years, and their skills may not be very well stored at present. At this time, it is a little bit of pulling up the seedlings to do management. The final result is that management skills have not been well practiced, while the technology has been abandoned, so it is an objective situation that career planning may be difficult at this point.

What I just talked about is the problem he faces from the perspective of the manager, and then switch to the perspective of the students below the manager, you will find the same challenge:

At present front-end managers often sigh with emotion is that the young people are not easy to take before. My team average age is 26 years old, after arriving in 95 after a lot of, found to have significantly different, but this is not good, is not to say that the person itself, such as the young people have what shortcomings and weaknesses, is, in fact, the growth of different s background and professional brand is different, also is the new employment relationship, Before the new staff of this ethnic group than employees from cognitive, and workplace ideas have changed, but the system did not keep the same pace in all aspects, then let the clip in the middle layer of managers in a quandary, he can sense to the young people care about, he is difficult to modify the whole system of company.

I also conducted a separate survey of many front-end newcomers, and about 50 to 60 students submitted the survey. Their points of great Care were divided into four categories:

  • Growth: Today’s students are very strong in their pursuit of growth. No matter whether you are from a large company or a small company, if new students can’t grow well here, they will not be able to retain them. Because the front-end technology changes quickly, he is very worried that growth can not keep up, stay two or three years will be abandoned, lost their competitiveness.
  • Salary: This I think is after 80 is not too not bashful to speak opened up one of the things, everyone is talking about vision are talking about feelings, money seems to be too vulgar, but this is a very real problem, the company is to positively facing the appeal of the younger generation, they just want to travel, want to make money for the family, need a good income, for him, When his growth is evident, the company should provide corresponding incentives.
  • Atmosphere: The atmosphere of the team is very important, it relates to everyone’s work experience. Maybe this student has good skills and good business, but when the atmosphere is not good, such as the so-called office politics, this student will feel bad.
  • Equality relationship: the word may not be accurate, is really a flattening management system, company have strict hierarchy, isn’t it hard without temperature management pattern, especially in dealing with problems are biased, a bowl of water side obviously uneven, see employee’s eyes, he is difficult to accept.

So sometimes, some potential good classmate, you bring him in, but his condition is not very good, slowly the reasons behind are likely to be in the first few months in his growth, wages, atmosphere and equality relationship here feel they can’t accept the one or two short board, this time his heart OS becomes: Anyway, I’m already in this hole, so I’m just going to endure it for a year or two, and then I’ll leave, and he’ll start saving up for it.

4. Conclusion: Management is tough

So throughout the whole of China’s small and medium-sized teams, with a small front team looked very easily, and it is very difficult for the new director is, once these students have done projects like a duck to water, a is difficult to management, exactly why, that’s because the front of the survival status quo, in the big and small companies, natural is a huge difference:

These differences will be exposed more thoroughly in small and medium-sized companies. I summarize that the problems faced by the front-end manager in the team of small and medium-sized companies are mainly divided into six aspects:

  • The company does not give force: first of all, there is a problem with the company’s entrepreneurial track, the company’s business model, the company does not give force, which is very fatal.
  • The boss is not effective: The boss has the decision-making power, but he may not know much about technology, products and operations. As a result, he cannot fully embrace the more humane and efficient Internet collaboration mode due to his weak cognition in these aspects.
  • Poor organization: THE HR department cannot reach a consensus with the boss, and the whole company is disorganized and the channels are vague. Such organizational relationship will bring bad feelings to employees.
  • Business is not powerful: the business side may be partial to sales or offline, he is very strong, the cognition of the Internet is not necessarily scientific, sometimes the wind comes and sometimes the rain, may lead to the whole product technology department is very passive and weak. When their goals are unclear and THEIR KPIs change from day to day, they become more passive as managers and gradually become loudspeakers connected from top to bottom rather than participants and decision-makers.
  • Products: don’t give force on the market a good product manager is very expensive, each sending is carrying a real ones can Hold complex product line product manager, but many companies the boss is not willing to spend the money, the general will recruit a job for a year or two of product managers come first, top position to make the tool. It is precisely because of such a recognition that the product manager has no right to speak and cannot stay idle, so the endless demands pile up, and he cannot control the company’s long-term product architecture.
  • Technology is not to force: usually the founding team of the CTO may not be purely technical background, or don’t know much about the current ecological more cutting-edge technology, or understand technology but friendly to engineer is not enough, lead to internal team can only use a few more old technology, unwilling to explore innovative and carding specification, and do more valuable infrastructure and talent reserves for a long time.

In general, every problem in the right quadrants makes the front end manager with the team very uncomfortable. Could you bring in the process of the team, good people less and less, or with, no less, you go first, obviously this is loss for company, so the question whether it is for the parties which the management of the company, can’t turn a blind eye, because all the price also are made by the company and eventually the whole investment team.

Second, positioning — self-mutation of new managers

Based on the industry status quo and management environment discussed above, if I really work in a small or medium-sized company, how can I position myself in such an entrepreneurial environment? I can’t just write an email in the afternoon saying that the world is big and I want to go out and have a look.

Problems still need to face, as a manager how to do things in such an environment, because all the companies are also gone through the early stage, the more the more so, early in my side cut a figure, a director with a team of eight people, he asked me many questions, I summarize the problem of his down, is actually three questions did not want to know:

  1. Introspection: Who am I

Who am I? In my company, as a technical director, we all talk about developing others and achieving others. The first question is what can I achieve? What do I want to achieve? If I’m going to coach people and lead team members to do planning for them, I have to be able to do planning for myself. Then, leading a team must be doing a project for the company’s “war”. Before, during and after the war, what kind of resources I need, all these issues should be clearly thought out in the early stage of leading a team.

2. Positioning: Responsible for what

If “Who am I?” is clear, then it’s my ass. What am I responsible for here?

First look at the red part in the figure below. As a front-end supervisor of technology, he must be responsible for the technical decisions, and then the project results. These two core factors must be unavoidable.

Then on this basis, we need to be responsible for product results possible, because as a manager, you have to go communication with parallel departments, participate in the review, and resources for transfers-will coordination, a counter, etc., which can be responsible for business results, that if at this time on the product and the feeling of the business is not strong, will be difficult to power.

Managers are responsible for technical decisions, project results, product and business results. In the whole process, we hope the team will grow bigger and stronger.

How does great and strong manifest itself? In fact, it is the talent that can grow, the talent echelon. So let the people become one, cross together, to make things happen, people can also happen, in the whole process of the means is the arrangement of troops.

Is for transfers-will share in the company’s every battle plan, may be added in south China sales market, may be the user scale rapid expansion, from the top strategy formulation, core decision-makers to battle plan, how many games to play what kind of campaign, eventually to the battle front in the process of headquarters of tactical layout. The managers of small and medium-sized front-end team battle of most of the time in this layer, and less involved in strategy formulation, but is to be able to get involved in operations planning and tactics part, in particular to a partial execution layer part for transfers-will, arrange what to what role into what projects do what content is responsible for what, you how evaluation to him.

What is the purpose of arragement? The company is the soldier of iron and steel ying Pan flowing water, also is the project of iron and steel engineer flowing water. So in the long term, human growth is very important; In short cycles, business results are very important. So it can be seen as short cycle through to complete one another for transfers-will product project research and development, can look for a long period of time is to get the team through time and time again in the project for transfers-will repeatedly experience, and constantly send out has the potential of technology backbone, to restore the shape of this talent echelon, creating a battle-hardened r&d force for the company.

The so-called selection and cultivation, in fact, is to consolidate the foundation of talent echelon through battle after battle, to stimulate the potential of all members. So you need to have a set of effective system of choose and employ persons, but in the process of selection) leave, will be based on the company’s core values (culture and atmosphere, the basic principle of doing things, etc.) for the anchored around standard of choose and employ persons and talent match, also only in this way, can in the years of entrepreneurial history, constantly pushing up to the company decision-making level, Ultimately contribute to the company’s vision and mission to achieve.

As a front-end manager, what are we specifically responsible for? In addition to the more practical part above, we disassemble to the staff. If we are more concrete, we are actually responsible for the right triangle: staff ability, staff willingness, organizational environment, also known as the Yang Triangle of organizational ability. There is a book on young’s Triangle that you can read if you are interested.

The ability, willingness, and environment is here as an object of managers need to responsible for employees’ ability is the translation of complete each project, he faced his attitude, cognition and pattern is how to have a willingness to accept and complete the task, is resisting passive, active or excitement, another is the organizational environment is helpful for him to do things, Is it serious to quarrel among departments, smooth promotion channels, perfect incentive means of the company, whether the training mechanism can keep up, and even the specifications, processes and documents in the technical team are not mature… And so on.

3. Assessment: What are your abilities

As a front end manager, what skills do I need to have for the people I’m responsible for in the previous section?

The following are disassembled from three angles:

  • From the perspective of the team, it must be the formation of the team for me. In order to achieve this goal, the team in our company needs to be capable of research and development, technological innovation, data application, industry technical standards, promotion and preaching, intellectual property barriers and technology commercialization.
  • From a manager’s perspective, a manager is the waist of the company and the head of the team, but the team is also the legs of the company. Therefore, the head should not be dizzy, the waist should not be soft, and the legs should not be short. I also need to have the ability of architecture, programming, operation and maintenance, products, business and management so as not to become the bottleneck of the team.
  • From the perspective of management objects, as a manager, I should have the ability to make the individual in the organization develop in a good direction, that is, my ability to train and cultivate him. Concretization is my ability to make the employee have the ability to do, have the willingness to do, and make the organizational environment conducive to him to do.

Based on these three objects: the team, myself and my partner, I will determine the ability I need to possess (I will practice what I don’t have at present in the future). Only after the combination can I be responsible for the organization, namely, the strategic goals of the company and the growth of talents.

Here, the new front end manager tends to overemphasize the ability of architecture programming and operations, because the past three, five, eight years, have become a technical expert in the field of technology, but also become a career inertia, but ignore the urgency of other ability growth.

All of these abilities are technical requirements of the team and the self, but when combined into the ability matrix of the manager, only basic skills are far from enough for the front supervisor. You need to do more things passively and actively.

In addition to basic skills, comprehensive capabilities of products, business and management are required to fully enhance the value of managers:

4. Experience: Reusable approach

For small and medium-sized front team managers, there are some very simple method can be directly applied, I refine the reusable methods, summed up in four simple steps, self-image, baseline diagnosis, planning, executing, precipitation output, the influence of the positioning and a baseline is a two-way, spend enough information to do, then the time relationship, I mainly talk about planning and execution.

During the implementation of the planning is very important to value consensus, this is the place where many managers face, to form the value consensus, of course, it is also a premise, is in the front position and a baseline to enough, such as for a company, business, history, technology of baggage, organizational environment, such as information is not enough, whether it is with the business or synchronous to the boss may not be smooth, As a result, the project cannot be implemented after planning, or even can not be effectively authorized.

Project many times cannot smoothly, we all want to reflect on, whether in this layer didn’t reach value consensus, might be a stack the adoption of new technology, could be a new development mode to try even some advice on the business output, at the beginning of the people’s cognitive and evaluation standard is different, this is especially worth management effort.

So after the whole thing is done, we should try our best to deposit the numbers and cases out. Ability such as precipitation, routines play, etc., at home and abroad to do again to share, and even can be Shared with the whole community, this can lead to a three advantages, the first is the ability to experience further spread in the team to allow reuse, the second is to prove his decision is effective, the third can be taken as an evidence of the next time a consensus, To lower the threshold for future consensus.

Third, the two years of management road in front of small dishes

First of all, LET me talk about the current situation when I led the team. I was parachuted in there. At the beginning, there were seven people in the team. In the second month, I found that one of my colleagues was very difficult to get a full-time job because of ability problems, so I was also persuaded to quit. So, three people went in the first three months of taking over the team, down to four from the original team of seven. If faced with such a situation, what would you do?

I will not tell a story here, because there are too many story Outlines. Instead, I will sort out the key nodes of my decision in this situation and show them to you in the form of tables, especially the bottom part, to help you understand what my working path looks like:

1. Managers’ own growth paths

If you don’t have the ability to plan for yourself, how can you plan for others? The figure above is a table I made when I first joined the company in 2017. Now the dimensions on the table are only richer than then, and the basic structure is similar.

I divided all my abilities according to the time line. The upper part is my professional ability, which is related to technology, and the lower part is some general ability, which analyzed my psychological state, career goal, intensity of energy allocation, width and depth of thinking about the industry and so on. The first thing I did after entering the company was to make an observation of the ability matrix and career path from a long time axis and a wide perspective. It was also a basic tool for me to tutor my wechat group partners, and then superposition other tools as well as my life and career experience. I am sure to output some general direction guidance, guidance and inspiration to any young front end, to help him better plan how to position himself in every workplace and every project, and where to go.

2. Position in the industry

Next, what do we know about the industry? At the beginning, Xiaocai only had React NativeApp and a few middle and background PC systems, namely an ERP system. If I want to take this team further, I will first visit companies and teams that adopt RN technology stack and see what problems they have encountered and what construction they have done in these years. What kind of methodology and tools are used, as opposed to a closed-door approach.

Internet is actually three contacts, students are not difficult to find these areas, private chat invite them to eat a meal, vocational and technical basic won’t someone to resist, so there are a lot of talk about lecturer at the conference, I have plenty of contact call business team at night send red packets to southeast Asian countries, have a plenty of I went to Shanghai, Invite people to dinner in private to talk about the number of front-end team members, the number of apps, the number of people in the company and the financing stage (the focus of the company at different stages is different), the infrastructure of the technology stack and so on. It doesn’t have to be a big sample, it takes a dozen people to collect all the team questions and experiences from RN’s APP ecosystem.

Also in this way to understand the status of the other companies, transverse comparison, found our company in below the horizontal line, then the team starting point positioning and figure it out, also know oneself several catties several two, also know how good team in the industry do, at the same time to absorb the reusable experience in the industry.

3. Diagnose team problems

Diagnosis requires in-depth observation, listening and observation with frontline students in daily work. In fact, in the first month or two months, there will be a lot of problems. Official release on Wednesday, for example, we put the package to send up a test environment, open the user’s, and then after sales in a single, found that a single data is not reflected, users don’t see, because of its data in the test environment, so it’s a very big online Bug, Not to mention modifying the entire node_modules package directly in the source file and pushing it directly in the repository… The problems highlighted on Wednesday could be repeated in the next week.

I wrote down all these questions, wrote a full page, and then abstracted them all to summarize the big questions above:

  • Career planning is not clear, everyone does not quite understand what the front end can do, what to do, what to be responsible for, what highlights can be done, how to do in the future career path, what impact this will have on the future career path, whether to do management or structure in the future, what level of the team is in the industry… No one can make sense of it.
  • When the heart is not stable, I went to team have gone three front end, before I didn’t go to the team in the first half away more front end, the problem is there has been, I also didn’t know it is not just my airborne lead to the team, but the stability of the team always exist, need to dig out the reason behind.
  • I can only use RN to develop APP. I have very little skill reserve in PC and Node.js, which cannot support more product forms brought by the expansion of business volume in the future.
  • Poor sense of cooperation, emotional communication with the product and back-end and operation, self-test is not enough after the launch of no concern, problems are not good at communication and solution, many complaints.
  • The tool infrastructure is weak, and there are almost no efficient r&d tools, including enforceable specifications.
  • Without a sense of the business, they just do what they come to do and often work overtime, but they don’t know what sales are doing on the front line of the business, what the company’s goals are for the next quarter, and the real problems and values behind the products.
  • When the echelon is not set up, students with good skills may be engaged in the most unskilled business, while some difficult projects may be handled by a student with average skills and lack of adequate guidance, resulting in frequent problems. It is also difficult to fill the position of the talent echelon of the whole team, and the personnel can only be exchanged for temporary support.

This is how I diagnose the problems in the team. Only when the problem is diagnosed clearly enough, can we take appropriate measures. For example, in view of the weak tool infrastructure, we made some tools from 0 to 1, with data, cases and evaluation criteria. (As shown below)

After more than a year of construction, by October 2018, these problems have been largely alleviated or even solved.

4. Status quo of promotion channels

The following tables can be seen as a slice of the team under the microscope. When the team problem is solved, the students will face the promotion problem. This matter is very important, which means whether the students in the team can have more space to authorize, including the return of the company’s salary and benefits. If this matter is hidden or not implemented, it will be very bad for the students.

In fact, our company didn’t have a clear path to promotion before, it was just lip service. Until the end of 2018, our company finally had a very complete set of promotion system, in the process, including me and other executives, also promoted this matter. I do an inventory every year to see how many students on my team are likely to meet the criteria for promotion. If this is not transparent, it’s easy for people to have no goals.

5. Current situation of capability Echelon

Every year, I will make a survey and diagnosis of team members, such as how many junior, intermediate, senior and senior experts there are. I will see how many students in the team can be promoted. Even when the promotion path is not transparent, we can also use the ability echelon to judge the ability of members.

Another is the shape of the entire echelon is healthy, is the first big waist thin, or have no legs, waist, it will through internal training and external recruitment to optimize this echelon shape, including enough strong legs and waist, especially your team arrived after more than a dozen people, may have to work, then each group leader will come up from the waist in the selection, as a new head, You need to do a comprehensive inventory of the entire echelon structure and make the necessary personnel Backup.

6. Current status of business products

It is essential for managers to understand the current state of the business products. My advice is that when the front end is new to the company or moving into a new line of business, if you’re not familiar with the business, you should have a thick skin. Even if the business meeting doesn’t call you, you should sit in unless you’re thrown out. That’s one way.

Another way is to go to the business site, whether it is to call to understand the use of the product, or go to the business site to see how the employees promote your product, you should have a full judgment of the business up and down each context node, not just listen to what the product manager says.

In fact, these methods should be used in combination, so as to fully understand the product quality of the whole company as far as possible. We don’t want to know how complete it is, but we need to know relatively accurately, and strive for our own participation to get first-hand materials. What the product manager gives you and what the business gives you may not be all true.

Such as early, we follow sales service, to see how they use the App, it found some problems, our customers order, click on the App “order” button, the thing is not the user order, individual sales will be down with a book, after sales in his cell phone to help users to place the order, it’s called involuntary order, We thought our products were being used by the users themselves, but it never occurred to us that sales were using them. If you do not go to the site, you will never be able to contact or understand these problems. You’ve spent months building an App that promises to solve customers’ ordering needs, but it turns out to be an ordering tool for some sales people. That’s why you have to be in the business and understand the product and how people use it.

People bottlenecks are often found when companies are busy or when major projects are parallel. In fact, it’s often the team’s inadequate infrastructure that prevents productivity from being unleashed. The picture above is an inventory I did in 2019. We have all kinds of technology facilities, but a lot of them are just getting started.

For example, for components like H5, we only achieve 20% at present, because before 2018, we only have App and PC, we have no demand on H5, but since 2019, we have begun to embrace wechat and community ecology, so at this time, wechat and H5, As well as buyers, sellers, shopping malls all up, the more time to encourage some students to do infrastructure work.

Do such is the importance of inventory figure, when you are in the management team, the proportion distribution business and infrastructure, it let all students to know where our bottleneck, tell you what we will do, when to want to what degree, is expected to participate in and in what way, and can get what kind of growth, Therefore, infrastructure is often a very good antidote to the growth problems faced by the team, which can help students expand the width and depth of the technology stack to a large extent.

Therefore, the previous ones focus on the bottom line, because if the information is not sufficient and clear, it is often not valid to tell the business side and the boss about value, and the ability to tell the boss about value is also the ability to manage up.

Fourth, summary — the key point of management transformation

If you want to go into front end technology management, you will face some psychological challenges, and I have summarized the following four key points:

The core of management lies in the ability to select, employ, nurture and retain people. I have also added the ability to optimize, persuade or even dismiss people. As long as you are in management, you will acquire this ability sooner or later.

1. The starting point of management is the achievement of results

First of all, the starting point of management is actually the achievement of results. The results are the results that your team can get in business, products and projects. Only when the results can be obtained, it is regarded as a passing in management.

2. The management process is a double overhaul of personnel

As a matter of fact, it seems that selection and retention is a very empty thing. There is logic behind it. How to choose people, who to choose, what to do, how to set goals, how to evaluate? Is to be clear, and the technology, products, business and management, all must take account, in the whole process, based on the practice of people, based on the achievement of men, and by management wisdom links as key to the people and things, is you as a manager, eventually called the personnel cultivation, also can achieve for you heart brain physically comprehensive improvement.

3. Organizational development

In order to bring the team to its ideal state, in addition to the support of the whole incentive system of the company’s salary and welfare, I have listed several other things that managers can pay attention to at different stages. For example, the team culture construction, the design and adjustment of organizational structure, the consensus promotion channel of ability level, the upgrading of talent structure, the guarantee of new recruits’ integration, the promotion of team atmosphere, the improvement of training system, and the construction of team influence, etc., will not be carried out due to the limited time today.

4. The difficulty of management is unity

This is the most difficult thing, my understanding is, to the top to explain, and then to inspire.

Finally, I would like to read you a paragraph that gives me more dimension to my thinking about the whole front-end industry:

The second report of the fourth National Economic Census series, Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises become an important force driving economic development, pointed out that at the end of 2018, the number of Chinese small, medium and micro enterprises in information transmission software, information systems, technical services, and Internet enterprises was 910,000, an increase of 690,000 compared with the end of 2013. That’s a threefold increase, a 300% increase.

We all know that now the company advocates the embrace the Internet, whether “+ Internet” or “Internet +”, the so-called digital process online, the business, including many government departments there will be up to run a government affair system construction, then all these independent non autonomous system at the front desk, all need to be installed behind the connection of business data physical interface, That is to say, the screen or even the voice equipment, no matter it is vehicle-mounted, mobile or PC, the construction of the interface must require the front end. For both the traditional companies to transform and the newly established Internet companies, their demands for the front end technology team are just demands.

In this context, are opportunities for all engineers, so based on this analysis, we believe we all can perceive, although there are a lot of challenges, prospects for engineers is still very good, the front of this industry is still in the early stage of dividends, the front-end managers also promising as time goes on, Let’s work together to make the front-end ecosystem better and better, and help more and more developers get more growth and rewards.

Article by Scott Editor by Zhang Xiaoju link:…