Front-end early chat conference, a new starting point for front-end growth, jointly held with the Nuggets. Add wechat Codingdreamer into the conference exclusive push group, win at the new starting line.

The 14th | front-end growth promotion, 8-29 will be broadcast live, 9 lecturer (ant gold suit/tax friends, etc.), point I get on the bus 👉 (registration address) :

The text is as follows

The front end leader is your boss, the TECHNICAL director is the cross-level boss of the group leader, the CEO is the boss of the director, the investor is the boss of the CEO…

So-called boss, is usually can decide your choice (recruitment) (authorization) education (training) leave (incentives) open (positive/stop/fired), scale to the man you performance good or bad, is usually belong to your direct boss, also is the director, believes that many students around you yourself, even work over the years, may have not met many good front head.

How to define it is to use the following three criteria:

  • Technical skills are great (at least P7 and above), and architectural coding, technical vision, or community connections can stretch you a long way
  • With a proven methodology, I am good at motivating and inspiring you through performance/coaching at work and in personal communication
  • At the same time have the wisdom to deal with the company and staff problems, willing and dare to strive for reasonable benefits for employees (you) return

The closer to the above three criteria, director of the greater the probability is the head of a better, to meet the boss is a lucky thing, bring you the first standard is front the possibility of professional skill and vision, through his how much you can see, read, see through the length of the technical route, bring you the second standard is the comprehensive ability of ascension, The third criterion gives you a true benefit match (salary, benefits, year-end, awards, incentives, empowerment…). And whether your interests are protected as much as possible.

I’ve had 6 heads (2 front end, 3 back end, 1 operations) in the last 9 years. How do I evaluate them? I use these three criteria (not strictly), very satisfied, moderately satisfied, not very satisfied and dissatisfied:

First Supervisor (front end) :

  • Technical bull: Generally satisfied
  • Cultivation method: Not very satisfied
  • Interests: generally satisfied

Second Supervisor (front End) :

  • Tech Bull: Very satisfied
  • Cultivation method: general satisfaction
  • Interests: generally satisfied

Third Supervisor (Operations) :

  • Technical Bull: Not satisfied
  • Cultivation method: dissatisfaction
  • Competing for interests: not very satisfied

Fourth Supervisor (back end) :

  • Technical bull: Generally satisfied
  • Cultivation method: general satisfaction
  • Interests: generally satisfied

Fifth Supervisor (back end) :

  • Tech Bull: Very satisfied
  • Cultivation method: Very satisfied
  • Gain: very satisfied

Sixth Supervisor (back end) :

  • Technical bull: Generally satisfied
  • Cultivation method: general satisfaction
  • Gain: very satisfied

The second one brought me great technical growth, and the fifth one brought me great comprehensive thinking and ability to do things. The time they taught me was not too long. Each of them only lasted about one year, but they all greatly affected my life path.

Some kids cling to the view that the supervisor uses me to get results, that I have nothing to do with him personally, and that he has nothing to do with me.

My point is: Competent in your early plays an extremely important role in his career, he even than you pay more important than what you gold-plated is profound, especially at the beginning of the work, he played almost a god and the teacher’s role, could plant the seeds of behind you for many years to be doing things, if you are competent to meet the technical, one that is you, If it can satisfy the cultivation method, it is one in a thousand, and if it satisfies the last one, it is almost one in a thousand.

We returned to the topic, why you always encounter less than a good supervisor, the problem is not to ask why my current boss is not satisfy the criteria for a good boss, but why I always encounter less than myself, I also joined voluntarily because of the company, the team also is I choose ah, of course, there are the company’s organizational structure adjustment, In my opinion, there are three possible reasons for this failure:

  • You’re not trying hard enough to be taken seriously by a good boss (lack of ability, willingness, and potential)
  • You’re too inexperienced to know who would make a good boss.
  • Your career planning and execution are not sound (too impetuous and anxious at times of confusion)

In fact, even if you solve these three problems, you may still not meet a good supervisor, because the front end of the profession is too new, the industry talent precipitation is too few, not enough to grow a large number of good supervisors, naturally more difficult to meet.

I’ve been a supervisor for a few years, and if I had to give myself a grade, it would have gone something like this:

  • Technical bull: Generally satisfied
  • Cultivation method: Very satisfied
  • Interests: generally satisfied

I think I have done an excellent job in training methods. In the past three years or so, I have cultivated 5 front-end technical experts in my team. At the same time, I also set up wechat private group in the community.

However, IN terms of skills and interests, I think I have only achieved 60 or 70 points, which is not outstanding. Maybe technology is between general satisfaction and very satisfaction, but I have not good ability to settle for interests.

Good, today talking about here, we only let oneself become more outstanding, have chosen the supervisor’s capital, career planning is not clear, blind job-hopping and change, may be on the way to looking for a good supervisor, more walk more lost, to cure acute stability, much more than ask yourself, ask others when faced with a very not meet three criteria of competent, also be decisive to change my own boss.

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