This is one of my side projects. The first preview version v0.0.2 was released today. Please visit Repo on GitHub to get a trial download (currently build only for Mac users) and provide your valuable comments and suggestions. Welcome to Star. In addition, if you are interested in GTD, please contact me to participate in the development of this project.

Introduction to the

Today is a cross-platform GTD application based on Electron and vue.js. Behind Today’s logic is this simple product idea: Productivity isn’t about how well you plan, it’s about what you do Today.

Here are some things you can do with Today:

  • Add a to-do list, set a deadline and when you plan to do the task, and write notes.
  • Get advice from Today on what to do Today.
  • Set a reminder so Today will remind you to do it at the scheduled time (via system notification).
  • Evaluate how effectively you accomplish the tasks you plan to accomplish today. In the summary view, click on past dates to see how you completed the tasks you planned for that day.

Today also has the following features:

  • Drag-and-drop sorting of lists and to-do items
  • The background
  • Shortcut Key Support
  • Modify the profile picture and user nickname
  • Switch tone
  • Language selection

And so on. For details, see the project’s readme-cn.

Develop relevant


In order to provide smooth interaction and the use of good experience, I wrote a need among all components, is planning to put them into a separate project and open source, now they are in the SRC/renderer/components/wzel underneath.

  • Calendar Calendar
  • ContextMenu Right-click menu
  • DatePicker date and time picker, the implementation of which has been covered in one of my articles
  • The Message the Message
  • Notfication notice
  • The Input fields
  • The Button Button
  • ConfirmDialog Confirmation dialog box
  • InputDialog Prompt dialog box
  • Dropdown can pop-up
  • Modal Modal dialog
  • Segment selection
  • The Switch Switch
  • Select Select list

The follow-up plan

This project is in the pre release stage and will be in the long term. I will continue to enrich its functions and polish the user experience. There is still a lot of work to be done. The next version will be 0.0.3. The main plans include:

  • Adopt more recommendation strategies when providing suggestions to users
  • Get weather information and display it on the Today page so users can refer to it when deciding what to do Today
  • Provide Emoji options for to-do lists
  • Move items to another list
  • Draw illustrative images to create a unified UI style
  • Adding a Log Module


Icon was drawn from a tutorial a long time ago and is now lost. There is no way to thank you. If the author sees this and thinks there is a copyright problem, please contact me immediately.