Before you actually start reading this article, I have to be honest with you: unless your application is a Blazor application, you don’t need to read this article. All you need to do is download. NET 5, change the target framework in the project properties, that’s all! Again, if you need to download a link or want to see the process I follow, feel free!

1. 5 SDK

First, you won’t be able to use it without it. NET 5!

Visit, then. NET 5: Select Download.NET SDK X64.

😕 / you can also click here to go directly to the download page version 5.0.101:…

2. Visual Studio update

Visual Studio also needs to be updated as it must be Visual Studio 2019 16.8 or later. Visit for all series of Visual Studio download, then select the download:

Find the classic “Visual Studio 2019” or browse the latest “Visual Studio Code” and “Visual Studio for Mac” :

3. Change the framework

In fact, this is probably the only change you need to make. Go to project properties, and then change to. NET 5:

4, summary

Okay, no more than five steps, and you’re done.

Now it makes sense to rebuild everything and check the Nuget package for updates.

It’s time to pay attention to bloggers! Ha ha 😃