This article aims to tell the most boring basic knowledge in the most popular language

Recently seen the public in a variety of push JiJin nine silver ten copper twelve “recruitment” articles, find a job in the graduation season need to deal with things and solving method are already write very detailed, there are all kinds of surface of the swing and has no need to go to write such an article, but since the last author write an article about his graduation until now, Once out to now, people continue to add the author wechat, some let help to see resume, some consulting how to find a job, some ask IT industry and their own positioning, and ask technology (the author technology is too dish, cautious advice!) . In these years of work experience, although has never been one to CTO, but because technology + management do together, so as the number of the interviewer, interviewed workers also many, interview job involves: the front-end and back-end, testing, products, operations, etc., in this according to the author in recent years and the interviewer communication experience and, more recently, by consulting more problems, do a summary, As a reference for those who need it.

At the same time, I would like to make a joke:

The guidance on career development and employment for students in universities is almost zero!!

A lot of students realize that they have to study and prepare for interviews because the job fair comes and they realize that they have to get a job because they graduate.

Therefore, this article is purely to give some small guidance and advice to graduates. The first formal job in your life is the starting point of your career, and its importance is self-evident. I hope this article can help you make full preparations for the interview, so that you will not lose your “BAT”.

Chance is for those who are prepared!

Article outline:

  1. How to prepare for graduation season?
  2. How to position oneself development direction?
  3. What factors should be considered in choosing a job?
  4. What should a resume do?
  5. Technology is too poor, whether to participate in training institutions?
  6. When signing a contract, the company asks to sign 3 years, how to do?
  7. Lack of ability, can not interview how to do?
  8. Should you pay at your first job?

1. How to prepare for graduation season?

Small A study in A some 985 college computer professional, more than three years of professional class section decline, the three before the final exam achievement has been at the hospital, the national scholarship, motivational scholarship to adversary, and in the third year and took part in A national software competition second prize, A sophomore began writing project for some outside entrepreneurial teams, accumulated A lot of programming experience.

In the graduation season, and he began to focus on looking for a job, first of all, he on the Internet to find some questions about his technical ability to do an assessment, locate his level can reach what level of the company, and then what are the recent school recruit enterprise and keep level of these enterprises, finally selects oneself like and is sure to pass the scope of the company, Finally determine the desired company for a yi.

After delineation, the targeted delineation of each company fully prepared, according to the technical requirements of the company to add their own knowledge points, and the company in recent years the interview pen test gnawing again, leak fill, make up for deficiencies; Customize your resume to meet the company’s recruitment requirements as much as possible.

Before the interview with his favorite company, he participated in several interviews with lower-level companies. After several interviews, he adjusted his physical and mental state into the interview mode and sorted out a set of interviews. Everything is ready, will usher in the interview, some easy after small A self-introduction, the interviewer asked technical questions he answered well, there are some partial practice problem, small A truthfully answer is still A college student work experience is not much, practical didn’t touch the problem of unable to answer, to gain more opportunities after induction learning and practice, Grow with the company.

In the whole interview process, in the face of the interviewer’s questions, little A’s answers were neither hyper nor humble. She was confident about the questions she was sure of, and calmly and truthfully answered the questions she didn’t understand or wasn’t sure of. A week after the interview, Small A smoothly received an easy to send offer.

Indeed, good opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared!

The earlier you can plan your career, the easier it will be. When you are prepared for graduation season, you will be in a better position to get the offer you want when hiring season rolls around.

To be ashamed, the author did a very bad job in preparation for graduation season, which led to the unbearable experience of looking for a job after graduation.

2, how to position their own development direction?

In my years as an interviewer, I have been asked the following question:

“Where do you want to go in your career?”

According to the answers of the interviewees, they can be divided into two types:

  1. One is the type with clear direction and clear goal, who has a clear positioning and cognition of the current job and has a clear direction and forward plan for future career development.
  2. One is no idea, spend time type, no concept of the current job, step by step, feel less salary for a job, to the future also did not have a clear direction of development, and even to the current goal of looking for a job is not clear, is graduation – resume – interview – resume – interview – go to work…

The former goes without saying, as long as you keep working at it, your career will take a big step in the direction you want it to go.

And the latter, the author wants to ask: are you really willing to spend such a leisurely life? I’m sure most people would say no. But you’re probably thinking to yourself: I don’t know how to plan. I don’t know what I like. I don’t know which positions are promising. I don’t even know what job I can do?

When you have these thoughts in mind, the authors suggest: Start from the ground up! What is fundamental? That’s why you have a career? Why should there be a development direction? After all, isn’t it about realizing your dreams, having enough to eat and drink, and not wasting your time? Therefore, these factors can be boiled down to the following:

What you like: What do I like to do? What you’re good at: What am I good at? Profitable: What do you do to make money?

Their relationship can be illustrated by Kedar Soni’s diagram:

We can see that only by integrating as many factors as possible can we achieve a relative effect of WIN.

Here the author takes himself as an example to analyze:

  • What I like: playing basketball, coding, playing games
  • What I’m good at: thinking, persistent exercise, writing, coding
  • I think there’s money to be made: running a business, writing code, starting a business

Therefore, taken together, the author found that the only direction he could do, and still make a little money, was to type code; Try the author’s analysis and get a sense of where your career is headed.

3. What factors should be considered in choosing a job?

B is a southerner. After four years in a university in Anhui province, he successfully found a good job through school recruitment. But small B’s heart is not stable, in line with respect to the capital, he tried to find a job in Beijing, where he lived five rings outside the four floor underground small hotel, every day he came to squeeze the overload of the subway from the rings within the third interview, he saw the small company of Beijing, such as worm spread all over in every corner of the city, he ate the so-called Beijing the cheapest fast food: Kentucky Fried chicken. Finally the subway in crowded not catch the subway to the interview, he felt lonely and small, for the first time that a moment, decided to return to his hometown, the nearest home cities, there are crowded subway, there is a worm of small companies, but all there let him feel warm, family seem to is not far away, where he was gradually establish a new social circle, He fought hard to stay there; Five years later, he bought a house in the city and raised a family of his own. He became a part of the city, which made him feel a sense of belonging.

This example does not illustrate how to choose a job for the first time, but it can illustrate that sometimes a job can change the path of life. As a graduate, there are many things to consider for his first job. Hometown is always a place for people to worry about. Instead of worrying about it, it is better to set the place of work in the city close to home and then choose the job. Therefore, different people have different perspectives. Generally speaking, there are several factors to consider:

  • The city where the company is located: The city determines the cultural and living environment of the place, as well as the social circle of a person during this time. When you have high requirements for these aspects, you need to consider which city is the right place to work. You can change your job frequently, but it is not recommended to change your city frequently, because every time you change your city, you will have a long journey. More importantly: When you leave the city, the communication you have accumulated during this period will be gradually diluted by time, just like when we go to a city to study in university, when we leave the city after graduation, you will find that many classmates will be lost gradually, or even never see again.

  • Degree of occupation and interest: occupation is not necessarily equal to interest, but it is best equal to interest, by interest as the starting point of the work, is a good job.

  • Remuneration and promotion system: the first employment should not care about the salary, but should care about the salary and promotion system of the position, work is not only to realize the dream, more likely to be rich, so: you can not care about the starting point, but pay attention to the height of the salary ladder and the top of the position.

  • Enterprise reputation, reputation enterprise value, enterprise value influence employee attitudes, if an enterprise outside bad word of mouth, and its employees will also be affected, as a drop, after a barrage of certain events, we see a drop in the driver’s eye is different, if you were in it, feel it

  • Corporate culture: Corporate culture is another cultural atmosphere that college students are exposed to. A good corporate culture can improve employees both physically and mentally, and make them have a sense of belonging.

4. What should a resume do?

A resume is like a business card that a candidate hands to an interviewer. A good resume can make you stand out from thousands of resumes and become a stepping stone to an interview. However, in college, there has never been any guidance on how to make a resume, let alone how to make a targeted resume. As a result, interviewers receive a variety of resumes, from making up stories about their internships, to filling them with color blocks and drawing pictures, to panicking that their privacy has been exposed without even the most basic necessary information…

Usually, a recruitment position more HR every day to view up to hundreds of resumes, so THE HR can not be a word to view each resume and then make a decision, but to memorize ten lines, a glance, the appropriate into the interview stage, not the appropriate is discarded, so for the production of resume: We can not take me as the main, keep a running account, fill in the color block, think it is perfect, perfect! ; But should be based on HR, from the perspective of HR to study how a resume should be done, only focus, in order to hr can also see the level of the interviewer in a glance glance ten lines.

Here are a few tips from the author based on his own experience with resumes:

  1. ** pages: ** should be no more than two pages, and focus on the first page. HR will read a resume in a few seconds, if the page is too many, the following page will not look at all, so a one-page resume is the best, if not, put all the key content on the first page, so that HR can see it at the first glance.
  2. Name, annual salary, address (native place and current address), photo, school, education background, contact information, and the position you are applying for are required. Some people also like to include non-essential elements such as gender, zodiac signs and ID numbers, which is also true, but too much information prevents HR from obtaining necessary information and wastes pages.
  3. ** Body: ** Body has several parts: educational experience, personal skills, resume of practice, honors. These four parts are channels for HR to know applicants’ education background, ability, experience, potential and other comprehensive elements. These contents are recommended to be concise and highlight the key points, for example, “October 12, 2014, I performed well in the final exam, ranked second among 60 students, and won the national Construction scholarship of 8000 yuan awarded by the college”. This is a very important honor, but it is not outstanding because it is too long and there are too many numbers. It can be changed to: “During the junior year, my academic performance was among the top two in the school, and I won the national scholarship”, so it will be clear.
  4. ** Project Experience: * * project experience is to reflect the work experience and ability level of the interviewer, usually only list the most important, high participation of two or three projects can, don’t write down all the project’s trivial up (the author has read a resume, project experience greatly small there are more than ten, asking carefully, some are his own eyes, some are actually only wrote two or three pages… Emmm). The project content generally includes: project name and development cycle, project overview, technology used in the project, and my responsibilities; Description is to make the interview faculties see project is stem what of, don’t need to describe all the details, the last two words can express, project technical list should try to put the most important technology in the front, but unfavorable and overmuch, can be three or four, my duty is to let the interviewer know what did you do in the project, So the interviewer can focus on specific questions instead of asking several questions and you’re saying I didn’t do this and I didn’t do that…
  5. ** Self-evaluation: ** self-evaluation should be used as an interviewer to describe why I am competent for your company and your position, rather than the same self-praise words like CHEERFUL, naughty and hard-working. Therefore, self-evaluation should be objective, accurate and data-supported examples. For example, front-end interview development can be written as “I have the ability to optimize the performance of the website with large traffic, and the turntable lottery page I developed has no performance problems when dealing with 3 million visits”. Such self-assessment stands out.
  6. * * layout: * * different jobs resume layout requirements, cannot say that piece of the resume is not good, but want to see what jobs, if is the UI designer, your resume is designed, also reflects one aspect of your beauty and UI language, but if you are a Java development engineer, your resume is full of color, and some places have italic, bold, art character, The interviewer is so dazzled that he doesn’t have the desire to continue reading it. Appropriate elements that programmers can understand at a glance, such as the GitHub logo, will make the interviewer feel that you have used GitHub before. The effect is self-evident. Your resume should be concise and focus on the key points. The HR doesn’t have time to appreciate your beauty. It’s more about looking comfortable.

5, the technology is too poor, whether to participate in training institutions?

This is one of the most senior student asked the question, before many of the students in the university three years there was no good good study, in the heart began to panic after graduation season, all the classmates around to get the desired offer, himself a doesn’t matter, want to start to study hard, do not know how to start again, therefore, have chosen to attend the training, and some talk, The training company also recruited people, and promised that there would be no charge during the study period, and they could pay back the tuition every month after graduation. Such a policy pleased the students, because they did not need to use their family money, and they could have a teacher to teach them, so they signed up to attend the training.

Sure, this can work in desperate times, but here are some painful truths:

  • Training line operations, training out of the students poor foundation
  • Companies don’t like people who come out of training institutions

The author once interview some graduates out of training institutions, they are the same wrap himself as a one year working experience, with all the modern technology, experience with large flow high concurrency, let a person feel mysterious, when the author really asked some concrete technology and the underlying principle, will prevaricated, much don’t know why. This is probably a packaging method that training institutions teach students to use in order to improve the employment rate. In fact, it is not good. A person’s ability is reflected in his work. Here, the author gives some suggestions:

  1. Don’t make mistake, the significance of training is not a bad thing, but the training purpose is to get you started, want to learn real skills, still have to rely on own efforts, training only when you can’t find a wayshower as a guide, training the teacher can speak ten points, a day after class, I hope you can be able to transform the ten in-depth knowledge points, rather than to stay on the level of teacher.
  2. As for whether you need to attend training classes, the author thinks you can think like this: Do you have strong self-learning ability and long-term persistence? If so, the author suggests spending a semester in the library and coming out as good as anyone else. If not, the author suggests taking a training class to serve as a mentor and strict father, urging you to study hard all the time.
  3. Technical positions, technical strength is king, so even if you attend training classes, do not think that you will be rejected by employers, you have the ability to work, there will be room for your post.

6. The company requires you to sign the contract for three years. What should we do?

Many students have a misunderstanding when signing a contract: the contract requires a three-year contract, which means they must stay with the company for at least three years before leaving, or they will have to pay a breach fee. In fact, it is not. The Contract Law stipulates that only under the following two circumstances can the employing unit and the laborer agree that the laborer shall bear liquidated damages:

  • (1) the employing unit provides special training expenses for laborers and provides them with specialized technical training.
  • (2) In the confidentiality agreement signed by the employer and the worker, the relevant expenses provisions in the rights and obligations of both parties are attached.

In other words, as long as the contract is not attached with any of the above clauses relating to fees, then:

  • If in the probation period, only need three days in advance notice can quit.
  • If the probation period is over, you need to submit a written resignation report one month in advance. After one month, no matter whether the company agrees or not, you can quit.

Therefore, graduates in the contract, as long as pay attention to the above problems, you can deal with the problem of liquidated damages, if the current signing of the company is not very satisfied, still in the process of looking for horses, try to avoid signing a contract with liquidated damages. But if you don’t care about the liquidated damages, it doesn’t matter.

7, poor ability, can not interview how to do?

Recently, many students have complained to me that they regret not studying hard and taking part in some practices. As a result, by the time of graduation, their abilities and experience are so poor that they cannot pass the resume screening, let alone get the offer in the interview. Some students even feel that it is too late and not enough time. They are so discouraged that they don’t even look for a job.

True, the past is a done deal and cannot be changed; But as long as you can wake up, when to start is never too late to work, if it is a senior last semester, we can give up the autumn, returning back to the library, books, actually a lot of students in autumn arrival, only aware of their weak, if at that time began to rise, began to systemic targeted study, looking for internship opportunities at the same time, a time of the semester, Completely can fill back, fully prepared, you can put the vision into the second year of the spring recruit.

If you are in the second semester of your senior year and only have the opportunity of spring recruitment, the author suggests that you can interview while studying. Some schools value your learning ability and potential, but you may not care so much about your current technical ability. But now you have to take time to learn and to learn to be more efficient system, because of the ability is the root of the company hire you, potential is again good also need cash, and if this time can study the repair back, even for didn’t get the offer, get another job after graduation, also not too late, the premise is: do you have enough ability!

8. Should you pay at your first job?

In most people’s behavioral consciousness, work is to make money, said don’t care about salary, is a lie. Everyone hopes to find a job with good pay, less overtime, more space and less pressure. But as we all know, such a job, probably only appeared in a dream, pay and gain most of the case is proportional. Therefore, when we measure a job, we should not only look at the salary, as a new employee, we should look at more than the salary, for the company: salary is to reflect the company’s value to your work, for yourself: Salary is just one of the things you want to get at work. There are many other valuable things you need to get, such as experience and skills. Therefore, when considering salary, you need to take a comprehensive measure of which aspects you value more and which factors are more in line with your career development.

For example, when the author came back to Guangzhou after graduation, he had two jobs to choose from: one was an internal system development job in Blue Moon, and the other was Java development job in a start-up company. Blue Moon’s benefits are good and the work is easy, but it is in-house, in an old language, COBO (not many people have heard of it), and the working environment is in a factory. The other job pays a very low salary, and works in the sports-related projects that the author likes. The technology stack is relatively cutting-edge, with high freedom and great room for development. Finally the author chose the latter, for the first year to the almost perfect attendance and salary is not high only food and clothing, but in this case, a small but good entrepreneurial teams, the author can come into contact with the project at the bottom of the business and needs, and operating mode, the technical level can close contact project technology stack and are free to choose the work direction, even when the author is a graduate, But I have a strong sense of belonging in my heart and work hard with the team. Although he failed to start his own business, it was because of that work experience that the author had the greatest impact on his future career. Technically, he was exposed to many new technologies, and his work experience improved his overall grasp of the project and made great progress in both depth and breadth of thinking. Treatment because of this entrepreneurial experience, the future work, treatment are up a few steps.

In the workplace, the value of a job can never be measured only by salary, but more importantly by whether the job can bring you more things, such as contacts, skills, gold plating, thinking and so on. The author often says to himself: If a job can only bring you salary, then the job is not worth doing. If you build up enough connections, skills, body and soul in the first half of your career, everything you want will be doubly rewarded when the opportunity arises. Graduates should be more aware of their own situation, you are like white paper work experience and experience, if just for food and clothing, no matter how long you work, it is still as clean as white paper, spotless; It’s a waste of your time that can only be exchanged for money.

But it is not the pursuit of self-suffering, looking for low-wage jobs to temper themselves, people have self-knowledge, your salary should try to match your salary, the highest salary of your last job, is usually the starting point of the next job, because the author suggests:

In the comprehensive consideration of all aspects of the balance, choose a suitable for their career development direction of work, to distinguish the primary and secondary order of each factor, do not be filled with salary mind, do not deliberately honed their own and pretentious. In each respect appropriate circumstance, how to treat the highest change, just be fundamental.

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