The article I wrote yesterday was sent out early in the morning when I clicked on the preview and found the format was out of order. In a hurry to get to work, I deleted the article. The habit of Monday was broken and updated on Tuesday. Today is Tuesday. After a boring Monday, a new workday begins.

This article started out as: What are some front-end projects for beginners to get started on? But I find I can’t do it by myself, so I’m inviting some big friends to help. So this topic is not available for a week or two weeks, and it may be filled next week or the week after that. Welcome friends in the process of learning encountered a good exercise can be actively recommended.

Learning programming column serial training project, if interested can visit the first three:

Are there any Java projects suitable for beginners? – Learning programming – Zhihu Column

What are some Java Web projects for beginners? – Learning programming – Zhihu Column

What are some Python projects for beginners to learn? – Learning programming – Zhihu Column

This article recommends sharing five posts about the front-end resource summary, hoping to help you learn the front-end. In the meantime, take a look at the front-end skill tree:The front-end skills

First: front favorites, and their lot address: making – w3ctrain/w3ctrain. Making. IO: w3ctrian front-end favorites

Below is the table of contents, please visit their home page for more information:

The front-end tool

Automation: Gulp, Grunt, Baidu Fis, Ant, Yeoman, Codekit, Koala, Webpack

Precompiled: Slim, Haml, Coffeescript, Sass, BabelJs, Jade, Less, Stylus, Pleeease, PostCSS,

Find tools: CssTriggers, Screensiz. es, Friendship Index, javascripting, BuiltWith, TheToolbox, stylesheets

Version control: Github, GitCafe, GitLab, Bitbucket, Sourcetree, Cornerstone, Way of Version Control, ProGit, Liao Xuefeng’s Git tutorial, SVN tutorial

Editors: Sublime Text, Atom, HBuilder, WebStorm, MacDown, UltraEdit, ACE, Brackets, LightTable, Visual Studio Code

Online editing: Jsfiddle, Codepen, Jsbin, Runjs, Sassmeister

Debug/test: Firebug, YSlow, IEDeveloperToolbar, Fiddler, ChromeDevTools, JSLint, JSHint, CSSLint, HTML Validators, UnitJS, Jasmine, BrowserStack, Testem, Dalekjs, NightWatch, Hardy

Deployment process: YUI Compressor, UglifyJs, CleanCss, and JSDoc

Efficient tools: Dash, Wonder List, Omnigraffle

Other: CodeIf, H5Viewer, Anvil, CSSMixins, JSON Server, NGROk, Glyphter, CSSStats, Spritegen, Placehold. it, MWeb, BrowserSync. IO,, strut. IO, Reveal. Js, , Wismap, LongShadows, Cubic – Bezier, Browserhacks,, Pagespeed, IComon. IO, Circulus, Mock.js


Domestic comprehensive: W3ctech, W3CPlus, W3CFuns, Front-end Chaos, Front-end Observation, SegmentFault, HTML5Tricks, Tencent ISUX, Baidu EFE, Qiwu, Taobao UED, Front-end, div. IO, MOOCnet, Codecademy, Geek Tags, InfoQ China , WEB front-end development, front-end development blog, Iqiwu – H5. Vc, Look cloud, Hui Zhi net, Bole Online

Foreign comprehensive: Tutsplus, CSSAnimation, TeamTreehouse, SmashingMagazine, CodyHouse, Echojs, Codeschool, CodeWars, Html5Rocks, SpeakerDeck, Alistap Art, Lynda, DigitalTutors,, Tutorialzine

Front-end information: CSS-Tricks, WebDesignerNews, FrontEndFont, Sidebar. IO, DesignerNews

Q&a community: StackOverflow, Quora, Zhihu

Fresh of the Day: Rare earth nuggets, Developer Headlines, Geek Headlines, development Headlines

Front-end bull: Hugo Giraudel, Philip Walton, David Walsh, Sara Soueidan, Paul Irish, Yu Bo, Liao Xuefeng, Ruan Yifeng, Gou Sanfangsi, Zhang Xinxu, Yu Guo, Sofish, Tangbing, Evan You, Darren Nie, James Seto, CSS Magic

All kinds of plug-in

Slip/parallax: FullPage, swiper, Slick, Sliderjs, Hammer.js, UnSlider, Superscrollorama, ScrollMagic, WOW, Skrollr, stellar. Js, multiscroll.js, ISC Roll, Dragula, waypoints

Animation/Effects: Popmotion, Velocity, greensock-js, Snapsvg, sketch.js, impress, blast.js, sticky, colorify.js, nProgress, Mojs, skrollr, typed Feckt. CSS, Hover. CSS, Animatable, Animate. CSS, CSS3 Animation Cheat Sheet, pagePiling. Js, Headroom.js, hint. CSS, SpinKit, CircularProgressButton, CSS-loaders, pace, two-.js, Sequence, ElasticProgress , CSSgram

Compatible with: Modernizr, Bowser, retinajs, picturefill, normalize.css, Respond, html5shiv, box-sizing-polyfill, elementQuery, CSS-element-Queri es

Chrome: Clear-cache, EditThisCookie, Full Page Screen Capture, HTML5 Outliner, JSONView, Postman, User-Agent Switcher for Chrome, Window Resizer, automatic page refresh, Chrome Sniffer Plus

Template tools: Handlebars, Mustache, artTemplate, Nunjucks, Transparency, doT

Other: Validation, moment, primer, please. js, qrcode, dynamics. Js, SmartCrop. Js, Lazyload, Imagesloaded, Shuffle, Fastclick, jQuery Form Plugin, jquery-file-upload, Sweetalert, toolbar, Tooltipster, video.js, font-awesome, Minigrid, bricks.js

Mainstream framework

Synthesis: React, Bootstrap, Foundation, SemanticUI, Purecss, UIKit, girl UI, Alice, Materialize, Material-Design-Lite, Html5Boilerplate, Material Design, Lightning Design System, Vux

MVVM: AngularJS, Vue. Js, Backbone, Avalon, Knockout

Modularization: require.js, sea.js

JavaScript: JQuery, Zepto, PrototypeJS, EmberJS, MooTools, Dojo, Meteor, Domcom

Hybrid: React-Native, Nativescript, Phonegap, Ionic, Crosswalk, Meteor, Electron

Games: Construct 2, ImpactJS, CreateJS, three. js, PlayCanvas, Pixi, Hilo


Books: Advanced JavaScript Programming (3rd edition), One-page Web Applications :JavaScript from the Front end to the Back End, The Essence of the JavaScript Language, the Art of JavaScript DOM Programming (2nd edition), “Writing Maintainable JavaScript”, “Self-Training for Web Full-Stack Engineers”, “Simple To Understand Node.js”, “Responsive Web Design”, “Mastering CSS”, “High-performance JavaScript”, “Yout-Dont-Know-JS”

Quick start: Learn CSS layout, Learn to Code HTML & CSS, Learn to Code AdvancedHTML & CSS, front-end skill tree

Selected articles: How to keep up with the latest frontier of front-end development, mobile H5 front-end performance optimization guide, those unforgettable H5 pages, play HTML5 mobile pages, MobileWeb adaptation summary, deal with these difficult problems, say yes to CSS3 animation

Manuals/Specifications: Front-end developer manual, front-end development notebook, Material Design Chinese version, CSS specification, JavaScript Style Guide, Sass specification, Ecmascript3/5, ECMAScript6, W3C, CommonJS Modules

Learn flexbox properties and use Velocity.js to improve the user experience


Source of inspiration: Dribbble, SiteInspire, Httpster, Designer, PhotoshopLady, Cool, UI China, UIParade, 365pSD, Behance, Naldz Graphics, Mobile-Patterns, Wa. Design, Pinterest, Petals, Sugar, Mee, Visual China

Study design: TutsplusDesign, Typography, PSDFAN, Envato, abduzeedo, Interactive Guide to Blog Typography, 24Ways

Interactive experience: Navnav, Codyhouse, Tencent ISUX, Taobao UED, Alibaba Chinese station, Alibaba International station, Ali Mom UED, Baidu Mobile User Experience Department, Baidu Search user experience Center, Tencent TGideas, Tencent MXD, Tencent UED, Tencent CDC, Sina UDC, Xunlei CUED, UXBO Oth, tympanus

Color matching tool:Adobe color, FLATUI, Thedayscolor, colrd, Nipponcolors, NolourloversChinese traditional colorsJapanese traditional colors, Fashiontrendsetter

Github-hawx1993 / Github-fe-Project: A collection about github front-end project

A small section of catalogue


Frontend -dev-bookmarks is a huge list of front-end development resources. star:15000

Front-end-collect shares excellent websites, blogs, and active developers related to front-end development that they have been paying attention to for a long time. star:860

The most comprehensive front-end development of Interview questions and answers in history

F2e-hub contains Animation, UI, Dialog, Carousels, color, Image, Workflow, etc. star:100

Awesome-javascript A series of great javascript libraries, resources, and resources. star:3100

FKS front-end skills summary, including front-end knowledge architecture, back-end knowledge, Linux, book recommendations, etc. star:4000

Node123 Node. js Chinese document navigation. star:1200

Mobile-web-favorites Mobile Web development favorites. star:200

Gulp -book Describes how to start gulp

Front-end-tutorial – the most comprehensive resource tutorial – all the knowledge system involved in the Front-end. (Update 12.25)

Canvas/Data visualization

Echarts is based on Canvas, a pure Javascript chart library that provides intuitive, vivid, interactive and customizable data visualization charts. star:6900

Chart.js is a simple HTML5 Chart that uses tags. star:14600

Sketch. Js cross-platform JavaScript creative coding framework, only 2KB after gzip compression. star:1500

D3 a js data visualization framework based on data manipulation documents, one of the most popular visualization libraries. star:38000

Zrender is a lightweight Canvas library, MVC wrapped, data-driven, providing dom-like event model to make a big difference to Canvas drawing! star:850

C3 A reusable JavaScript charting library based on D3.js. Almost zero learning curve. Star :4.5K (update 6.28)

img2cssConvert images to pure CSS code. (Update 11.3)

Github – JacksonTian/ FKS Front-end skills Frontend Knowledge Structure (Github address), known as the most complete resource tutorial – all the Knowledge system involved in the front-end.

Some of the directories (all of them are linked to the home page here), visit the specific url and Github for more information

1. General categories

2. Category entry

3. Tool classes

4. Comprehensive effect search platform

5 · team Blog | weekly classes

6. Development Center

July Nodejs

8. Comprehensive API

September Ecmascript

10 · Js template

11, HTML 5 (HTML)

12 · CSS 3 (CSS)

13 · Angularjs

14, the React

15 DE vue

16. Mobile API

17 · jQuery

18, D3

19, Requriejs

20 Seajs,

21, Less and sass

22, Markdown

23. Compatibility

24. UI related

25. Other apis

26. Chart class

27, regular

28. Front-end specifications

29, PHP

30. Open source projects of major companies

31, the commonly used

32 algorithm,

33. Mobile terminal

34, JSON

35. Focus diagram

36. Ext, EasyUI, J-UI and other UI schemes

37. Page social sharing function

38. Rich text editor

39. Front End Overview

40, Gulp

41, Grunt

42, Fis

43 · PC chart wheel

44. Mobile terminal drawing wheel

45. File upload

46. Simulate SELECT

47. Color plug-in

48. Linkage of cities

49. Clipboard

50. Simple and complex transformation

51. Table Grid

52 · Online presentation

53. General optimization

54. Optimization tools

55. Online tools

56. Front-end architecture

57. Recommended works

58. Resume Template

59. Interview questions

60 · iconfont

61 · Fiddler

62 · Chrome

63 · Firebug

64 · Mobile, wechat debugging

65 · the iOS Simulator

66 · Image

67 · Browser synchronization

68. Make online PPT

69 · Front navigation website

70. Common CDN

71 · Git

72 · Calendar of various dates

73 · the Date library

74 · other

75. Effects

76. Pop-up layer

77 · Excellent JavaScript projects

4: Github Resource Collection in which the author does not find Github addresses, starmode projects in Github that are accessed directly at the site.

Partial contents:

Github Resource Collection — HTML/CSS Github resource Collection — Shim/Polyfill Github resource Collection — Mobile Github Resource Collection — Test framework and assertion library Github resource collection — Node.js Github resource collection — template engine Github resource collection — Data visualization Github resource collection — React and related library Github resource collection Github Resource Collection — Other excellent JS frameworks Github Resource Collection — Functional programming related…………..

If you have a good Command of English, you can read it here:The most comprehensive GitHub front-end development collection ever. Also, his Github address:GitHub – sindresorhus/awesome: Curated list of awesome lists

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