This is the first day of my participation in the Gwen Challenge in November. Check out the details: the last Gwen Challenge in 2021

If you’re tempted to open source when using a tool or third-party library, you’ll see a lot of typescript types, as well as a lot of generic utility classes, this article will share five common generic utility classes to help you read the source code.


Partial is used to make all properties of a type optional

T[P] = T[P] = T[P] = T[P]; Type Partial<T>={[P in keyof T]? :T[p] }Copy the code

Example: Partial makes all attributes in Todo optional

interface Todo{ title:string, description:string } function updateTodo(todo:Todo,fieldsToUpdate:Partial<Todo>){ return {... todo,... fieldsToUpdate} } const todo1={ title:'coding', description:'coding to day by day' } const todo2=updateTodo(todo1,{ description:'day day up' }) console.log(todo2); //{ title: 'coding', description: 'day day up' }Copy the code


Type Record<K extends Keyof any,T>={Record<K extends Keyof any,T>={type Record<K extends Keyof any,T>={  [P in K]:T }Copy the code

Case study:

interface PageInfo{
type Page = "home"|"about"|"contact"
const x:Record<Page,PageInfo>={
Copy the code


Type Pick<T,K extends Keyof T> ={[P in K]:T[P]} Pick<T,K extends Keyof T> ={[P in K]:T[P]}Copy the code

Case study:

interface Todo{ title:string, description:string, completed:boolean } type TodoPreview = Pick<Todo,"title"|"completed"> const todo:TodoPreview={ title:"doSomething", completed:true } console.log(todo); //{ title: 'doSomething', completed: true }Copy the code


Exclude<T,U> removes items of one type from another

Type Exclude<T,U> = T extends U? never :TCopy the code

Case study:

Type T0 = Exclude < 'a' | 'b' | 'c', 'a' > type T1 = Exclude < string | number | () = > (void), Function > const test2: T1 = Function () {/ / an error console.log('111'); }Copy the code


The purpose of ReturnType is to get the ReturnType of T

type ReturnType<T extends (... args: any) => any> = T extends (... args: any) => infer R ? R : any;Copy the code

Case study:

type T1 = ReturnType<(s: string) => void>; // void
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