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Make yourself more loving

A science blogger lamented that readers were using their knowledge to attack/convince others. His intention was to make people healthier and lead a better life after learning the knowledge. Rather than knowledge as a weapon, to hurt others, to meet their own desire to win or lose. In retrospect, I have had many such moments, when I learned some new knowledge, I couldn’t wait to throw out my immature opinions to prove others’ opinions are wrong when discussing, satisfying the so-called heart of victory and defeat. But in this communication has brought harm to others, and has not brought any valuable help. The knowledge we learn is ultimately designed to make us more loving, smarter, and empowered to better our lives and those of us around us. Not to satisfy a sense of competitiveness and superiority, to prove that he is right all the time. ‘.

Let those who love you love you more

In the ninth episode of the podcast “Nobody Knows”, Meng Yan and Huang Hai discussed many issues related to brands. The following gave me some inspiration:

Brand is trust. Trust comes naturally between people. People follow People, People don’t follow the company

Many times we love/hate a brand, many times because of the people behind it. Such as Steve Jobs in Apple, Jack Ma in Ali, Lei Jun in Xiaomi and so on. Through these people, we can get a glimpse of the brand’s values and way of doing things, and then combine our feelings about using the product together to form our understanding and feeling of the brand.

Let the people who like me like me as much as possible, not let as many people know me as possible. Visibility in the eye, reputation in the heart, a great brand is the connection between the heart and the heart. Consider not just the breadth of your reach, but the intensity of your liking. What I really care about is whether the people who know, or the people I want to connect with, really have a great experience, and whether the bond between us is really deep.

For example, the nail Brain Map brand is made up of the production team and the nail brain Map users and how they feel about using it. Specifically, the experience of using the product, the convenience of collaborating with others, and even the working and living conditions of the production and research team all add up to form the brand of Dingdingntu. This year, I have seen this product grow from nothing, and experienced both highs and lows. When users send us good comments, we rejoice together. Users constantly ridicule, we will be ashamed and reflection. Every time we try to use some “trick” to capture rapid DAU growth, we tend to plant the seeds of a problem and hit you hard at the right time. But it’s not that products don’t need to grow, it’s that they need to be balanced as well as possible, and a lot of times growth means survival and better survival. I hope I can do my best to make more people like this product in the New Year.

Interesting public account push data

I sent two posts in the first two weeks, and found some interesting things in terms of data.

  • The two articles have brought me a total of 1066 times of reading and 87 times of sharing, which means that 87 partners think my push is worth sharing, and 1066 partners have established preliminary connections with me.
  • The average reading completion rate is 80%, which means that most of my friends have finished reading my push and feel that their content has been carefully treated. Thank you.
  • After reading this book, there are 13 more following users, which means that there are 13 more friends who agree with or can resonate with us. I am very lucky to meet you.

I don’t know much about the operation of “we media”, so I don’t want to deliberately obtain the number of fans and readers, but I hope you can feel the sincerity behind me, and I hope my friends who like me can like me more.