In the previous article, we briefly covered the design and architecture of TiFlash, a column storage engine that will be released with TiDB version 3.1 (March) and will significantly improve TiDB performance in real-time analytics scenarios. It is also seamlessly integrated with TiDB, providing real-time updates, elastic scalability, and maintaining THE ACID transaction characteristics and snapshot isolation level of TiDB for real-time analysis of serious scenarios.

So how fast is TiFlash?

To answer this question in a more intuitive way, we ran a new comparison test with the latest version of TiFlash. The test selects traditional transactional databases (and their column extensions), analytical databases and big data computing engines, namely Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB ColumnStore, Greenplum, and Apache Spark.

Among them, MySQL can undertake online transaction business, but the analysis speed is quite worrying compared with the products specialized for analysis scenarios. However, the column storage database can not bear online transaction, and it is difficult to meet the requirements of online transaction business whether there is no more real-time new storage structure or high-frequency small amount of data access performance.

And TiDB as HTAP database, in the transaction scene has been a large number of verification of the premise, plus TiFlash in the analysis side can achieve what performance? With TiFlash’s consistent data synchronization features, can users directly analyze real-time data at an excellent speed?

Let’s take a look at some interesting data from the U.S. Department of Transportation on takeoffs, landings and punctuality from 1987 to the present. You can get the data set using the Percona Lab download script. The dataset totals more than 180 million aircraft takeoffs and landings. The table structure of the dataset is here.

The query used in the test is shown below. Let’s take a look at the comparison results first:

The query TiDB + TiFlash MySQL 5.7.29 Greenplum 6.1 Mariadb Columnstore 1.2.5 The Spark 2.4.5 + Parquet Oracle
Q1 0.508 290.340 4.206 1.209 2.044 88.53
Q2 0.295 262.650 3.795 0.740 0.564 76.05
Q3 0.395 247.260 2.339 0.583 0.684 74.76
Q4 0.512 254.960 2.923 0.625 1.306 74.75
Q5 0.184 242.530 2.077 0.258 0.627 67.44
Q6 0.273 288.290 4.471 0.462 1.084 134.08
Q7 0.659 514.700 9.698 1.213 1.536 147.06
Q8 0.453 487.890 3.927 1.629 1.099 165.35
Q9 0.277 261.820 3.160 0.951 0.681 76.5
Q10 2.615 407.360 8.344 2.020 18.219 127.29

Note: MySQL and Oracle data are ignored in the figure above so as not to affect the scale.

As can be seen from the above comparison,

  • Hundreds of times better than MySQL in standalone environments (not to mention TiFlash scalability);
  • Compared to an analytical database/engine that cannot be updated in real time, such as an MPP database or the new MariaDB ColumnStore, you can still achieve a multifold or even tenfold performance improvement.

The following ten SQL statements are used to test analysis queries.

Query 1: Average monthly number of recorded flights

select avg(c1) from 
( select year.month.count(*) as c1 from ontime group by year.month ) A;
Copy the code

Query 2: Number of daily flights from 2000 to 2008

select dayofweek.count(*) as c from ontime 
where year> =2000 and year< =2008 group by dayofweek 
order by c desc;
Copy the code

Query 3: Number of flights delayed by 10 minutes or more by week from 2000 to 2008

select dayofweek.count(*) as c from ontime 
where depdelay>10 and year> =2000 and year< =2008 group by dayofweek order by c desc;
Copy the code

Query 4: Number of delays by departure airport from 2000 to 2008

select origin, count(*) as c from ontime 
where depdelay>10 and year> =2000 and year< =2008 group by origin order by c desc limit 10;
Copy the code

Query 5: Number of delays by airline in 2007

select carrier, count(*) from ontime 
where depdelay>10 and year=2007 group by carrier 
order by count(*) desc;
Copy the code

Query 6: Percentage of delays by airline in 2007

select carrier, c, c2, c*100/c2 as c3 from 
(select carrier, count(*) as c from ontime where depdelay>10 and year=2007 group by carrier ) A 
inner join 
( select carrier, count(*) as c2 from ontime where year=2007 group by carrier ) B using (carrier) 
order by c3 desc;
Copy the code

Query 7: Percentage of delays by airline from 2000 to 2008

select carrier, c, c2, c*100/c2 as c3 from 
( select carrier, count(*) as c from ontime where depdelay>10 and year> =2000 and year< =2008 group by carrier ) A 
inner join 
( select carrier, count(*) as c2 from ontime where year> =2000 and year< =2008 group by carrier ) B using (carrier) 
order by c3 desc;
Copy the code

Query 8: Flight delay rate by year

select year, c1/c2 from ( select year.count* (*)100 as c1 from ontime where depdelay>10 group by year ) A 
inner join 
( select year.count(*) as c2 from ontime group by year ) B using (year) 
order by year;
Copy the code

Query 9: Number of flights per year

select year.count(*) as c1 from ontime 
group by year;
Copy the code

Query 10: Multi-dimensional complex filtering and aggregation

select min(year), max(year), carrier, count(*) as cnt, sum(arrdelayminutes>30) as flights_delayed, round(sum(arrdelayminutes>30) /count(*),2) as rate from ontime 
where dayofweek not in (6.7) and originstate not in ('ak'.'hi'.'pr'.'vi') and deststate not in ('ak'.'hi'.'pr'.'vi') and flightdate < '2010-01-01' 
group by carrier having cnt>100000 and max(year) >1990 
order by rate desc limit 1000;
Copy the code

True · line mix

And don’t forget row storage. TiDB not only has the TiFlash column storage engine, but also has the corresponding row storage and fine grained index support.

For columns with a very high number of unique values (such as a specific time, product unique serial number, etc.), it is generally difficult to have a good means of filtering the columns accurately. For example, in the OnTime dataset above, the same query can be made faster by indexing the CRSDepTime scheduled departure time column.

Count the total number of planes scheduled to depart at 18:45.

mysql> select count(*) from ontime where 1845 = CRSDepTime; + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + | count (*) | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + | 766539 | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + 1 row in the set (0.09 SEC)Copy the code

For pure column storage, MariaDB, Spark, and Greenplum are 0.447 vs 0.449 and 1.576 seconds respectively — 4-17 times faster than TiDB + TiFlash! Because they have to sweep the meter by force.

In addition, TiDB’s row and column mixing is not an alternative to the traditional design of row and column storage, but rather TiDB can have both row and column storage in the same table, and both data are always strongly consistent (not ultimately consistent).

Looking at this, you might ask, does having both row and column storage in TiDB impose mental burden on users? The answer is no. You can delegate TiDB’s choice of when to use row or column storage, except that the user can force the choice for HTAP business isolation. When row memory is better (as in the case above), TiDB automatically switches to row memory for reading with statistics: the performance of the above query on TiFlash is only half that of TiKV row memory + index.

Faster data arrival

TiFlash can update data at high speed thanks to the high frequency update memory engine designed for TiDB data mirroring synchronization. This makes it “fast” not just “fast return queries”, but also “data can be queried faster”.

Unlike traditional analytical databases or Hadoop data lakes that require bulk loading (often in a day) from the source database T + 1, TiFlash reads the latest (not just fresh) data, and you don’t have to worry about out-of-order or consistency issues. Instead of maintaining additional data replication jobs, you not only simplify the architecture, but also have more real-time access to the data.

Why not give it a try?

In addition, TiFlash online testing is very simple, you can use one or two ready-made machines to test, a simple command or two, online TiFlash node, add a column copy, and so on after the copy synchronization is complete, you can see the effect, green harmless. TiFlash is already in the first round of user testing, and will be open for public testing in March. Please pay attention to the follow-up information, and please contact for early experience.

Attached to the test environment

As some test objects do not support cluster mode, the test environment is single machine (but with the help of TiDB’s extensible system, TiFlash can also be seamless linear expansion). Specifications and configuration of the test machine are as follows:

  • CPU: 40 vCores, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2630 v4 @ 2.20GHz @ 1268.383 MHz Mem: 188G @ 2133 MHz
  • 1 x NVMe SSD 3.6TB
  • OS: centos – release – 7-6.1810.2 el7. Centos. X86_64
  • Filesystem: ext4
  • TiKV Region Size: 512M
  • Greenplum 16 Segments (DISTRIBUTED RANDOMLY)
  • Oracle noparallel