On December 28th, Digital China and PingCAP held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony in Beijing. They announced that they would build digital China’s own brand distributed database all-in-one machine based on TiDB, the world’s leading new generation relational database (NewSQL) open source project. It also carries out multi-dimensional strategic cooperation such as joint product, joint marketing and joint ecology, and uses open source technology to build a number of new infrastructure bases, enabling digital transformation of enterprises and high-quality industrial development.

Ye Haiqiang, Executive Vice President of Digital China Group, Zhou Peng, CTO, Shen Yang, CIO, Li Xin, Executive Vice General manager of ENTERPRISE Software Application SBU, Liu Qi, founder and CEO of PingCAP, Huang Dongxu, co-founder and CTO of PingCAP, Fan Shuyu, General manager of enterprise and Partner Business Department were present and witnessed.

Open source leads the digital future, and data builds a new foundation

In the digital age, open source technology is leading the development of the entire information technology industry. Cloud and open source technologies are accelerating the integration and reconstruction of IT infrastructure, becoming the catalyst for enterprise digital transformation. In the face of exponential growth of massive data processing requirements, database as the cornerstone of the basic software field and the key engine of enterprise digital transformation, also began to accelerate in the cloud track extension. According to Gartner, 75% of databases will be deployed or migrated to the cloud by 2022.

As a leading enterprise in open source distributed database, PingCAP has just completed the $270 million D round of financing. It has always been committed to innovation and practice in the field of cutting-edge technology. Its enterprise-level distributed relational database TiDB has become the ideal database cluster and cloud database solution in the era of big data. At present, TiDB has provided services to more than 1500 leading global enterprises in the production environment, covering Internet, gaming, banking, insurance, securities, aviation, manufacturing, telecommunications, new retail, government and other industries, as well as the United States, Europe, Japan, South Asia and other countries and regions.

Dongxu Huang, co-founder and CTO of PingCAP

Huang Dongxu, CO-FOUNDER and CTO of PingCAP, said that Digital China has always been an active member of the TiDB technology community and has a deep understanding of technical architecture principles and industry forward-looking applications. This all-in-one product is the result of joint innovation between Digital China and PingCAP in the field of database technology.

Shen Yang, CIO of Digital China Group

According to Shen Yang, CIO of Digital China Group, TiDB has become a well-known open source project in the field of global basic software. Digital China is also one of the early users of TiDB. We not only adopt TiDB in our own digital application scenarios, take the lead in adapting TiDB on ARM platform and applying it in production environment, but also extend the application of TiDB to heterogeneous computing system. It can run TiDB distributed database on ARM and X86 platforms at the same time, and realize data access on different computing architecture platforms. Next, Digital China will also join the TiDB community and form a technical team, work with PingCAP to create a more open community ecology, expand and accumulate more challenging business scenarios, and continue to refine solutions and products, so as to provide more professional products and better technical solutions for the digital transformation of industry enterprises.

Product + marketing + ecology, strong alliance, hand in hand to help the new infrastructure

As a science and technology enterprise that has always insisted on using the world’s leading technology to enable the development of the industry, in recent years, with the continuous development of cloud native and open source technology, it has become one of the important layout of Digital China to accelerate the exploration and application of open source technology and promote the development of cloud and independent innovation.

Taking this strategic cooperation as an opportunity, Digital China will set up a joint product center with PingCAP, build a new generation of distributed database all-in-one products of its own brand based on TiDB and China Kuntai server, and deliver end-to-end technical solutions to the market as a whole. At the same time, the two parties will also promote the integration and implementation of TiDB and DIGITAL China distributed database all-in-one products in finance, government and other industries through the joint marketing center. On this basis, the two sides will also set up a joint ecological center, based on the digital China to launch a “digital China service union”, the centralized purchasing of products, service capacity output and brand cooperation authorization aspects actively explore and establish integrate whole settle scheme, more innovation cooperation mode and the frontier forward-looking exploration.

Ye Haiqiang, executive vice president of Digital China Group

Ye Haiqiang, executive vice president of Digital China Group, said that towards 2035, “new infrastructure” based on cloud and ict will become an important basis point for China’s economic development. In the golden age of the open source, and PingCAP strategic cooperation, digital China is in the open source technology and own brand products on the two dimensions of important move later, we hope that through close cooperation between the two sides, give full play to their respective advantages, promote and guide for the future of the transformation of the information infrastructure and iteration, and in the process, Explore and explore more valuable cooperation models.

Liu Qi, founder and CEO of PingCAP

Liu Qi, founder and CEO of PingCAP, said that Digital China is a leading cloud and digital service provider in China and has always had deep technical strength, rich solutions and a strong digital ecosystem. As the innovator of cloud native open source infrastructure software, the strategic cooperation between PingCAP and Digital China will strengthen the cooperation in the field of data infrastructure, constantly improve the technical innovation ability and core service ability, and help industry users better embrace the digital era.

With the spread of open source technology, today’s digital transformation has entered a new track of accelerated innovation. Facing the future and practicing the “digital China”, Digital China will strengthen its capacity with PingCAP and more ecological partners to continuously promote the universal application of open source technology and lead the sustainable and healthy development of digital economy.