The requirement is to click Save Image to save the Echarts diagram of the page and the corresponding form generated image to the local

Package used: HTML2Canvas

The installation

NPM I [email protected]


import html2canvas from 'html2canvas'; generateShareImage() { const canvas = document.createElement("canvas") let canvasBox = document.getElementById('imageWrapper') const width = canvasBox.offsetWidth const height = canvasBox.offsetHeight Canvas. Width = width * 2 canvas. Height = height * 2 canvas. // const context = Canvas. GetContext ("2d"); / / context. Scale (1.5, 1.5); const options = { backgroundColor: null, canvas: canvas, useCORS: true }; html2canvas(canvasBox, options).then((canvas) => { let dataURL = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); Download this. / / downloadImage (dataURL); Var share = document.getElementById('shareImg'); var share = document.getElementById('shareImg'); share.src = dataURL; }) }, downloadImage(url) { let link = document.createElement("a"); link.href = url; Link.setAttribute ("download", "screenshot.png ");; }
