1. What is JSX
JSX is a term coined by Facebook’s engineering team.
JSX is an XML-like syntactic extension of JavaScript without any defined semantics.
const div = <div>This is a DIV box</div>
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2. Bind variables
Binding variables in JSX is not quite the same as binding variables in Template.
render (createElement) {
return ( <button content={this.generatedText}></button>)}Copy the code
3. Bind HTML
Setting the HTML content in JSX is also different from setting the HTML content in Template, which uses domPropsInnerHTML in JSX, and v-HTML in Template
In the template:
<div v-html="content"></div>
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In the JSX:
const div = <div domPropsInnerHTML={content}></div>
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4. Bind events
In JSX, events are bound with the on prefix, such as the onClick event, and native events add nativeOn
const button = <button onClick={this.handleClick}></button>
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5. Event modifiers
The event modifier is modified by:.
const button = <button onClick:prevent={this.handleClick}></button>
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Official recommendation:
<input vOn:click_stop_prevent="newTodoText" />
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You can also use shortcut keys
The modifier | The prefix |
.passive |
& |
.capture |
! |
.once |
~ |
.capture.once or.once.capture |
~! |
The usage is as follows: |
<el-button {... {'! click': this.doThisInCapturingMode,
'! keyup': this.doThisOnce,
'~! mouseover': this.doThisOnceInCapturingMode }}>Click Me! </el-button>Copy the code
Component library event binding
When using component library development, event names with on-* can be written as follows.
exrpot default {
render() {
return (
<el-upload {.{
props:{'on-success':() = >{// business logic code... }}}}> Upload</el-upload>)}}Copy the code
7. V-for loop
In JSX, array.map() is used to loop.
const lis = ` ``
{ this.data.map(item => { return
- { item.title }
}) }
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8. Ternary operators
export default {
data() {
return {
isTrue: true}; },render() {
const msg = this.isTrue ? 'You won the lottery.' : 'Unfortunately, I missed.'
return (
<div>{MSG}</div>); }}; </script>Copy the code
9, Style style
Use {… Bind with {}}
<script> export default { data() { return { backgroundColor: 'blue', styleObject: { backgroundColor: 'red', fontSize: '20px', color: '#fff' } }; }, render() { return ( <div> <span {... {style: {backgroundColor: this.backgroundColor}}}> I am a blue background </span> <span {... {style: this.styleObject}}> I am red background </span> </div>); }}; </script>Copy the code
10. Class mode
In Vue, JSX can be written as class=”xx”. In fact, since class is a reserved JS word, the DOM attribute is className and the HTML attribute is class. We can also write it in Vue like this:
<div domPropsClassName="mt__xs"></div>
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Note that if you also write class=”xx” domPropsClassName=”yy” then the latter has a higher priority, regardless of position. So I’m going to try to write class
Use {… Bind with {}}
export default {
data() {
return {
isBlue: true.classOjbect: ['red']}; },render() {
return (
<span {.{
class: {
blue: this.isBlue,}}} >I have a blue background</span>
<span {.{
class: this.classOjbect}} >I'm on a red background</span>
</div>); }}; </script>Copy the code
11. Directive
You can use the v-name={value} syntax to write a customized command. Note that the parameters and modifiers of the command are not supported in this way. Take the example of v-focus use given in the instruction section of the official document as an example to introduce two solutions:
1. Pass all directive properties directly using objects
<input type="text" v-focus={{value: true}} >Copy the code
2. Use the original VNode instruction data format
focus: {
inserted: function(el) {
render() {
const directives = [
{ name: 'focus'.value: true}]return (
<input type="text" {.{ directives}} / >
</div>)}}Copy the code
11. Attrs binding
Commonly used dynamic ID, data-* assignment
export default {
data() {
return{}; },render() {
return (
<span {.{
attrs:{'id': 'app',
'data-id': '1234'}}} >I have a blue background</span>
</div>); }}; </script>Copy the code
High order component
render(h) {
return(<my-button { ... { props: this.attrs, attrs: this.$attrs, } }><my-button>); }Copy the code
label='Shop Name'
label='Store state'
scopedSlots: {
default: props= >{// props. Row Data of the current line return props.row.shop_status?<el-tag type='success'>To enable the</el-tag> : <el-tag type='danger'>disable</el-tag>}}}} ></el-table-column>
label='Creation time'>
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Default slot template:
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Named slot template
<slot name="before"></slot>
<slot ></slot>
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JSX writing:
let before = '';
if (this.$scopedSlots.before) {
before = this.$scopedSlots.before(props => props.text);
return (<button>
{ before }
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Scope slot template
<slot :isAdvancedPanelShow="isAdvancedPanelShow"></slot>
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JSX writing:
isAdvancedPanelShow: this.isAdvancedPanelShow
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Dynamic components
CreateElement gets the full programming capability of js. Here’s an example of using different titles for different grades:
Vue.component('anchored-heading', { render: Function (createElement) {return createElement('h' + this.level, // tag this.$slot.default // subnode array)}, props: { level: { type: Number, required: true } } })Copy the code
This case is written by JSX as:
Vue.component('anchored-heading', {
render: function (h) {
const TagName = 'h' + this.level;
return <TagName>{ this.$slots.default(this.props) }</TagName>
props: {
level: {
type: Number,
required: true
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13, v – model
<! -- v-model --><el-input v-model={this.vm.name} />
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To add a modifier:
<el-input vModel_trim={inputValue}/>
// or use
on-input={val= > this.inputValue = val.trim()}/>
// or use
<el-input v-model_trim={inputValue}/>
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14. Empty labels
In React, you can render the DOM with empty tags; in jSX, you can’t use <> tags directly.
15, data writing
JSX is essentially the syntactic sugar for createElement, which is eventually converted by the compiler into the createElement function. When using {… When obj}, obj will compile as the second argument to createElement.
The second argument to vue’s createElement function is different from react’s createElement function. In vue, the second argument is the data object, and the react second argument is props. So I call this method data writing.
Parameters in data:
render: h= > h(CountTo, {
// 'class': 'count-to', // add the class name to the outermost box of the component
// Or write it this way
// 'class': ['count-to', true ? 'count-to2' : ''],
// Or write it this way
'class': {
'count-to': true.'count-to2': 1= = =1,},attrs: {}, // Define attribute id and so on
style: {}, // Define the style
props: {
endValue: 100
// domProps: {// Some properties of dom
// innerHTML: '11' // You can set some content of the tag
// },
on: { // Add events
'on-animation-end': (val) = > { / / the event name
nativeOn: { // Bind a click event to the outermost element of the component when no click event is defined within the component
'click': () = > {
console.log('click')}},directives: [].// Custom directives can be defined
scopedSlots: {},
slot: ' './ / slots
key: ' '.// Set a value so that each component's key is not equal
ref: ' ' // ref
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For example, when dynamic properties need to be set in VUE:
const props={
name: 'joyer',},<my-button {.{
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For example, the official recommended JSX notation for native DOM attributes:
<button domPropsType="submit"><button>
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Data is written as follows:
<button { ... {domProps: {
type: 'submit',
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