TinkerPatchThe use of the steps are very simple, generally speaking, you can refer to the following steps:

(1) Run assembleRelease Task to build the base package (be sure to update the appVersion in tinkerpatchSupport before release) TinkerPatch automatically backs up basic package information to corresponding folders based on the entered autoBackupApkPath, including apk files, r.tuck files, and mapping.txt files. Mapping.txt is a product of ProGuard. If you don’t have ProGuard enabled, you won’t have this file.

(2) If you want to issue patch packages, you only need to fill the automatically saved files into parameters baseApkFile, baseProguardMappingFile and baseResourceRFile in tinkerpatchSupport

(3) to run tinkerPatchRelease task to construct patches, and patches will be in the build/outputs/tinkerPatch

(4) If a baseline package has multiple patch packages, it will be updated to the latest patch package, which is subject to the last uploaded patch, that is, the later patch will cover the previous patch