
RSS, everyone knows what it does: subscribe to what you want, only push what you want to see…

At ordinary times, I will be fixed to browse some websites about some excellent resources, or timely news, for us to choose the source of more, such as WeChat public number ah, everyone must be used, pay attention to some of the main pier, any number can send pictures, we will receive, but the push is only WeChat public, is subject to some limitations.

However, sometimes, the resources we need are not entirely wechat public number, there are some other websites, such as rare Earth Nuggets, CSDN, SegmentFault, etc. The example just cited is Internet content, of course, also support other types of content.

The installation

  • RssHub Radr: a Chrome plugin with two benefits. First, browse websites that will help you find RSS feeds. Second, you can see some subscription rules in the Settings -> convenience provides a foundation for building your own RSS.
  • RssHub: Can be considered core, this is an open source subscription server, can be deployed on your own server, your own or team RSS.

RssHub Radr


Following the README above, there are two:

  1. You can download and install it from the Chrome store
  2. Can be installed offline

When I use Chrome to browse: docs. Rsshub. App /

You can see the number in the icon in the upper right corner. If we click on it, it looks like the picture in the picture. We can see two functions roughly:

  1. Copy the RSS feed directly
  2. You can open the document to see the documentation

On the second point, let me give you an example: excerpted from an official document

Turing award winner Routing: author: @ nczitzk example: HTTP: / / parameters: noneCopy the code

The routing here is very important (you can replace your deployed domain name or IP, which I will mention later), of course you can add in RSS software: ACM /amturin…




  1. Nodejs and NPM have been installed
  2. If the NPM installation dependency is slow, you can replace the source. NRM is recommended
  • Use Git Clone on the server
git clone
Copy the code
  • CD to RssHub file:
cd RssHub
npm i
npm start
Copy the code
  • You can see the success message
> [email protected] start/WWW/below/dreamcat ink/RSSHub > node lib/index, js info: Listening Port 1200 info: 🎉 RSSHub start! Cheers! Info: 💖 Can you help keep this open source project alive? Both Please sponsor 👉 the code
  • At this point, you can access IP +port, for example:

Simple and practical

Or the above example, the document said: routing: / acm/amturingaward: – > dreamcat. Ink: 1200 / acm/amturin…

You can open the previous link using Chrome:

This means that the success, do not believe we can go to the RSS subscription software can see: my software is NetNewsWire (PS: open source, address:…

However, I would like to recommend the current popular Chrome RSS plugin -Feedbro Reader

Download: Feedbro Reader

After installation, we can be Chinese, also can not be Chinese, see yourself:

Chinese language template: download address

Once downloaded, we unzip it and import it from the place shown in the image:

Here are some common features:

The first thing to know is how to add an RSS feed. Hahaha, maybe a little dangerous late

When we type into our browser, we look at this icon in the upper right corner:

Let’s make a copy of it, of course I chose the first one. Next, let’s left-click on Feedbro in the upper right corner and go to the page:

Article list as well as some of the operation of the article features a brief introduction, in order to map the way, the best way is to experience oh

Statistics on RSS subscriptions:


RssHub Radr, NetNewsWire, Feedbro Reader.

All three are relatively easy to use and offer common features, with a strong focus on the daily experience of browsing and subscribing to articles.

For RssHub Radr, check out the official documentation, teach you how to use it and subscribe to the article source: docs.rsshub. App /

If there are difficulties in use, or some do not understand the place, you can consult me.


  • # rsshub- NO matter how fast you are, I can catch it