“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

!!!!!!!!! Remind: this article picture more!!

Writing in the front

Hi, I’m Front-end Guo Degang, a front-end coder,

Joining the Nuggets family, I am happy to meet lovely people and learn more skills in the Nuggets.

I had never written an article before. I didn’t start writing about the technology until June 2021.

Looking back on the year

Participated in June, August, November more text activities

A slight improvement in technology

The joy of watching talk shows

Attend events in June, August and November

I hadn’t been in the habit of writing before, but seeing the June event inspired me

A total of 22 articles were recommended to the home page, or quite exciting

It got 274 likes and 16,523 views from XDM

A slight improvement in technology

After doing more projects in one year, I gained more experience and became more familiar with React

This year, I have done three projects, all of which are management systems. The projects are not big, and all of them are carried out in an orderly way (why only three small projects? Central enterprise, working hours from 8 to 5, never overtime, you know)

React, ANTD, UMI and antdPro have written a lot of plug-ins based on business. React, a state management plug-in, will gradually open source a series of high-performance front-end components

The scenery near the company is not bad!!

The joy of watching talk shows

Because it is a central enterprise, every day off work time and weekends are quite abundant

I put my spare time on the talk show (part-time while watching performances) # talk show # Christmas # Dry goods sharing # daily vlog how to find Christmas line Christmas? Happy leisure time he will come soon!!

Here are some photos of the show. Just take a look

Also lucky to Rock, bird bird, Zhou Qi Mo, Zhou Jiulang took a picture

The main idea of this part-time job is to relieve the pressure of work, so that life is not so monotonous!!

Write in the last

Finally, I wish the Nuggets XDM less overtime, more money.

Coder ape, coder farmer, single dog, the world’s most worthy of protection of short-lived harmless creatures