Time complexity and space complexity

Time complexity Big O notation

O(1): indicates the Constant Complexity of the status Constant

Dsmt4 (LOG N): Logarithmic Complexity

O(n): indicates the Linear Complexity of the status

O(n^2): n Square Complexity

O(n^3): n cubic

O(2^n): Exponential Growth

O(n!) : Factorial Factorial

Note: Only look at the highest complexity operations


  1. Note the time complexity and space complexity after writing the program
  2. Complete this procedure with the simplest space and time complexity

Time complexity under recursion

  1. Let me draw a recursion tree for the recursion states

    • F(n) = F(n – 1) + F(n – 2)

      • Interview (direct recursion)

      • int fib(int n)
          if (n < 2)
            return n;
          return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); } -- Time complexity: O(k^n) Reason: Each loop is expanded twice as much as the last one note: recursion has double calculations, so caching can be used to avoid double calculationsCopy the code
  2. Master Theorem

    • The function that solves all the recursion
    • Any divide-and-conquer/recursive function can calculate the time complexity
    • There are four keys that are actually available
      • Binary search: the sequence itself is ordered -o (log n)
      • Binary tree traversal: each node is cut only once -o (n)
      • Binary search in ordered two-dimensional matrices: O(n)
      • Merge sort: because the best way to sort all sorts is nlogn -o (nlog n)
  3. To consider

    • Binary tree traversal – pre-ordered, middle-ordered, post-ordered: What is the time complexity?
    • Graph traversal: What is the time complexity? (Same as above)
    • Search algorithm: DFS depth first, BFS breadth first time complexity? (Same as above)
    • Binary search: What is the time complexity?

Third, space complexity

1. Array length

  • If your code has an array open, then the length of the array is basically the space complexity
    • One-dimensional array: O(n)
    • Two-dimensional array: O(n^2)

2. Depth of recursion (special description)

  • The deepest level of recursion is the maximum spatial complexity

3. Climbing stairs

  • Direct recursion

    • Time complexity -o (2^n)
    • Space complexity -o (n)
  • Mnemonic search – plus cached recursion

    • Time complexity -o (n)
    • Space complexity -o (n)
  • Dynamic programming

    • Time complexity -o (n)
    • Space complexity -o (n)
  • Dynamic planning + memory optimization

    • Time complexity -o (n)
    • Space complexity -o (1)