From November 16 to 17, the first “Tianfu Cup” international Network security competition will be held in Chengdu Tianfu New District Xibo City. In the two-day event, the exciting and intense “Tianfu Cup” International cracking Competition, the technical forum gathered by celebrities, and the wonderful industrial achievements transformation will meet the general audience.

The “Tianfu Cup” is co-sponsored by Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent, 360, Tsinghua University, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yongxin Zhicheng, Asianxin Security and Chengdu Tianfu New Area Investment Group Co., LTD. Qiming Stars, Tianrongxin, Green Alliance Technology, Netyunebula, Know Chuangyu, Sichuan University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, CLP 10, Kelai Software, Weitong, Silent Information, Kaspersky Lab, Symantec.

As the key link of this activity, “Tianfu Cup” International Cracking competition is committed to becoming the world’s first cracking competition, and is open to all security practitioners to solicit contestants and projects. Competitors sign up for the event according to the target event setting, “TianFuBei” international contest of crack set up individual gold, silver, bronze prize, best by (personally highest score winner), best crack award (score the highest individual challenge projects), the bully technology awards (the referee according to the project using the difficulty of goal difficulty of crack, hole digging, the exploit technology innovation degree of factors such as comprehensive score awards).

The cracking competition set up a total of $1 million prize, including PC, mobile and server three major items.

The specific events are as follows:

Microsoft Edge Browser


Google Chrome

Apple Safari

Microsoft Office series (Word/Excel/PowerPoint)

Adobe PDF Reader

The iPhone X

Microsoft Remote Desktop

Oracle VirtualBox VM

VMWare Workstation 15 VMS

Please refer to the official website of “Tianfu Cup” ( for details of specific projects, bonus and points allocation. At present, the official website is open for registration, please pay attention to the official website dynamics.

In addition, “Tianfu Cup” also has cracking open competition, all players who are interested in cracking can register through the official website, there is no limit to the project, the judges will score and vote according to the general information of the registered project (including target, vulnerability type, cracking effect, etc.) to determine the selected project.


Register through the contest website.
