“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


Wooshing sou ~ time passed quickly, in 2021, has been insufficient, this year the Internet industry of science and technology have also been a lot of big and small things, such as apple powder have been looking forward to 13, and not very sweet, new apple MacBook is a bang, and the PHP apes most concerned about “the language of the world’s best” also finally had the best end-result, B: well… Anyway, let’s talk about myself, how I got here today.


This year really ashamed of, some lazy on the paper output, just released the seven articles, self-reflection, pressed for time is part of the reason, and then the actual is in line with the want to produce more high quality articles, but lead to write a lot, don’t release, as readers here to apologize, 2022 for sharing a lot, to share with you.

In October, I created a new column “one second to understand”, which is also my requirement for 2022. I will publish higher quality articles in this column, so the title of this column is more textbook, no title to attract you and tempting pictures, just pure dry goods, please look forward to.

Of course, my original column, Grace Development, will continue to exist and produce articles of the same quality, but one that is more educational and one that is more conversational.


My annual summary is entitled Surviving 365 Days of Intense Study. So what did I do?

First of all, know that I should have some friends in ministry, first in terms of oneself, may some friends don’t know, our country’s education has full-time bachelor degree with part-time two kinds, full-time we are very clear, rather than full-time is wrong, it is divided into online education, correspondence, adult the university entrance exam and self-study exam, difficulty is from low to high, And self-taught exam is besides exam of divide full-time undergraduate course, the exam with highest difficulty, discipline is as high as 16 division (the likelihood of some colleges and universities can arrive 20 lesson), all exam all pass (60 minutes), ability can apply for graduation, and before 3 kinds did not emphasize ha, want you to be willing to spend money only, cough…

I don’t want to say how strong I am. The core reason for choosing self-study examination is to supplement my lack of computer knowledge. As an ape who takes computer as a hobby to play, this may be my only choice at present.

B: well… There are many subjects related to computer, covering a wide range of fields, and it will be difficult to go on without certain skills (after all, other things in the world are probably easier than learning). This is also the secondary reason why I choose to take the self-examination, “external drive”.

So what is “external drive”? Generally speaking, it is that they are not self-disciplined enough to restrain temptation, and constrain themselves through the external strong binding force, while the internal drive is vice versa.

Therefore, I am not a self-disciplined ape, so FOR various reasons, I choose to take the self-study examination to make up for the lack of knowledge and education background.

I am about to finish my final subject exams, 2021, this year, I passed eight subjects, so what is the concept of eight subjects? The self examination is held by the Education Bureau, twice a year, each time you can take up to four subjects of examination, um… You read that right. I aced all eight.

So how long did it take me? Through the third-party education institution, there are 12 classes for each subject, and each class lasts 2 hours and 45 minutes. I think it will take more than 140 hours to pass the four exams each time. Just seeing it once isn’t enough. My exam covers data structures, algorithms, computer networks, operating systems, database principles, and so on.

It took me almost all my time from study to review.

However, I still finished 6 courses such as Network protocol, MySQL and Redis on the subway.

Can say so, this year is I am engaged in the Internet this eight years, the most tired year, because this year, as long as I open my eyes, in addition to the job, is learning.

B: well… My undergraduate self-examination career is nearing the end, the next plan is to take the postgraduate entrance examination, continue to cheer.


After reading my experience above, you may be thinking, “Life depends on how I make it up. Don’t look at it, I have hardly lived in this year. I can only say that I am alive.


Similar with me for part-time born wild programmers (including non regular full-time programmer) in the wild, I hope you can complete the following courses in 2022, someone asked me, how can I know whether I grow up, my answer is, when you find that you like what all can’t, is growing.

  • Data structures and algorithms
  • The operating system
  • Database Principles
  • Computer network

It should not be difficult for you to learn a subject in two and a half months. If you benefit from it, I hope you can leave a message at the end of this article at the end of 2022, and I will definitely reply to you.

Look forward to your sharp change.


Rematch is an indispensable part of life, can be divided into monthly rematch, quarterly rematch, annual rematch and so on. Of course, I’m lazy and just do an annual review.

The second round is different from the plan, when you specify a plan, such as buying a suite at the end of the year, then your goal is only the end, there is no starting point, at the end of the year you are not enough money, can not afford to buy, so at the beginning of the year when you next to this plan, your deposit is a few digits, this year has passed, I’m afraid you are also difficult to remember.

And the rematch, there is a starting point and an end point, the starting point represents the current state when you rematch, the end point represents your expected result after a year, then the rematch results generally have three kinds

  1. Below expectations (means you did not complete), in this case, you can consider the defects, what did not do well or not do at all, why not do, nothing to prepare for the next year’s review
  2. Meeting expectations (meaning you’ve just done it) allows you to challenge yourself by setting your next goal even higher
  3. Exceeding expectations (need I go into detail?)

Therefore, the second round is also one of the things I must do every year.


Or you will forget the saying goes good, good, but in the high-speed development of the Internet age, you don’t have to put all the things are recorded on paper and we can choose a notes apply to his own record software, to see, think, learn, recorded, here recommend one I have been in use, Notion: Software that you think is better for programmers


No matter what kind of articles I write, whether technical articles, hydrology articles or summary articles, half of them are personal sharing/comprehension, while the other half is earnest preaching. Maybe you do not recognize or you are happy to read my sharing, but I am my CrazyCodes and my style will never change.

Thank you

Thank you for reading this, I hope my annual summary can also add some motivation for you, thank you.