“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Hello, I’m Ludens, the English name comes from the island studio mascot — Ludens. This is my second post with the Nuggets.

When I was looking at what goals I had set for the year and thinking that there was still a lot of time left in the year, I found that it was already the last month of 2021.

It has been more than three years since I graduated in 2018, and I haven’t fully summarized my life in the past three years. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to recall and share my life in the past three years.

Year 1 (2018-2019)

Entering the workplace

Back in that year, I majored in electrical engineering and automation. After graduating from college, I entered a company in the field of automation testing.

I have always been interested in electronic products since junior high school. Shortly after I joined the company, I was assigned to the department of consumer electronics by chance. My main responsibility was to conduct functional tests on the motherboards of Apple products by docking with engineers from Apple and OEM.


Apple. It's Apple. It's one of the biggest tech companies in the world.

It’s hard to describe the excitement I felt when I found out what the job was.

  • The ability to know, see and touch Apple’s yet-to-be-released next-generation products

  • Communicate directly with Apple engineers to validate and optimize products

This was something I hadn’t thought about until I graduated.

After a few months of getting familiar with the work, I began to go on business trips with my colleagues to the automated production line of the OEM factory, and began to help my colleagues deal with some work matters. At that time, IT was more about tinkering with Python, reading and sorting out the flow and logic of the test platform in use, observing the docking methods of colleagues and summarizing the solutions to problems encountered.


In the first year, I spent most of my time in Suzhou on business trips.

I still remember that once I was on a plane in the evening. I just got off the plane and saw what melting snow was. Then IT was midnight when I arrived in Suzhou, and I saw what sub-zero temperature was.

FIG. 1 A dog sunning in Zhouzhuang in autumn

Figure 2 shows snow for the first time

Year 2 (2019-2020)

Start acting alone

After a project, the client complimented me on my performance, and my boss began to consider me working on a project by myself, rather than as an assistant engineer.

Soon, my first project came along, and the experiences were new to me:

  • My address changed from CC to recipient for emails sent by clients

  • The project management directly asked me about the progress and risks of the project

  • Every time in the trial run, I was afraid of the program going wrong and kept awake all night

  • Intermittent stuttering of English and body language when communicating with customers

  • Read every email several times before you send it, for fear that it contains something less than appropriate and formal

Unfortunately, I was unable to go on a business trip to Apple Park in Cupertino with my colleagues due to visa reasons, which I still feel very sorry about now.

Perhaps the Apple products you bought during this time have been tested by my program 😜

Contact the front

I came into contact with this field by chance — when I was looking up information, I found a website with strong sense of interaction and design.

Most of my friends are art students. Although I major in science, I have been influenced by them more or less for so many years. When I saw the website, I felt that this is also a kind of art, so I left a lot of impression on this field and developed a lot of interest in it.

Later, I talked with my friend, who was also my boss at that time, and he thought that the front end might be more suitable for my development than the current job, and encouraged me to learn and understand relevant technologies without affecting my work schedule. I am very grateful for his support and help at that time.


In 2020, the epidemic came, and what made it worse for me was that my dog, who had been with me for nearly ten years, passed away. Holding his body gradually getting cold at that time, I experienced for the first time what it was like to witness birth, aging, illness and death. To this day, I still dream about that scene from time to time, and do not want to recall the feeling of powerlessness that I could do nothing.

Before, due to frequent business trips, I spent more time in Suzhou or Shanghai, living a two-point and one-line life in the factory and hotel. After this incident, I began to think about the relationship between work and life, and came to the idea of working at home, so that I would not have to fly for several hours to return home, and the food culture and life pace were also within a familiar range, so I quit my job and came back to Guangzhou and Foshan.


I experienced a lot of new things this year

  • I took a trip to Thailand

  • I went to the concerts of my favorite singers, music and bands

  • I went to fES of my favorite mobile game

Picture 1 a floating market in Thailand

Figure 2-4 The performance of Aimer, Hiroyuki Saano and Sekai no Owari

Figure 5 Message screen of FGO FES

Year 3 (2020-2021)

A career change

After I quit, I stayed at home for a while and learned about the front end. When the pandemic was less severe, I started sending out resumes and looking for new job opportunities.

Later, I successfully joined a company with good atmosphere and self-developed SaaS platform, and embarked on a new career path of front-end engineer. Due to my previous experience in software development, my programming thinking and debug ability were in line with each other, so I quickly got started in related work and passed the probation period smoothly.

Became team leader

One year after joining the company, my boss resigned due to a staff change. At that time, the development affairs of the front-end group were not so heavy. Moreover, I was familiar with the business of the old SaaS platform, and I played such a role from project approval to main development of the new SaaS platform.

After much consideration, the head of the development team decided to give me a chance to try my hand at managing the front end team. After much consideration, I decided to take on the task.


This year has seen the most improvement since I started working, mainly in the following aspects:

  • Although became leader of the team members is not much, but the daily work tempo, only care about his task schedule before, now team to understand the actual development situation and the speed, to estimate the whole progress of the project, to understand the relationship between the business and requirements, to conduct technical pre-study, from time to time to share to drive the atmosphere in the group, but thanks to these experiences, I have a different understanding of the relationship between technology and business.

  • The development direction of the company requires a new SaaS platform for business support. I participated in the whole process of building a platform from nothing, and built a micro front-end application based on Qiankun and its matching micro app application based on Uni-App +Vue3.

  • I had a period of confusion, which prompted me to seriously think about and plan my career development path. For career planning, I would like to recommend Mr. Scott here. I would like to thank him for giving me very good advice when I was confused.


This year, I met my most lovely girlfriend. We are both two-dimensional and it has been one year since our first anniversary. I also went to Yangjiang and Chaozhou with my friends, and published my first article in Nuggets, recording the problems and solutions of Git encountered in development at that time.

What impressed me most was that my classmates from junior high school, high school or university began to get married, and the movie Evangelion New Theater Version: The End, which I thought would never come, also came. Looking at the EVA eligible people in the movie, I felt that their youth had passed away.

Photo: Skyrim swimming pool in Yangjiang

Picture 2 Raw marinating in chaozhou night market

Fig.3 This theatrical production ends not to be continued but to the end of the play


In the end, I also set some flags for next year as usual

  • Improve nuggets and share quality articles with the community

  • Get involved in open source projects

  • Exercise to reduce body fat

  • Research on the Node. Js

  • Meet more developers

Yangyang sasa wrote so much, thank you very much for taking the time to see my running account. The year is coming to an end. Finally, I wish you all a smooth and healthy New Year. Grow up together and make progress. 🥳