Windows Terminal

This may be true when you have multiple CMD Windows open, such as front-end projects

And this is what happens with this software

It’s a lot clearer

Download from…

Click in and slide down

The default is PowerShell and you can change the configuration

Question 1

Unable to load file… Because executing scripts is prohibited on this system… Just run PowerShell as an administrator, type set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned and enter A Enter

Question 2

Nginx: The “nginx” entry cannot be recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or runnable program. Please check name Suggestion [3,General]: command nginx cannot be found, but it does exist in the current location. By default, Windows PowerShell does not load commands from the current location. If you trust this command, type “.nginx “instead. For more information, see “get-help about_Command_Precedence”.

The answer is already given: execute the command in a **. ** way,

The command

Document address:…

Commands can help us to do some automated work, such as batch start all projects

Look at a command

wt -w 0 nt --title sf-notes -d D:\github\sf-notes cmd /k npm run dev
Copy the code

Parsing the following

  • wt -w 0Operate on Windows Computer that is already enabled
  • nt --title sf-notes Open a TAB with the title SF-Notes
  • -d D:\github\sf-notesDirectory to switch to
  • cmd /k npm run devRun the commandnpm run dev

Use more than one “action”; Interval number


Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words, and it’s not convenient to always cut the screen to check the information


Very easy to use screenshot software, support across the screen

F1 takes screenshots, supports multiple editing, saving images, copying to clipboard F3 suspends images on the screen, this is so handy that you can find it in the taskbar and do some Settings


Decompression is a common operation, such as undecompressing the UI slice

Download it at

Double-click the decompression

Automatically shut down after decompressing

Every time manual close annoying ~