When we talk about identity and access management (IAM), our conversations often boil down to a fundamental trade-off between customer experience and risk. How much effort does the customer make before giving up? How much money are you willing to lose to fraud in exchange for increased adoption of your digital channels?

What if we stopped thinking of customer experience and risk as opposites and started thinking of them as partnerships? It turns out that focusing on improving the customer experience can actually improve security, powering the IAM initiative for a hybrid cloud world. The following three strategies can help you build frictionless, user-centric experiences while reducing risk.

Make authentication smarter with adaptive access

Authentication should be smarter. Your digital identity is more than just a username and password. It’s a complex network of instrumentalizations, from your username to the devices you use to your online behavior. The more an organization can leverage deeper contextual insights (such as device ids, behavioral biometers, and location data), the less it needs knowledge-based authentication (KBA) and, in layman’s terms, security alerts.

Smart authentication will fit. Static rules for authentication set the bar too low or too high. Instead, consider an adaptive access strategy that uses artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to build deep contextual insights. Ai can be used to help build risk scores that determine the level of trust or risk associated with each user. When used in conjunction with an access policy engine, these AI capabilities allow organizations to access based on the level of risk. Low-risk users can be provided with a simplified or even password-free experience, while high-risk users can be challenged with multi-factor authentication (MFA) or access denial.

Use identity analysis to better understand access risks

One of the most difficult aspects of identity and access management is knowing who has access to which applications and whether they have the “right” level of access. Administrators often approve access requests. At other times, users can access certain applications from previous roles. This can lead to an excess of entitlements and, in some cases, a breach of the breakdown of responsibilities. Many legacy IAM programs rely on periodic audits to clean up sloppy access risks, but this can result in problems going undetected for long periods of time.

This is where identity analysis solutions can help. Enterprises should look for identity analysis tools that provide 360-degree access to a view of risks and the ability to suggest actions based on those risks.

Reshaping the future of IAM with decentralized identity

Decentralized identity provides users with ultimate control over their digital identity. Leading organizations are exploring how to start using decentralized networks to solve a variety of use cases. Developers can use toolkits to easily set up and participate in decentralized identity networks that will revolutionize user privacy and security. Organizations can deploy proof of concept to make tomorrow’s dream of self-sovereign identity a reality.

Identity and access management for a hybrid cloud world

As IAM technology advances, security leaders have abandoned the notion of a balance between user experience and risk, meaning they can now seamlessly build digital trust with users behind the scenes, improving user experience while reducing risk. The more you know about your users’ entire environment and use AI to understand their devices and behavior, the less you need to interrupt their digital experience. Adaptive access, identity analysis, and decentralized identity policies can all help organizations modernize identity and access management procedures.

Article source: securityintelligence.com/posts/3-way…

About us

“Longgui Technology”Is a focus on low code enabling enterprise level information service provider. The core founder team came from green Alliance Security, Red Hat open source operating system, well-known game playing crab technology, well-known open source community and other experts jointly founded.

“Longgui Technology” is committed to enabling every enterprise in China to have their own automated office operating system, to help enterprises or governments embrace Cloud Native First strategy, to help customers build a modern IT infrastructure centered on “identity and application”! So as to realize “digital transformation” and “industrial production of software industry”!

Main products: ArkOS ARK operating system: an enterprise-level office automation operating system, combined with self-developed low code application development platform, to build an industrial ecosystem, focusing on creating an integrated full-stack cloud native platform for all kinds of enterprises and organizations. System built-in applications include: ArkID unified identity authentication, ArkIDE, ArkPlatform, App Store and other products. Up to now, the company has obtained 15 software Copyrights, 2 invention patents, and in November 2020, Beijing Haidian District Zhongguancun National high-tech enterprise certification.

Related links:

Website: www.longguikeji.com/

Documents: docs.arkid.longguikeji.com/

Open source code warehouse address:



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