
Finally, I will leave Ningbo for Hangzhou. After finishing the interview in August, I will start to work after the Mid-Autumn Festival. After leaving, I was idle for almost a month.

Today rare put down the game, recall the following test questions, I hope to help you. Hangzhou’s factory almost a face, Ali, ant, netease, byte, Huawei, have praise, can only be arranged in accordance with the memory of the following questions.

The interview content,

Algorithm, written test

1. Parse the URL

The query parameter of a URL is parsed into an object of the specified format.

2. Merge objects and convert key values

It happens a lot, you get an object, you convert it to the format. For example, take the key of a_b, an underscore, and turn it into a hump aB, or give you some data and turn it into an object.

For example, change A.B.C to {a: {b: c}}

3. Implement bidirectional binding of VUE

4. Implement eventListner

5. Array operations

This is quite a lot, Leecode more brush, byte title feeling is from Leecode, a glance at the direct recognition…

This problem, the degree of difficulty actually varies a lot. Some questions are easy, some are difficult. However, the most difficult to run into is the sliding window. Because I had not encountered a similar problem before, I did not use double Pointers, stumbling to do it, but it was very difficult.

6. The use of promise

For example, change the fallback function to use Promise. Or use promise to implement the output. This kind of problem is really very vexed, or not, one is quite engaged in the brain, mainly around.

Byte really has a soft spot for Promise, and every interviewer will definitely ask.

The written summary

Although each factory will test the algorithm, but in general it is really not difficult. The most important algorithm should be Huawei and byte.

Technical interview

The technical content of the topic is very varied, because each post needs different skills, but there are many frequently appeared topics.

1 what is the difference between webpack plugin and Loader? Have you written any loader and plugin

This question is really asked countless times, but I still do not know repentance, every time is, understand, did not write. I don’t know the difference. If you ask, I don’t know.

2 packaging optimization, performance improvement

This is, I will always be answered that a few of the actual use, more is not, I especially dislike on the back of the exam and my the university entrance exam won’t back and fill in the blanks in ancient Chinese poems tengwang pavilion preface will only that a sunset with solitary seek fly together forever, autumn sky color, anyway, when the university entrance exam poems fill in the blanks in the wrong several, let me go back to interview this kind of things?

If it was actually used, it would certainly remember, but to memorize, it doesn’t exist.

3 promise

That’s right, promise. Always a nightmare. And async await.

4 the import and the require

5 Prototype chain, new

6 Cross-domain (CORS), HTTP request

Seven XSS and CSRF

8 Framework Principles

Business interview

Ask the business that does specifically, business direction difficulty.

If you talk about a difficulty being solved in the business, or a new framework being used. Make sure you know why, and then bring it up. The interviewer will love it here and ask you how you make the decision, why you use it, and how it works.

If it is just a simple use, don’t say, it is likely to ask a question, mentality directly stretched.


The main time also passed a month. Only some high-frequency still remember more clearly, I hope to help you.

But I still don’t think the back of the paper is very good. Unless you have a very deep understanding, it may be easy to be heard as a recitation. In fact, simple thinking is also, the answer to cut into the surface is very large, shallow and pan can not withstand scrutiny, once you know that it is back, the level of big factory interviewers are generally better than us.

It’s like when you’re in school and you look down at a magazine and you think your teacher won’t see it on the desk.

Therefore, hard work and hard accumulation are the absolute principle. It is not a problem to hold on to exams or basic concepts temporarily. The accumulation of other things is more important than anything else.

I hope you find your dream job. Continue to hit the hearthstone ~