The coder is on the ropes

We understand that the fact is, in an age where we want to do some vigorous business is basically impossible, want to live on the big villa, on the possibility of a luxury car is not big, because our birth places, family background, level of education, background have already decided on how far we can go, there may be some people will say that this is the fate, you right, In a sense, it is. Us some counter attack case prick silk, but, I never lie in this, then, since we are destined to ordinary life, have a more hard, so we what is the meaning of life, our age don’t like the ancient “the gentleman was born in troubled times, when the three feet jian made magnificant contributions”, our environment is full of boxes, Ordinary people get news and rare resources, so, we are doomed to be ordinary through his life, all we can do is to make ordinary life is not plain, ordinary let life shine a little light, just like our parents, they are very famous, lifetime didn’t also stem what career, but they let the family well fed, completed they should be doing their job, Also gave you a lot of extra help, so, we can say they life is ordinary, if from the career, they are ordinary, but in a family, they are great, and we, too, to do their own things, looking for a kind of balance, then we also is happy, actually also is great, Must live in the big house will be happy, be sure to drive cars will only be happy, I think to do what you want to do, to find happiness, find value, within the scope of your ability to let his side become a bit better, that is the true happiness, we don’t live in a dream, more don’t live in someone else’s words.


Previously, we talked about the 2PC model of distributed transactions. Due to the problems of single point of failure and transaction blocking in the 2PC phase submission model, the 3PC model is introduced. 3PC is similar to 2PC, but on the basis of 3PC, it adds a pre-submission stage and introduces the timeout mechanism.

Distributed transaction 2PC

3PC is a three-phase commit, CanCommit, PreCommit, and DoCommit

CanCommit phase

In the CanCommit phase, a Coordinator sends a CanCommit message to the Participant Participant, asking if the Participant can perform the operation. After receiving the message, if the Participant can perform the operation, the Participant will be returned with the command that the Coordinator can execute. We use Yes. So return a command that can’t be executed, let’s say No, so what’s the criterion for that? It depends on how the implementer implements the problem, maybe gets the database lock resource, maybe something else.

If the actor is able to perform the task, the coordinator is returnedYesstate

Participant unable to perform task, returnNo, end the transaction

PreCommit phase

In the PreCommit phase, if the coordinator receives a Yes status from all participants, then they are all capable of performing the operation. The coordinator then sends a PreCommit message to all participants. After receiving the PreCommit message, the coordinator performs a local transaction. After successful execution, save the local transaction log to undo_log and redo_log, and return Yes to the coordinator. If the participant fails to execute the local transaction, return No to the coordinator. As soon as the coordinator receives a No message, it sends abort message to all participants. The participant receives the ABORT message and rolls back the transaction. Because both the participant and the coordinator introduce a timeout mechanism, if the participant does not receive a PreCommit message from the coordinator, or if the coordinator does not receive a pre-execution result status from the participant, the transaction will break after the wait time is exceeded. This avoids transaction blocking.

The coordinator sends to the participantPreCommit, the participant preexecutes successfully and returnsYesTo coordinate

Participant failed to preexecuteNoTo coordinate

Participant failed to preexecuteNoTo the coordinator, the coordinator sends an interrupt action message to the participant, interrupting the transaction

DoCommit phase

When the coordinator receives that all participants return Yes status, the coordinator will send a DoCommit to all participants. After receiving the DoCommit status, the participants will actually commit the transaction. When the transaction is successfully committed, the coordinator will be returned with Yes status, indicating that I have completed the transaction submission. The coordinator completes the transaction if all participants return Yes. If one participant returns No, the entire transaction must be rolled back. The coordinator sends an ABORT message to all participants and rolls back the transaction after receiving the abort message.

In the DoCommit phase, if the participant does not receive the DoCommit message from the coordinator due to timeout or other reasons, it will also commit the transaction. In fact, in the PreCommit phase, the transaction has already been successful in a sense, so the participant will think that it is highly likely to commit the transaction successfully. So the commit will still happen, so we can say that as long as all participants return Yes status during the PreCommit phase, the transaction will almost always execute successfully once phase 3 is entered.

The coordinator sends to the participantDoCommitMessage, all participants returnYes

A participant returnsNo, the coordinator will sendabortInterrupt the transaction message to all participants for transaction rollback

If not received from the coordinator due to timeout or network reasonsDoCommitorabortMessage, and the participant will commit the transaction


We are done with 3PC, which is an upgraded version of 2PC. It introduces timeout mechanism to solve the problem of transaction blocking caused by single point of failure, but 3PC still cannot solve the problem of transaction consistency, because inDoCommitPhase, if the participant cannot receive the message sent by the coordinator due to network or timeoutabortBreak the transaction message, then after the timeout, the participant commits the transaction, which is supposed to roll back the transaction, and now it commits the transaction, and then there is a data inconsistency problem.

That’s all for today. Thanks for watching. See you next time