Teach you to use three.js from simple to complex. Here’s what you can learn from reading this article
- Basic concepts of three.js (renderer, scene, camera, lighting)
- Loading 3d model
- Control 3d model rotation
1. First we generate a renderer
const renderer = new WebGLRenderer()
renderer.setSize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)
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The new WebGLRenderer will generate a Canvas tag in the body. Of course, if you want to insert the Canvas somewhere, you can do so in the specified DOM element appendChild(renderer.domElement).
SetPixelRatio is designed to be compatible with HD screens. If you draw on hd screens, you will not draw clearly, so set setPixelRatio
2. Generate a scene, our objects need to be added to the scene
const scene = new Scene()
scene.background = new Color(0x333333)
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3. Generate a camera
First, let’s understand the coordinates of three.js
In the center of the screen, that’s the coordinate 0,0,0.
Users can see the scene, need through the camera to present, equivalent to the eye, the camera is divided into two orthogonal projection is a camera, is a kind of perspective projection camera, the biggest difference between them is the perspective projection camera according to the camera position, an object will change the size, closer to the human eye, Here we use a PerspectiveCamera.
const camera = new PerspectiveCamera(70, this.options.width/this.options.height, 1, 10000)
camera.position.set(150, 250, 300)
camera.lookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, 0))
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- LookAt is where is the camera lens focused, pointing at 0,0,0
4. Set the light source
Just as we need light in nature, we need a light source in order to see objects. Here we use parallel light, which is a reference to sunlight.
const light = new DirectionalLight()
light.position.set(0, 20, 20)
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- Position means where does the light go
- We want to add light to the camera so that when we rotate the object, it doesn’t appear that one side of the object is dim
5. Now enter the main point of this chapter: loading 3D models
First, install a loader for fetching models
npm i three-obj-loader
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Just load in a.obj 3d model
const loader = new THREE.OBJLoader()
loader.load('assets/chair.obj', obj => {
obj.traverse(child=> {
if (child instanceof Mesh) {
child.material.side = THREE.DoubleSide
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- Add the model to the scene after loading it (this.scene.add(obj))
6. After this step, we are almost finished. The last step is to realize that the model will rotate with the movement of the finger.
First install the library
npm i three-orbit-controls
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Const controls = this. Controls = New OrbitControls(this.camera) controls. MaxPolarAngle = 1.5 controls RotateSpeed = 5.0 controls. ZoomSpeed = 5 controls. PanSpeed = 2 controlsfalse
controls.noPan = false
controls.staticMoving = trueControls. The dynamicDampingFactor = 0.3 controls. The minDistance = 10. Controls maxDistance = 800Copy the code
- MaxPolarAngle and minPolarAngle can limit the Angle of rotation
7. Finally, update when the camera rotates
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And we’re done!
The code is on Github, please run this project on mobile and click Jump:The complete code
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Later I will write an advanced application of three.js, such as
- Effect of particle
- shader
- halo
- Click event handling
Interested students can also get a first look at the code:
Advanced application
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