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The choice of the scheme determines the resource input and output output of the current implementation scheme, as well as the subsequent cost.

To evaluate a scheme, we must first assess the effectiveness of the scheme, that is to say, to solve the problem (to achieve the goal), whether the current scheme is effective enough or effective in some scenarios.

If it is all valid then the scheme will not appear after the launch of multiple schemes at the same time maintenance situation. If this scheme is effective in partial scenarios, it means that multiple schemes are needed to achieve the target, and then parallel maintenance and development of multiple schemes are required. At this time, not only the maintenance cost changes, but also the service processes supported by the business are not unified due to the inconsistency of solutions.

After determining the effectiveness of the plan, the cost of implementing the plan will be determined. The cost of implementing the plan is related to the current situation of the business as well as the scale of online users. The biggest cost comes from the resources invested based on the change in status quo and the complexity and risk of implementing this capability.

Within the acceptable range of cost and within the achievable range of cost is what is the value of the solution once it goes live? There are two ways to evaluate value, short-term value and long-term value. Short term value is the value that has a direct impact when it goes online. For example, the change of business process, the change of R&D process, the change of user experience, the change of technical indicators, the change of revenue and so on. Long-term change refers to the long-term impact on the new architectural behavior, such as the change of R&D process, the change of service access, and the change of R&D cost.

In summary, the evaluation of architecture is mainly about three things: 1) effectiveness; 2) cost; 3) Value.

Effectiveness refers to evaluating whether the plan is feasible, partially feasible or completely feasible. If the plan has no effect on the achievement of the goal, there is no need to promote it. The plan will be effective and mature at some time in the future, which is also of low priority from the point of view of the present. Cost is the evaluation of resources invested in the program, including short-term and long-term resource investment. Cost depends on both the resource dimension of input and the time dimension of delivery. Labor costs and time costs are costs. Value is an assessment of the benefits that a solution brings to the team, both immediate and long-term. Short-term gains; It includes the benefits brought by direct effects and the benefits brought by indirect effects.

Most of the developers review of technical plan, the emphasis is on efficiency, cost and value actually is also an important link in technical scheme evaluation, technology solutions depend on the value of the participant, the understanding of the team needs, in determining the value of the process, is actually in the process, determine the scheme of target in determining the cost of process, In fact, it is also the process of confirming the implementation of the program. The ultimate goal of architecture optimization is to achieve the maximum value by effectively implementing technical solutions at limited cost.