This is the 29th day of my participation in the More Text Challenge. For more details, see more Text Challenge


The foundation determines the superstructure! Recently I reviewed ES6, and I summarized the knowledge points into a brain map, which can deepen my impression and facilitate my future reference

Note: This series is divided into two parts, the current part is the second part

Last portal: three days and three nights, finishing the 30 sharp mind mapping | take you back to ES6 (on)

Set and Map data structures

Set and Map are new data structures in ES6. Set is like an array, but there are no duplicate things in it. Map is like an object, but the key can be any data type


Belongs to a kind of “metaprogramming”, can be understood as, before the target object set up a layer of “interception”, external access to the object, must first pass this layer of interception


Reflect is also a new API for manipulating objects in ES6, but it makes a lot of operations easier to read

Promise object

The essence is to create an object with a Promise constructor that defines a set of methods that can better solve the problem of asynchronous callbacks

The Iterator and for… Of circulation

Iterator is the meaning of Iterator, it provides a unified, simple access interface for various data structures, and the use of the new for of loop can be very convenient to achieve a variety of data traversal

The Generator function

Generators are an asynchronous solution with a syntax behavior completely different from traditional functions

Async function

Async is essentially a syntactic sugar for Generator, with better semantics and no manual call to next


It’s essentially grammatical sugar, and ES5 does most of the work. But it’s more semantic

The Class inheritance

Inheritance can be achieved through the extends keyword

The Module of grammar

ES6 implements modularity at the level of language standards and can replace the community’s CommonJS and AMD specifications as a common modular solution for browsers and servers

Module loading implementation

You can define type as “module” in the script tag to indicate that there is something modularized inside. But note that they are all loaded asynchronously

Programming style

Some big factory programming style, can draw lessons from

Read specifications

A specification file is the official standard for a computer language. It describes in detail the grammar rules and implementation methods. When you have a difficult grammar problem and can’t find the answer, you can go to a specification file

Asynchronous traverser

ES2018 introduces the “Asynchronous Traverser”, which provides a native traverser interface for asynchronous operations, i.e. both the value and done properties are generated asynchronously


Is an interface for JavaScript to manipulate binary data

The latest proposal

Something newer


Decorators are class-related syntax that can be used to modify classes and class methods


Above is the result of this collation, hope to be helpful to you!

Without my permission, shall not be reproduced

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