Hello, everyone. I’m CAI Bing. Long warning, recommended collection.

Grade 19 division brothers and sisters, this spring recruitment strategy, I hope you can sober up.

(Of course, this article is not only for juniors, but also for those who are planning to go into Internet development in their first or second year of graduate school.)

1. The literacy

1.1 for

Spring recruitment, namely spring recruitment, including spring recruitment internship + spring recruitment, the difference between the two see the following figure.

This guide is mainly for spring recruitment internship.

1.2 Critical time points

Generally speaking, spring recruitment starts after the Spring Festival of the same year. So-called jin SAN Yin 4, it is to point to every year march – April is the best time of spring recruit, miss the best time, often each big factory has recruited almost, right now can rely on luck to pick up the leak. Therefore, there is a trade-off between adequate preparation for review and the delivery of the interview.

Take the spring Recruitment in 2020 as an example. Bytedance started early approval in February, while Tencent, Alibaba and other big companies started early approval in March.

2. Dry goods

External links are not allowed for articles on official accounts, so I put the full walkthrough on Github:

Github Repository: github.com/frankcbliu/…

This guide provides a reference route for front-end development and back-end development, for reference only.

2.1 basis

Foundation is the content that any position needs to master:

  • Data structures and algorithms
  • Computer network

2.2 Data structure and algorithm

Zero basis, please first “Big Talk data structure” to learn, understand, quickly master each kind of structure.

Most people should not have zero foundation, so IT is suggested to brush the questions to consolidate. I sorted out the basic algorithm and 50 questions that appeared very frequently in the spring recruitment interview:

Basic algorithm needs to master and use, high frequency 50 questions also want to brush roll hang thoroughly.

2.3 Computer Network

Reference Books:

  • Illustrated HTTP
  • Computer Network — Xie Xiren
  • Computer Networking – The Top-down Approach

3. Front-end development

【 Sit back and wait for the big raise to perfect 】

4. Back-end development

4.1 Language Selection

There are always late dyspnea patients who still don’t know whether to choose c++ or Java after studying for two years. Yes, that’s me. Therefore, I can understand the students who are still hesitant to choose a language.

First, LET’s talk about my experience. I had a routine internship in Tencent in the second year of sophomore year. In July and August, I realized that I had to prepare for the spring recruitment internship. But on the other hand, Tencent main c++, worried about Java, even if the future can enter Tencent or have to turn c++, that before learning Java is not in vain (in fact, will not learn in vain); Byte master Go, the school to Go feels too mainstream (actually do do it, but not recommended); And I’m not a big fan of Java ali. Tangle to tangle, I still decided to one step in place to choose c++, but chi chi learning for a few months, a flash to November, I began to brush the face, found that c++ a lot of things have not seen, rational think, I learn c++ efficiency is too low, it turned back to Java (oh clear); The subsequent spring recruitment also successfully got the summer offer of Tencent Byte.

Later, in the process of byte internship, I also saw a new colleague with seven or eight years of JAVA working experience who had to transfer to Go. Clearly, the language is not a problem, and the things that Java precipitated before will not become obsolete.

If I were to give advice, take whichever one is better, there is no such thing as one is better than the other; Of course, there are many things in the Java ecosystem, and there are also many competitors. It is not easier than c++.

4.2 Language Basics

No matter which language you choose, the basics of language need to be firmly grasped.

Take Java as an example:

Then there are the basics, such as Java and understanding virtual machine related content:

2 the Java

Recommended books:

  • Practical Java High Concurrency Programming
  • Java Concurrent Programming
  • Deep Understanding of the JAVA Virtual Machine by Zhiming Zhou

Don’t look bit by bit when learning, go to see the face first, according to the problem reverse to learn, where will not learn where. At the same time, comb out your own mind map, so that the effect will be better.

There is a need for my mind map as a reference, you can pay attention to the public account [programming charging treasure], background reply [map reference] to obtain.

4.2.2 c + +

Recommended books:

  • C++ Primer: large volumes, preferably read more than twice, still with questions in mind when learning.
  • Effective C++
  • More Effective C++
  • Explore the C++ object model in depth
  • Reflections on the c + +

4.3 database


MySQL > select * from ‘MySQL’

  • MySQL Technology Insider :InnoDB Storage Engine — Jiang Chengyao
  • [Column] “MySQL Practice 45 Lecture” — Lin Xiaobin
  • High Performance MySQL


Redis recommended information:

  • Redis design and practice

4.4 Operating System


  • Modern Operating Systems

5. Other general test sites

5.1 Common Linux Commands


ls cat wc more less cd top cp mv rm pwd mkdir ps kill chmod grep
sed awk
Copy the code
  • The command on the first line is briefly repeated;
  • Understand the command in line 2 and use it proficiently.

5.2 the Git

Suggest skilled use, had better be able to expand the basic principle.

There are two other ways to rollback that you need to pay special attention to: revert and reset

Think I’ll just list a few things and post a few pictures? No, no, no. The feature hasn’t even started yet.

6. Awareness & Planning & Methods

6.1 Consciousness and subconscious

  • consciousnessIt’s a word that I think was first introduced toLOLIn, because dozen dish is sprayed by the person does not have consciousness, that should still be junior two, what also do not understand. When I really understand this word, it should be in the third year of Chinese class, the feeling of a sudden surprise, very difficult to erase.
  • Before my senior year in high school, I often write a composition is to conceive a framework first, and then after writing is basically the brain to think of what to write, never pay attention to what rhetoric to use here, there to use what techniques. Good luck to get a high score, bad luck to write a mess. Therefore, my composition score fluctuates greatly, and the first few years of the grade to the bottom of the class have taken the basic.
  • The way our senior Three Chinese teacher taught us to write a composition is very simple, but it is really effective. Change the previous subliminal writing way, set frame, set of rhetoric, especially all kinds of dialectical analysis routines. Yes, nothing special, but the point is very important, so write out the composition, you are about every kind of analysis, you know there is no rhetoric here, and whether this composition is good or not, but this composition is in line with the marking Angle.
  • Some readers may already have a sense of it. Our life is very much like writing a composition. We often have vague goals, such as high school wanting to go to a good university, college wanting to get a good job/graduate school after graduation; At the same time, we live our lives as we please, with an occasional goal and then a aimless life.
  • I don’t want to compare which way of life is better, I just want you to understand what I’m talking aboutconsciousnessWhat’s it like when you stop using your brain’s knee-jerk reaction as your plan of action, and instead take control of your brain, think deeply and decide what your plan of action is,That’s consciousness. Eventually, of course, all normalcy comes back to the subconscious to save your willpower.
  • So having said that, in one sentence,It’s time to take over your brain and re-examine your study schedule, your living scheduleTo better prepare for spring recruitment in a few months. If you want to get a satisfying internshipoffer)

6.2 Delivery Planning

  • now10Month, hurriedly began to prepare, everything is too late, although the cattle fly first elder brother often June or July began to prepare.Starting from now is the optimal solution.
  • After the year will pay close attention to the company’s advance batch open the situation, more cattle, advance batch absolutely absolutely can’t miss! Miss advance batch, the probability of landing big factory will be half small.
  • It is suggested to deliver according to company characteristics.
    • Tencent, like whip corpse, advance batch can be immediately delivered. Face once pay back, face twice earn blood, the more the better.
    • Ali, generally can face multiple departments at the same time (that is, not into the system, the first interview), can be many aspects, brush experience, but the formal selection of departments to be very careful.
    • Byte, it is not recommended to cast on the opening of the batch in advance, the difficulty is relatively large; Byte flow is fast, you can wait a week after the start of the cast, to give yourself a bit of buffer time.
  • Of course, students who are confident in themselves can ignore the above advice and follow their own preferences.

6.3 Review Methods

  • For each section, I give a list of frequent topics and some reference books;
  • Most of the high-frequency questions INo answerOn the one hand, I cannot finish it in a short time. On the other hand, it is easy for you to be limited if I provide reference answers. I still suggest that each question should be read at least5-6Blog, the more comprehensive, the more in-depth the better;
  • It is recommended to read for the high-frequency questions, rather than turn the book from beginning to end; [High efficiency]
  • Frequently asked questions cannot cover the interview completely, because the questions are different from interview to interview.
  • The role of high frequency questions is to help fast start, when the high frequency questions are understood, and then to read a book, the efficiency will be much higher;
  • For each section, I will give a list of test points and some reference books;
  • After the high-frequency problem is made thoroughly familiar, can go to the cattle passenger network to turn over the face of last year by checking the leak to fill the vacancy;

7. Supplementary

7.1 Interview emphasis of different companies


Preferences and operating systems, JAVA players can face, most will skip the language issues; Another Tencent is a major feature of massive data and intelligence.

Bytes to beat

Each side will tear algorithm (general two), mostly in niuke network, so be familiar with the programming of niuke network in advance. (Unlike Leetcode, there is no good input and output, need to write their own.) A large portion of the high-frequency questions I comb are byte specific, so brush well.


Ali often is the telephone, pay more attention to the principle, application of deep digging, classic questions still have? I won’t stop until I hollow you out. Ali pen also has more features, more practical applications, such as letting you write a program to handle 10GB log files. (Of course, interview styles vary greatly from department to department, so look around.)

7.2 About Internship

It is better to have an internship experience before spring recruitment internship, and give priority to daily internship in big companies, such as Tencent and Baidu, which often recruit daily interns (Posting on the official website or other news); Secondly, consider some small and medium-sized factories with top-notch technology, which are often technically challenging. The source is mainly the recommendation of senior brothers and senior sisters. Finally, I will look for internships in various apps. No matter how big or small the company is, I will focus on experience.

8. Product placement

Long march always feeling, point in see line?

What? Not line? How about a star?

What? Is not good? How about a star for Github warehouse?

What? I am ¥%#¥……

Jokingly jokingly, writes hastily, if has fallacy, hopes each big guy does not hesitate to instruct.

9. Q & A

9.1 Why is there no front-end development path? This is false propaganda. I have a complaint.

Well, there is. It’s just not finished yet. (here **@ pay raise ** boss)

As for why she didn’t wait to send it, there are several reasons that are not causes:

  • One of my characteristics is that I always have a thorn in my heart until I finish my work. I can’t do anything else well.
  • So I need to get this post out of the way and get into my own business. My defensePPTNot boo-hoo yet)
  • I am afraid that if I do not send it now, it will be delayed for a long time, so that the loss of 18 students is relatively big, now every minute counts.

9.2 Spring recruitment internship, is it necessary to race against time? Are you spreading anxiety?

  • Early is the greatest advantage
  • Early is the greatest advantage
  • Early is the greatest advantage

Nothing more to say, miss this article will regret.

9.3 This article is written too good ~ I want to secretly read, do not want to point to read, lest other students see, so I competition pressure is big.

  • Classmate, I want to say that you have a good sense of competition, but lack of cooperation;
  • One person does not review as effectively as a small group;
  • Although in school, students are always competing with their classmates in learning and exams, they are always competing with students from other schools in interviews. Therefore, it is also beneficial for them to enhance the strength of alumni, and the school will be more recognized by enterprises. (Of course, the effect is usually not very big)
  • You don’t want to learn today, but when you see him learning, you don’t want to be left behind by him, so you can’t help learning, forming a virtuous circle. This is also the reason why I joined the communication group on campus or found friends online to study together.
  • Remember, stress is often motivation.

9.4 What if I can’t find a friend or no one around me is studying and I have to study alone?

  • More shopping cattle, although there are more braggadocious people, but more willing to share valuable content
  • The environment will inevitably affect the review state, it is suggested to find a suitable learning environment, such as library, laboratory, etc.
  • It can be difficult to study in a dorm when your roommates don’t agree with your goals.

The above.