On June 19, Taihe Music Group announced that baidu Music will change its name to qianqian Music, with a new LOGO and domain name. It is understood that after the upgrade to thousands of music, the original Baidu music APP end and PC end product functions remain unchanged, thousands of music will continue to rely on the “Taihe + Baidu” dual ecosystem.

Thousands of music in the “thousands of” two words people feel familiar with, in fact, thousands of music is the predecessor of the once popular thousands of jinglistento. Speaking of qianqianjinglisten, I believe that everyone will not be unfamiliar, it as the old brand of pure music player software, in the online music player has not been popular, music hobby can only download music to the local to listen to songs in the era of red extremely at that time, has also become a PC user installed necessary music software. Qianqian jinglisten in silence for many years, now there is a message, can not help but evoke the memories of many old users.

Those years, the fate of thousands of silent listen

In 2002, Zheng nanling developed a pure music player software out of hobbies and ideas of learning while doing. The original version was called “MP3 Walkman”. Later, zheng nanling named it “Qianqianjing Listening” because he liked the song Qianqian Song sung by singer Chen Huixian very much.

Let Zheng Naling unexpectedly, was born the obsession of beloved, completely free, small footprint, support Chinese elegant interface, and can show the characteristics of lyrics firmly seize the hearts of users, but also defeated the traditional big player Winamp 2 at that time, became the new overlord in the field of music player. However, the good times did not last long, in the subsequent rise of the online playback boom, qianqianjinglistening needs to download music to listen to the song function has been unable to meet the needs of users, popularity slowly by kugou, QQ music and other P2P players, qianqianjinglistening began to decline.

In 2006, it is difficult to grow the independence war qianqian Jinglisten had to be acquired by Baidu in a voice of opposition, but after being acquired qianqian Jinglisten did not open twice because of baidu’s support, but was changed beyond recognition, gradually lost the original characteristics. Qianqianjinglistento failed in baidu’s reform, a large number of users continue to lose, founder Zheng Nanling also in the three-year agreement after the end of the choice to leave, qianqianjinglistento so far disappeared in people’s vision.

The news that heard qianqian Jinglistenagain is 2013, Baidu announced qianqian Jinglistenofficially changed its name to Baidu music. Although at that time by thousands of jinglistento old users wave after wave of great opposition, but this can not shake Li Yanhong wants to go up in the music business crown baidu label determination, ten years of music brand Qianqian Jinglistento so dim withdrew from the historical stage.

In these years, groups of heroes have risen together, and the pattern has been set

As the earliest and largest digital music platform in China, Baidu should have infinite possibilities based on the reputation accumulated by jinglisten every day. However, with the changing pattern of the music market, the awakening of people’s copyright awareness, and the influx of various master players, music has long been a storm of blood. Especially QQ music, Xiami music and netease cloud music three camps because of the fight for music copyright and fight head broken and bleeding, Baidu music has chosen active or passive withdrawal from the main battlefield of online music.

On December 3, 2015, Baidu announced that its baidu Music would merge with Taihe Music Group to open up the upstream and downstream of the music industry chain, saying that it would build a “brand new Internet music institution”. After the merger, Baidu Music’s brand and services would remain unchanged. In fact, Baidu abandoned Baidu Music and handed it over to Taihe Music Group. Not only Baidu music, of course, in the cruel music market, some “old people” have fallen.

For example, Domi Music, known as the “first music”, had to withdraw because it could not afford the copyright; The cool dog and the cool my music group of the scene Tencent; And Ali will tiantian sounds and Xiami music merged into ali music. After several rounds of shuffling, QQ Music, Xiami Music and netease Cloud music have formed a tripartite confrontation.

“Whoever gets copyright gets the world”, Tencent, Ali and netease, the three music platforms, firmly occupy 90% of the music market share by virtue of copyright advantages, while other music platforms can barely survive. Baidu music wants to stand out from among them to finish kill, difficulty is very big.

Restart the name of “thousands”, return to the feelings of victory geometry?

The re – mention of “thousands” is indeed full of emotion. Qianqianjing listening carries the memories of the post-80s and even many post-90s. In that era of Internet wilderness, many music paths started from “qianqian”. After five years, Baidu music changed back to “Qianqian”, which is obviously to win back the market by feelings and let the old users return. However, it is not enough to rely only on feelings to regain the market. If you want to turn against the wind, you must first solve two problems.

1, have enough music copyright

In the final analysis, the music market is about copyright. Only with enough copyright can we have competitive capital. But now no matter QQ Music, Xiami music or netease cloud music hold their Copyrights tightly, some song Copyrights even set unreasonable price, do not want to sell. This is to protect their core competitiveness, after all, no one wants to emerge a fourth big platform to grab the market. Although Taihe group has three companies, Taihe Wheat Field, Sea Butterfly Music and Big Stone Copyright, and has its own part of the singer copyright, it is still a little less than the three big companies with a rich body. So the future of thousands of music is not smooth, copyright is a major injury.

2. Have platform differentiation features

In order to occupy the music market, it is by no means a simple way to buy copyright. More importantly, it is necessary to have unique features that are different from other platforms in order to stand out in such fierce competition. Although qianqian Music made a lot of changes in this upgrade, such as the use of a new logo and domain name, Slogan also changed from “hear the best” to “hear the world”. In order to attract users, we also prepared a membership sending activity, in which old users can get VIP membership for one month if they renew and new users register.

But let a person have to ridicule is that the new version of thousands of music regardless of color or functional design and netease cloud music “collision shirt”, do not know that also thought that opened netease cloud music. The similarity in layout and typesetting may be the compromise of Qianqian Music to users’ habits, so as to avoid users who have adapted to all kinds of music player functions not to adapt to the problem. However, in the choice of theme color, Qianqian Music chooses the color system similar to Yiyun, so that it has no platform characteristics of its own. Perhaps this has its own considerations, but in the eyes of others now thousands of music is more like a “copy” netease cloud music.

Generally speaking, the series of upgrade changes and membership activities of Qianqian Music may attract many old and new users, but for the users who have been used to QQ Music, Xiami Music and netease cloud music, playing the feelings card is not enough to attract the original Qianqian Jinglistento users to return. In order to dominate the online music market, it is necessary to firmly rely on excellent song content and distinctive platform characteristics to open up a fertile ground.

Taihe Music Group financing over one billion, thousands of music is expected to turn over?

Mention thousands of music this upgrade reform, have to say the taihe music group of its backside. Taihe Music Group is the only company in China with a complete layout in the upstream and downstream chain of the music industry. It provides rich online and offline services for individual users, including music service platforms such as Xiudong and LavaRadio, as well as performance activities and ticketing services such as concerts and LiveHouse, as well as fans and peripheral operation services. For example Vae+, Owhat, etc.

It is worth mentioning that Taihe Music Group recently frequent action, in June 19 just announced baidu music renamed qianqian Music, Taihe music in June 21 and released a blockbuster news, said the company has completed a billion yuan of new round of financing, but did not disclose the specific valuation. Qian Shimu, chairman of Taihe Music Group, said that in the future, it will continue to deepen and accelerate the strategic layout of the music industry and promote the development of the Chinese music industry.

Now, Taihe music suddenly makes a move towards THE C-end, which has a great impact on the music industry. Taihe music also announced its own direction of progress: qianqian music will carry out differentiated operation in the future, but also focus on the segmentation of music field, integrate related musicians, and further expand vertical user groups.

By subdividing the music field, users can more easily form their identity. Users who like the same music field gather together and form a very good environment in the community, which is undoubtedly good for the platform. Now open thousands of music we can find that in the popular recommendation list of the home page, mostly ancient style, there are many rap, DJ and other young songs. And in the creation of IP, both Xu Song, and the current popularity of xue Zhiqian sit, for thousands of music laid the foundation of the flow of music market. It is understood that Taihe Music Group has recently invested and acquired a number of high-quality music companies at home and abroad, to strengthen its music service ability through continuous expansion. With taihe music as the backing of qianqian music, the influence of the future music market can not be underestimated.

In a word, online music is no longer a simple tool for listening to songs, but an Internet platform integrating entertainment, social interaction, originality and fan economy. As the copyright wars gradually subside, pan-music has gradually become the new battleground of various masters, and the future battleground of online music is sure to be a multi-dimensional competition in capital, resources, features and talent. From the current point of view, although just upgraded qianqian music does not seem to have a competitive advantage, but with the help of the taihe music group behind the whole industry chain system and extensive layout, may usher in a beautiful counterattack opportunity, “Qianqian” can reproduce brilliant, in the later time, let us wait and see.

Article/Liu Kuang public account, ID: Liukuang110