Understand Call and apply
- Similarities: Call and apply are methods that change the direction of the function this and pass in arguments to execute.
- Differences: Call is used to pass parameters one by one, while apply is used to pass parameters in array.
Here’s an example:
let obj = {
value: 1
function foo(name, age){
console.log(name, age)
// Change this to obj and pass in the argument
foo.call(obj, 'Xie Bigfoot'.40) // 1 'Xisha' 40
foo.apply(obj, ['strong forever'.28]) // 1 'yongqiang' 28
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Imagine if we changed foo to a property of obj and executed obj.foo
let obj = {
value: 1.foo(){
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When calling, you can place the function on one of the properties of this, execute the function, and delete the property.
The first edition
Call exists in function. prototype based on how call is used, so we started writing the first version and named it Call2.
Function.prototype.call2 = function(ctx) {
// function this refers to whomever the function is called, so this is the function foo to which we want to change this
// CTX is the first argument passed when call2 is called.
ctx.fn = this
delete ctx.fn
// Test it
let obj = {
value: 1
function foo(){
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Print result normal, happy Yia (E ´◡ ‘E)
The second edition
But passing parameters has not been implemented, so what if you need to pass parameters, and the number of parameters is not fixed? You can take values from the Arguments object.
- To quote an introduction to MDN: Arguments objects are local variables available in all (non-arrow) functions. You can use arguments objects to refer to function arguments in functions. This object contains each argument passed to the function.
Because the arguments [0] to CTX, we need to delete it, the arguments for the class Array, say to delete the first item, I instantly thought of the Array. The prototype. The shift. The call (the arguments), but we implement the call in manual feed, You must no longer call call. Only array. from can be converted to an Array first.
Function.prototype.call2 = function(ctx) {
let args = Array.from(arguments)
ctx.fn = thisctx.fn(... args)delete ctx.fn
/ / have a try
let obj = {
value: 1
function foo(name, age){
console.log(name, age)
foo.call2(obj, 'liu ying'.27)
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OK, everything is fine
The third edition
Call also has another property that is bound to the global this by default when the called this is null, adding code to the first line of the function body
ctx = ctx || globalThis // When CTX is null, CTX points to globalThis
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The final version
Finally, if the function has a return value, we write the above is not a bug, must return undefined, so change the code to
Function.prototype.call2 = function(ctx) {
ctx = ctx || globalThis
let args = Array.from(arguments)
ctx.fn = this
letres = ctx.fn(... args)delete ctx.fn
return res
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Handwriting call is completed at this point, my friend <( ̄ c ̄)y ξ
In fact, the transfer mode of parameters for apply is different from that for call. If takeout is to arrive, the code will be directly pasted at .
The final version
Function.prototype.apply2 = function(ctx, arr = []) {
ctx = ctx || globalThis
ctx.fn = this
letres = ctx.fn(... arr)delete ctx.fn
return res
/ / have a try
let obj = {
value: 1
function foo(name, age){
console.log(name, age)
return 'success'
console.log(foo.apply2(obj, ['liu ying'.27]))
// Print the result as 1 'liu Ying' 27 'success'
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