Instant messaging platforms have been around since the dawn of the Internet. For example, wechat, Facebook and Telegram are the leading messaging platforms, and users mainly use these platforms to keep in touch with family and friends.

However, communication between people is necessary and ubiquitous. Almost all apps integrate IM functions, from social contact, games to all aspects of life, such as taking a taxi and finding a room. It can be said that IM, as a communication capability, has become the infrastructure of the Internet and an indispensable function of many APPS.

There are generally three solutions to make APP have IM function: self-research, cloud service as SDK, and open source project. But every solution has its problems.

Self research: IM is a project that seems to have a very low threshold. There are many so-called IM development tutorials on the Internet, and even many graduates’ graduation project is to make an IM system. As a result of this misconception, many business owners or project managers blindly build a 3-5 person IM team, spend a year and a half, and end up with only one demo. Due to the unreasonable architecture design, the Demo version has bugs such as message loss and system abnormality, which is far from meeting the requirements of commercialization.

Using SDK of IM cloud service provider: Many enterprises fail to develop THEIR own IM. IM cloud service provider sees the business opportunity and provides IM SDK and API for developers to integrate IM functions easily. Of course, there are obvious issues, such as: cost issues, data privacy issues, requirements customization issues, cloud service provider abduction issues.

IM on using open source IM: making open source project, but developers are hard to use, there are several main reason: personal items, the commercialization of the products can’t actually use, most of the project is not IM technology professional team to complete, only open source server or client, part of the open source project free version function is missing, commercial version fees.

Today, I recommend an open source instant messaging project: OpenIM, which is an IM project based on Go implemented by former wechat technical experts. It provides an overall solution of open source instant messaging from server to client SDK, which can easily replace third-party IM cloud services and create apps with chat and social functions.

It supports native development of Android and iOS, cross-terminal development of Flutter and UNI-app, all mainstream Web front-end technology frameworks such as applet and React, and PC supports Electron. There are mature demos for Flutter, iOS and UNI-app.

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