Basic components of RBAC

In the RBAC model, there are three basic components: users, roles, and permissions.

RBAC controls user permissions by defining role permissions and granting a role to a user. RBAC logically separates users from rights and greatly facilitates permission management

User: Each User is identified by a unique UID and is granted a different role

Role: Different roles have different rights

Permission: Access Permission

User-role mapping: Mapping between users and roles

Role-permission mapping: mapping between roles and permissions

This section describes the RBAC permission assignment process

Create permission point –> Permission function implementation –> Wait for assignment

Create roles –> Bind permissions (assign permissions based on roles)

Create a user –> Add roles to the user if necessary

After you add a role to a user, you have permissions bound to the role

Example: namely, according to the figure above: create a user named Zhang SAN –> grant the group leader of the department –> have the rights of the group leader (view staff management, add attendance information, etc.)