This section uses CentOS installation as an example

Why install VMware Tools?

  • To facilitate theWindowsBetter manage VMS
  • Easy to set upWindowsandCentOSShared folder between

Procedure For installing VMware Tools

  • 1 to enterCentOS
  • 2 Click the VMware menu barThe virtual machine->Install VMware Tools

  • 3 CentOSThere will be a VM installation package, click inside there is axx.tar.gzTo copy the file to the /opt directory

  • 4 Run the decompression command on the terminal to decompress the tar file

Open the opt directory and decompress the files

cd /opt/
tar -zxvf xx.tar.gz
Copy the code

  • 5 Run the terminal command to open the decompressed directory and install the software
cd vmware-tools-distrib
Copy the code
  • 6 Use the default Settings

Press Enter to confirm any options that appear during installation

Problems encountered during installation

Fault 1 The VMware Tools installation option is unavailable. Solution: 1 Shut down the VM and choose Settings from the shortcut menu. 2 Hardware > CD/DVD(IDE) > Use the ISO image file and select the file in the VMmare installation directory

Problem 2 Displayed when a file is copied or decompressedPermission Denied Solution: The root user commands the terminal to perform operations

  • Click on the CD icon to go to the VM Tools folder and right-click to open the terminal
  • Type the command suAnd then enter your password

  • Enter the following command to copy the file
cp VMwareTools-xx.xx.x-xxx.tar.gz /opt
Copy the code

Unzip files in the same way