This refers to the problem;

In ES5 this always refers to the object that last called it;

var name = "window";
var a = {
    name : null.fn : function () {
        console.log(; }}var f = a.fn;
f(); // console.log(window);
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Arrow function pointing in ES6;

  • Arrow functions have no this object and refer to the outer function or scope of the object.
  • The arrow function itself has no this object and looks for this bound objects along the scope chain; Find this object based on the scope chain;
  • The arrow function itself does not have this, so there is no call,apply, or bind to change this;
const name = 'window';
function out() {
    setTimeout((a)= > {console.log(});
const obj = {
    name: 'hhhh'
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Anonymous function pointing;

Anonymous functions point to Windows and, in strict mode, to undfind;

function out() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        console.log(this) // This points to window, non-strict mode;
    },50)}Copy the code

This object

Function calls allow functions to be reused from different contexts. Each function is called with two special variables: this,arguments;

Scope chain & closure

  • Each function execution has a context, which holds information such as variables saved by the function execution.
  • The scope chain wraps the orderly acquisition of access and changes to the execution environment.
  • VO storage of variable objects: parameter/variable/function declarations;

The constructor

  • Instantiation constructors create objects
  • The constructor’s this points to the instantiation constructor itself

Learning of higher-order components;

There are functions as parameter inputs or functions as output outputs;Copy the code

Function as input

const arr = [1.2.3]; = > item +1);
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Function as output

const isType = (type) = > (obj) => {
    return === '[Object ' + type + '] ';
isType('String') ('111'); // true;
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