If you want to read more good books on technology, you can follow the wechat public account [Programmer Book List], the author Huang Xiaoxi, is currently a Java engineer in Ali. He reads extensively in his spare time. In the public account, he will not only share the technical books that programmers must read, but also recommend a lot of books on personal growth, investment and finance. There’s an answer to every question that bothers you.

Here, we recommend a variety of good books, excellent learning resources and tools to help programmers and Internet practitioners improve themselves. Pick the best books of the week and read the classics.

After more than 10 years of development, Java Web from the development framework to the community has been very mature, many programmers can use the framework is very fast to build a Java Web application, especially in recent years, SpringBoot is hot, simply do not even need to understand the configuration, direct one-click compilation deployment operation, Make it cheaper and cheaper for Java engineers to get started.

But at the same time, the Internet company for Java application scenarios are also constantly upgrading, from single deployment to distributed, from SOA to micro service, Java back-end technology stack become more big, more and more is also high to the requirement of the engineer, especially for big companies even more so, Java Web engineers have gone, In its place are Java backend engineers. That is to say, we Java programmers not only need to write good business code, but also need to master more back-end technologies. In addition to databases, technologies such as caching, message queues, scheduled tasks, and microservices are also what we need to master.

The MySQL storage engine is an engine that can be used to manage and maintain the MySQL database. The MySQL storage engine is an engine that can be used to manage and maintain the MySQL database. These books will help you to learn MySQL.

You can read this article before you read it!

Bother you to understand these a few problems first, resume writes familiar database again!

MySQL series of books

SQL will know will know

Know the first step in the database, the best way is to use it, no matter how complex the principle of internal database, we are still in use at ordinary times still write SQL, good grasp of the basic SQL syntax is one of the most important first step, we use the CRUD command, collectively known as the DML, and built like a table, modify the table structure, as well as the delete table command, It is called DDL. In fact, SQL commands are not as simple as you think. For example, the use of JOIN, index, group by and union commands in SQL also needs you to learn and understand slowly. Practice is the best way to learn SQL.

This “SQL will know will” from shallow to deep introduced some OF our commonly used SQL, itself is not difficult, but for fast start SQL is the most appropriate but a book, a lot of times, if the book as a reference book, is also very practical.

The author, director of Developer relations at Adobe, is a world-renowned technical writer with more than 20 years of experience in computer product development, support, training and marketing. Over the years, he has written more than a dozen technical books on SQL, MySQL, regular expressions, JSP, WAP and Windows development, many of which have been translated into many languages and published around the world and become best-selling classics. Readers can learn more at his website, Forta.com.

MySQL will know and will know

As we all know, the most popular database on the market is MySQL, which is popular because of its open source and free features. Beginners must use MySQL to learn database. Therefore, the author of “SQL must know must know” in the voice of the masses and wrote this book “MySQL must know must know” book can basically be understood as “SQL must know must know” MySQL customized edition, in addition to the introduction of basic SQL usage, but also introduces a lot of common functions of MySQL, the overall view is relatively basic.

Ben Forta Ben Forta is a world-renowned technology writer and one of Adobe’s leading technology experts. He currently serves as Adobe’s Senior Technology Promotion Specialist. He has more than 20 years of working experience in the computer industry, and has written more than 10 technical books over the years, including regular Expressions must Know Must Know, SQL Must Know Must Know (published by Posts and Telecommunications Press) and other worldwide bestsellers, which have been translated into more than 10 languages.

MySQL CookBook

Then this book is much, the original author and the translator is a veteran in the field of database, if learn SQL and basic function is to make better development engineer to use SQL to implement a business function, whereas this book covers the MySQL development, operations and management of all kinds of content, such as how to carry out the MySQL configuration, how to use transactions, And also introduced MySQL with binary log, data backup and recovery and other content, whether for front-line developers or DBA students, have a good reference value.

Author’s brief introduction

Karthik Appigatla is a highly respected database architect who is well known in the field of performance tuning. He provides design consulting, performance tuning, database architecture design and training services to many companies around the world. Over the past decade, he has worked for Yahoo, Pythian and Percona. He currently works at LinkedIn, where he invented a new analytical query method and gave a talk about his new invention at SRECon in Dublin in 2017.

Inside MySQL: InnoDB storage engine

Finally came to the last book, the above three books, although in terms of difficulty is also from simple to deep, but still around the use and management of SQL and MySQL, without in-depth discussion of the implementation principle of MySQL, just like scratching the surface, very happy. For the back-end engineers and database developers understand the use of the database is not enough, must want to further study its principle, to be able to better optimize SQL and database optimization, and, more importantly, have a database problems, know how to troubleshoot, need to think about data access solutions, also can better selection and practice.

There are two common storage engines in MySQL database, one is MyISAM, and the other is InnoDB. In fact, most MySQL databases now use InnoDB engine, and this engine is also the core of MySQL to achieve database functions, such as how to store data files and how to realize indexes. How transactions and locks are implemented by the storage engine is covered in this book. There are not many books on the market about the MySQL storage engine, and this book is well worth reading for both your interview and your daily database tuning.

David Jiang, senior MySQL database expert, specializes in database fault diagnosis, performance tuning, disaster recovery processing, high availability and high expansion research, and has been committed to the research and exploration of the underlying implementation principle of MySQL database. In addition, he has a deep and unique understanding of high performance databases and data warehouses. Has written many open source tools and performance extension patches for MySQL, such as the highly acclaimed InnoDB engine Level 2 cache project. At present, I am the technical manager of netease Hangzhou Research Institute, responsible for the kernel development of MySQL database, and participate in the design and development of the application of MySQL database in netease cloud environment.

Recommend books in fine is not much, recommend a tamp Java foundation required books list!

This is a classic Java book for laying a solid foundation, probably not read by 80% of Java programmers!

Take ten thousand yuan monthly salary necessary book list, learn JAVA programmers must see 5 books!

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