The article was first published in the public account “catch a few children”, the original link: click to view the original

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  • The cause of

I was plagued by the company network, which limits everyone to a maximum downlink speed of 400KB, and I could only Em…… .

But just a few days ago, I set up multiple virtual machines using VMware, executed yum command in each virtual machine, and suddenly found that the downlink speed of each virtual machine reached the maximum bandwidth limit of 400KB.

  • Thinking. JPG

My brain started to work, thinking that the corporate network through the network card external IP speed limit, then in this case, you can use VMware virtual network card to send requests.

If I set up multiple virtual machines, each acting as a proxy, my Internet speed could theoretically reach N*400kb.

  • Create multiple virtual machines

Skip this step if the VM has been created or no tutorial is required

We use VMWare to create multiple virtual machines and start the proxy, and reply “Virtual machines” in the public account to obtain WMware Pro 15.5.5 activation free green edition.

1. Click File > Create VM, select Typical, and go to the next step

2. Select Install the OS later, and go to the next step

3. Select the version of Linux you want to install, I use CentOS 7, next

4. Set the VM name and installation location, and go to the next step

5. We set the disk size to be larger. Because we want to create multiple VMS, we use the clone method, which requires the same VM disk

6. Right-click the CREATED VM and click Settings

7. In the Settings window that is displayed, click CD/DVD and select the image file to be installed

8. Then click network Adapter and select Bridge mode (highlight)

9. After the configuration is complete, click to start the VM and install it as prompted. It should be noted that if minimal installation is selected, the network is not connected by default after the installation

Run the following command, ifcfg-ens33. The number at the end of the file name may be different

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33
Copy the code

Change ONBOOT=no to ONBOOT=yes

Then execute the following command to connect to the Internet

service network restart
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  • Tinyproxy is used to set up the proxy

One of our virtual machines has been created and we use TinyProxy to create proxy services

1. Run commands on the CLI of the VM to install TinyProxy

yum install tinyproxy -y
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If you cannot find the installation package, run the following command to install TinyProxy

yum install epel-release -y
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2. Edit the TinyProxy configuration file and add “#” to Allow to comment it out

vi /etc/tinyproxy/tinyproxy.conf
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3. Firewall port 8888 (default tinyProxy port, which can be modified in the configuration file)

My mirror is CentOS 7, so use Firewalld to enable the port, the lower version of the port to enable the method can be baidu search, not listed here

Run the following commands in sequence

1) Enable port 8888

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8888/tcp --permanent
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2) Load the firewall again for the enabled port to take effect

firewall-cmd --reload
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3) Start the proxy service

service tinyproxy start
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Verify that the proxy service is enabled

Run the following command in the local CMD window and replace the following command based on the VM IP address and port number. If the following information is displayed, the proxy configuration is successful

curl -x ip:port
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At this point, a proxy server will be built, we can use the way of cloning, quickly copy multiple virtual machines

  • Clone multiple VMS

1. Right-click the newly created VM and choose Manage > k**** Lon

2. In the window that is displayed, click Next, select the current status of the VM one by one, create linked clones, enter the name of the cloned VM, and click Finish

3. The most important step is that after the virtual machine is cloned, all the files and states are the same, so we need to change the address of its network card to ensure that it looks like a request from a different network card

Again, ifcfg-ens33, the number at the end of the file name may be different

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33
Copy the code

Change the UUID to a different character string, as shown in the red box in the following figure. Ensure that the UUID of each VM NIC is different

Then restart the nic

service network restart
Copy the code

A cloned VIRTUAL machine has been configured. If you want to clone multiple virtual machines, repeat this step

  • Use PD to break the speed limit

Not easy, heh heh, if you can be patient to see here then don’t lose heart, victory is ahead

Proxy Download, can configure multiple Proxy multithreaded Download tool, I will WMware to create a total of 6 Proxy server configuration

And then start

Next piece (next latest version of IDEA!) Finally 2Mb!!

The software is free and open source

Open source: ProxyDownload

Download it at ProxyDownload

Follow the public account and reply “PD” to obtain the high-speed download address of the software